course information of 109 - 1 | 0026 Historical Chinese Phonology(聲韻學)

0026 - 聲韻學 Historical Chinese Phonology

教育目標 Course Target

1.本課程將講述古代漢語的歷史音韻變化。 2.本課程探討現代漢語與古代漢語的音韻關連,涉及文獻材料與古漢語研究方法兩大層面。 3.上學期課程內容包含: (1)語音學、音韻學基本知識,以及現代漢語共時音系。 (2)中古音系統:切韻系韻書、切韻音系和相關研究方法 (3)等韻學(一) 1. This course will describe the historical phonological changes in ancient Chinese. 2. This course explores the phonological relationship between modern Chinese and ancient Chinese, involving two aspects: documentary materials and ancient Chinese research methods. 3. The course contents of last semester include: (1) Basic knowledge of phonetics, phonology, and the synchronic phonology of modern Chinese. (2) Medieval phonetic system: Qieyun system rhyme book, Qieyun phonology and related research methods (3) Rhyme Studies (1)

課程概述 Course Description

A班:聲韻學是我國傳統的字音之學,教學目的在讓學習者充分掌握、了解我國各個不同時期的字音結構特色、及其發展演變的情形。授課的主要內容包括:聲韻學的效用、語音學常識、國語音系、現代方音、早期官話、中古音系,上古音系、上古字音至現代的演變、文學與音律等等。本課程目前在中文系屬必修科目,學生若通過此訓練,由於對漢字、各地方音的特色、發展演變均能較充分的掌握,藉此知識,當可增進其欣賞文學作品、研讀古代典藉的能力。 B班:本課程為中文系語言學類課程。主要教學目的在使同學具備聲韻學基本知識,了解現代國語、方言與中古音系及語音演變的現象與規則。教學由現代國語與方言音系入門,而後以中古音系為主幹,在研讀中古韻書與韻圖的基礎上,使同學了解如何構擬中古音系,並能進而研究上古音系。至於音系演變上則著重講授中古到現代及中古上推上古成系統的音變。且將藉由課堂與課後練習與其他相關領域結合,使學生了解如何運用所學之聲韻學知識。
Class A: Phonology is the traditional study of phonetic sounds in my country. The purpose of teaching is to allow learners to fully grasp and understand the characteristics of phonetic structure of Chinese characters in different periods and their development and evolution. The main contents taught include: the effectiveness of phonology, common knowledge of phonetics, Chinese phonology, modern dialect, early Mandarin, medieval phonology, ancient phonology, the evolution of ancient phonetic sounds to modern times, literature and rhythm, etc. This course is currently a compulsory subject in the Chinese Department. If students pass this training, they will be able to fully grasp the characteristics, development and evolution of Chinese characters and local pronunciations. With this knowledge, they can enhance their appreciation of literary works and study of ancient classics. The ability to borrow. Class B: This course is a linguistics course in the Chinese Department. The main teaching purpose is to equip students with basic knowledge of phonology and understand the phenomena and rules of modern Mandarin, dialects, medieval phonology and phonetic evolution. The teaching starts with the introduction of modern Mandarin and dialect phonology, and then focuses on the medieval phonology. Based on the study of medieval rhyme books and rhyme pictures, students will understand how to construct the medieval phonology, and can then study the ancient phonology. As for the evolution of the phonetic system, the emphasis is on the phonetic changes from the Middle Ages to the modern era and from the Middle Ages to the ancient system. It will be combined with other related fields through classroom and after-class exercises to enable students to understand how to apply the phonological knowledge they have learned.

參考書目 Reference Books

1..竺家寧(1991)《聲韻學》 五南出版社。
3.何大安(2004)《聲韻學中的觀念與方法》 大安出版社
5. R.M.W .Dixon.1997. The rise and fall of Languages Cambridge University press (中譯本:《語言的興衰》,郭必之翻譯,中央研究院,2014。)

Specified reading
1. Zhu Jianing (1991) "Phonetics" Wunan Publishing House.
2. Tang Zuofan's "Phonology Tutorial (Fifth Edition)" Peking University Press.
3. He Daan (2004) "Concepts and Methods in Phonology" Daan Publishing House
4. Dong Tonghe's "Chinese Phonology" Literature, History and Philosophy Publishing House
5. R.M.W .Dixon.1997. The rise and fall of Languages ​​Cambridge University press (Chinese translation: "The Rise and Fall of Languages", translated by Guo Bizhi, Academia Sinica, 2014.)

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exam
final exam
Quiz in class
20 缺考者不可要求補考

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-2
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/3,4[H206]
授課教師 Teacher:陳筱琪
修課班級 Class:中文系3B
選課備註 Memo:
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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