course information of 109 - 1 | 0001 Appraisal of Story and Films(故事影像賞析)

0001 - 故事影像賞析 Appraisal of Story and Films

教育目標 Course Target

本課程為文學院文化創意學程中之課程,內容與另一課程「故事影像創作」相互搭配。本課程經由小說及電影中各種元素與手法之介紹,使學生欣賞並分析優秀作品,瞭解如何以文字或影像方式將故事說好,並希望進而將此能力運用於創作中。This course is a course in the cultural creativity course of the Literature Academy, and the content is matched with another course, "Story Image Creation". This course introduces novels and various elements and techniques in the movie, allowing students to appreciate and analyze excellent works, understand how to tell stories well in words or images, and hope to use this ability in creation.

參考書目 Reference Books

西摩•查特曼(Seymour Chatman)著,徐強譯:《故事與話語——小說和電影的敘事結構》,北京:中國人民大學出版社,2013年。
Syd Field著,曾西霸譯:《實用電影編劇技巧》,台北:遠流出版事業股份有限公司,2013年。
Neill D.Hicks著,廖澺蒼譯:《影視編劇基礎》,台北:五南圖書出版股份有限公司,2013年。
William Indick著,井兆迎譯:《編劇心理學:在劇本中建構衝突》,台北:五南圖書出版股份有限公司,2013年。
Jennifer van Sijll著,王旭鋒譯:《電影就是說故事——電影人一定要會的100種最有力的電影故事技巧》,台北:五南圖書出版股份有限公司,2013年。
David Bordwell著,游惠貞、李顯立譯:《電影意義的追尋——電影解讀手法的剖析與反思》,台北:遠流出版事業股份有限公司,1994年。
Jacques Aumont & Michel Marie著,吳珮慈譯:《當代電影分析方法論》,台北:遠流出版事業股份有限公司,1996年。
David Bordwell & Kristin Thompson著,曾偉禎譯:《電影藝術——形式與風格》,台北:美商麥格羅•希爾國際股份有限公司(台灣),1999年。
吉姆•派珀(Jim Piper)著,曹怡平譯:《看電影的門道》,北京:世界圖書出版公司北京公司,2013年。
普多夫金(V.I. Pudovkin)著,劉森堯譯:《電影技巧與電影表演》,台北:書林出版有限公司,1980年。
Hu Yamin: "School of the Scholarship", Taipei: Ruoshuitang Co., Ltd., 2014.
By Seymour Chatman, translated by Xu Qiang: "Stories and Words - The Structure of Novels and Movies", Beijing: China Renmin University Press, 2013.
Yu Qiuyu: "People's Psychology", Taipei: Tianxia Far Publishing Co., Ltd., 2010.
Written by Syd Field, Zeng Xiba’s translation: "Practical Film Editing Skills", Taipei: Far-Lift Publishing Co., Ltd., 2013.
By Neill D. Hicks, translated by Liao: "Basics and Films", Taipei: Wunan Book Publishing Co., Ltd., 2013.
Written by William Indick, Jing Zhaoying translated: "Editor Psychology: Constructing Conflicts in the Drama", Taipei: Wunan Book Publishing Co., Ltd., 2013.
Jing Zhaoying: "Film Aesthetics: Art of the Spirit", Taipei: Wunan Book Publishing Co., Ltd., 2013.
By Jennifer van Sijll, translated by Wang Xuyan: "Movies Are Telling Stories - 100 Most Powerful Film Story Skills that Filmmakers Must Have to Have", Taipei: Wunan Book Publishing Co., Ltd., 2013.
Shi Baijun: "Story and Drama Writing", Taipei: Wunan Book Publishing Co., Ltd., 2014.
David Bordwell, by You Hui-chan and Li Hanli: "The pursuit of film meaning - Analysis and reflection of film interpretation techniques", Taipei: Far-lift Publishing Co., Ltd., 1994.
Zheng Shusen: "Movie Types and Types of Movies", Taipei: Hongqian Bookstore Co., Ltd., 2005.
By Jacques Aumont & Michel Marie, translated by Wu Peici: "Analysis of Contemporary Film Analysis Methods", Taipei: Far-Flow Publishing Co., Ltd., 1996.
By David Bordwell & Kristin Thompson, Zeng Wei translated: "Movie Art - Form and Style", Taipei: American Businessman Macro Hil International Co., Ltd. (Taiwan), 1999.
Jing Zhaoying: "Cinema Clever Aesthetics - Art Talked", Taipei: Sanmin Book Bureau Co., Ltd., 2009.
Li Youning: "How to Make a Movie", Taipei: Published by Shang and Zhou, 2004.
By Jim Piper, Cao Yiping translated: "The Door to Watch Movies", Beijing: World Book Publishing Company Beijing Company, 2013.
Xu Xinru: "The Language of Movie", Shanghai: Huidan University Press Co., Ltd., 2012.
By V.I. Pudovkin, Liu Sen translated: "Cinematic Skills and Film Performance", Taipei: Shulin Publishing Co., Ltd., 1980.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Movie Notes
Midterm film review
Finale review
Group discussion

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/3,4[H205]
授課教師 Teacher:陳慶元
修課班級 Class:共選修1-4 (文學院開)
選課備註 Memo:文創學程學生列為必修學分
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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