course information of 109 - 1 | 0005 Topics on Christian- Confucian- Buddhist Dialogue(耶儒佛對話)

0005 - 耶儒佛對話 Topics on Christian- Confucian- Buddhist Dialogue

教育目標 Course Target

1.瞭解基督教、儒家、佛教的信仰本質。 2.瞭解耶、儒、佛跨文化視野的思維與人文精神。 3.比較耶、儒、佛之間的異同。本課程在瞭解基督教、儒家、佛教的信仰本質,並透過耶、儒、佛三者的對話,呈現跨文化視野的思維與豐富的人文精神內涵。經由耶、儒、佛的比較、相遇和對話,使同學更加認識不同信仰的世界觀,及不同文化之間的異同與相互理解。1. Understand the nature of faith in Christianity, Confucianism and Buddhism. 2. Understand the thinking and humanistic spirit of cross-cultural vision of Ye, Confucianism and Buddhism. 3. Comparison of the differences between Confucianism and Buddhism. This course understands the nature of faith in Christianity, Confucianism and Buddhism, and presents cross-cultural vision and rich humanistic spiritual connotations through the dialogues of Ya, Confucianism and Buddhism. Through the comparison, encounter and dialogue between Ye, Confucianism and Buddhism, students can better understand the world view of different beliefs and the differences and mutual understanding between different cultures.

參考書目 Reference Books

4.沙百里(法)(Jean Charbonnier)著、李國林譯,《中國基督徒史》,北京:中國社會科學研究院,1998。
1. Wang Zhengwen, "The Path of Heaven: The Conversion and Agreement of Christians in Taiwan in the Late Qing Dynasty", Taipei: National Taiwan University Publishing Center, 2019.
2. Strong, "Selected Collection of Anti-Christian Problems of Intellectuals in Modern Chinese Intellectuals", Taipei: Cosmic Light All-Man Relevant Institution, 2006.
3. Strong: "The Reasons of the Anti-Church of Officials in China (1860-1874)", Taipei: Institute of Modern History, Central Academy of Research, 1966.
4. Jean Charbonnier, Li Guolin Lu, "History of Chinese Christians", Beijing: Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, 1998.
5. Xing Fuzeng: "Cultural Appropriateness and Chinese Christians (1860~1911)", Hong Kong: Jiandao, 1995.
6. Zhuo Xinping, "The Encounter, Seeking for Consent and Existence between Christianity and Chinese Culture", Hong Kong: Chongji School, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2007.
7. Author of Qin Jiayi, Wu Youneng and Wu Hua, "Confucianism and Yes", Taipei: Literature, History and Philosophy Publishing House, 2000.
8. Xudishan, "Yuguan", is included in Xudishan, edited by Yang Mu, "Xudishan Novel Selection", Taipei: Hongqian Bookstore, 1984, page 315-367.
9. Tom Qing, "A Centennial History of Chinese Christianity", Hong Kong: Taoist, 1987.
10. Huang Bohe and others, "Christians and Ancestors' Worship", Taipei: Ya Song Publishing House, 1994.
11. Yang Senfu, "History of Christianity in China", Taipei: Business, 1981.
12. Lin Chaocheng and Guo Chaoyun, "About Buddhism", Taipei: Sanmin Book Bureau, 2000.
13. A line teacher, "Born Christ for One World: When the Buddha meets Christ", Taipei: Li Cheng, 1997.
14. You Huiqian and Zhai Benrui, "Comparative Study on the View of Life in Christianity and Buddhism", "Research on Neocentury Religion" 10.2 (2011), pages 109-138.
15. Mou Zongsan: "Talk about the 19th Chinese Philosophy?" The Fourth Talks about the Character of the Confucian System", Taipei: Student Book Bureau, 1983.
16. Du Weiming, Chen Jinglu: "Confucianism", Taipei: Maitian Publishing House, 2003.
17. Ge Zhaoguang: "Why didn't Zhou Kong say anything?" ——Middle Buddhism and Taoism’s expansion and challenge to the Confucian intellectual world>, edited by Chen Ruoshui: "New Discussion on the History of Chinese Thoughts - Division of Thoughts History", Taipei: Central Research Institute, Joint Publishing Co., Ltd., 2012.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Course discussion and classroom work
40 耶儒佛對話討論參與
Special Report
40 專題報告題目之擬定需先與授課教師討論
Regular achievements
20 出席及課堂表現

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/2,3,4[H534]
授課教師 Teacher:王政文/黃繼立/嚴瑋泓
修課班級 Class:文學院1-4 (文學院開)
選課備註 Memo:課程可列為文史哲三系系選學分;可列入哲學系選修學分,新制:價值與文化領域,舊制:中哲
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