course information of 109 - 1 | 0004 Practical Training of Cultural and Creative Industries(文創實習)

0004 - 文創實習 Practical Training of Cultural and Creative Industries

教育目標 Course Target

修習本學程,同學將認識「文化創意產業」的價值型塑,更培養文化創意素養,將有助於人文科系的同學為未來就業力進行準備,特別是有意進入各類文化創意產業者,能及早認識影像製作的田野調查、企劃、編劇等基礎,進而與所學做結合。使學生能奠基於人文素養與藝術創意的知識基礎,在區域文化的浸潤下,及早與文創產業接軌,提高學生就業力,發展出具地方特色之產學整合的研發能力,並培養能悠遊於國際文創產業市場的人才。 課程實習內容: 文創實習帶你參與影片產生的過程,實際體驗拍片的現場,瞭解各個組別的工作內容。 學 分:二學分,共計120 h。 名 額:2~4名實習生 期 間:2019年7月~8月,每週至少四日,每日7.5h。共計一個月。 工作時間:10:30-18:00,週休二日,依照政府規定放假 (除非真的拍片萬不得已) 工作內容:輔助影片企劃、劇本前期田調工作、拍攝現場協助 (若在外地非辦公室執行工作項目,也列入時數) 需 求:對影像製作、企劃、劇本撰寫 有興趣的同學 技 能: ✓會基本的文書處理軟體 ✓又剛好會PS及剪接軟體 ✓不想要天天安穩地坐在辦公室 ✓在台中有交通工具可以四處跑 有以上技能者優先考慮,或有其他任何特殊技能,都歡迎同學來此發揮 有興趣者,請將個人履歷及若有相關作品一併附上(無亦可),並在主旨註明「實習申請-姓名」。寄到:youbetter2005@gmail.com (或院方信箱) After studying the course, students will recognize the value shaping of "cultural creative industry" and cultivate cultural creative qualities, which will help students in the humanities department prepare their careers in the future. Especially those who intend to enter various cultural creative industry practitioners, can understand the basics of field surveys, plans, and editing of images as early as possible, and then combine them with what they have learned. Enable students to lay a foundation for intellectual foundations of humanistic literacy and artistic creativity, and to engage in cultural creation as early as possible under the immersion of regional culture, improve students' employment ability, develop research and development capabilities with local characteristics, and cultivate talents who can leisurely travel in the international cultural creation market. Course practice content: The creation of literature will take you to participate in the process of the filming process, actually experience the filming scene, and understand the work content of each group. Learning points: Secondary points, totaling 120 hours. Name: 2~4 students Period: July to August 2019, at least four days a week, 7.5 hours a day. Total one month. Working hours: 10:30-18:00, two days off, holidays in accordance with government regulations (unless it is necessary to make a movie) Work content: assist in film planning, early stage work of the play, filming and live scene assistance (If the work project is carried out in a non-office office in another place, it will also be included) Requirements: Interested students in image production, planning, and writing Skill: ✓ Basic literature processing software ✓It will be PS and splicing software again ✓Don't want to sit in the office peacefully every day ✓You can run around if you have transportation in Taichung Those with the above skills should consider it first, or if they have any other special skills, they are welcome to come here to find out. Those who are interested, please attach the personal performance and related works (nothing is allowed), and state the "real application-name" in the main theme. Send to: youbetter2005@gmail.com (or hospital mailbox)

參考書目 Reference Books

Provided by a practical teacher

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:
授課教師 Teacher:丘為君
修課班級 Class:共選修1-4 (文學院開)
選課備註 Memo:本課程為實習課程,採人工加選。
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 9 人。

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