course information of 108 - 2 | 8409 Graduation Project B(畢業製作B)

8409 - 畢業製作B Graduation Project B

教育目標 Course Target

透過與老師還有同組同學之間共同討論評圖,認知個人的創作方法、材料、脈絡以及發展的特性。並在創作過程中,藉由口語表達和文字書寫統整與梳理屬於個人的理念論述,最終達到一定完整度的階段性個人作品。 Through discussion and review of drawings with the teacher and classmates, you can understand your personal creative methods, materials, context and development characteristics. In the process of creation, he uses oral expression and written writing to integrate and sort out personal conceptual discussions, and finally achieves a staged personal work with a certain degree of completeness.

課程概述 Course Description

Cultivate the ability of independent professional creation and discussion integration according to the field of study.

參考書目 Reference Books

-給眼球世代的觀看指南,2016尼可拉斯.莫則夫 著、林薇 譯,行人文化實驗室出版
-異境之書,2016,安伯托.艾可 著、林潔盈 譯,聯經出版
-寫給年輕人的簡明世界史,2004,宮布利希 著、張榮昌 譯,商周出版
-台灣歷史圖說(史前至一九四五年),1997,周婉窈 著,聯經出版
-鏡子:一部被隱藏的世界史,2013,愛德華多.加萊亞諾 著、張偉劼 譯,八旗文化/遠足文化事業出版
佟景韓/易英 主編《造型藝術美學》;原出版者:春風文藝出版社、遼寧教育出版社;紅葉文化事業有限公司出版;台北;1995。ISBN 9578677634。
6. John Berger(1998)。《影像的閱讀》(劉惠媛譯)。台北市:遠流。(原著出版年:1980年)。
7. 《解讀影像》視覺傳達設計的基本原理(Reading Images- The grammar of Visual Design)Gunther Kress &Theo Van Leeuwen 著;桑尼 譯/亞太圖書,1996
8. 《塑造空間》三度空間設計的原動力Paul Zelanski and Mary Pat Fisher 著,陳淑珍 譯,2000,Shaping Space。台北:六合。
王林 著,《美術形態學》;亞太圖書公司出版;1993。ISBN9578510314。
《 Le mou et ses formes》 essai sur quelques catégories de la sculpture du XX e siècle, Maurice Fréchuret, 1993, Ecole nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris


李長俊 譯(1985)。藝術與視覺心理學,版4。台北市:雄獅。Arnheim,R.(1976),Art and visual perception-a psychology of the creative eye.

吳瑪俐 譯(1985)。點、線、面。台北市:藝術家。Kandinsky(1926),Punkt und linie zu flache.



Roland Barthes(1997)。《明室•攝影札記》(許綺玲譯)。臺北市:台灣攝影工作室出版。
Walter Benjamin(1991)。《迎向靈光消逝的年代》(許綺玲譯)。臺北市:台灣攝影工作室出版。

Susan Sontag(1997)。《論攝影》(黃翰荻譯)。臺北市:唐山出版社。
Susan Sontag(1997)。《旁觀他人之痛苦》(陳耀成譯)。臺北市:麥田。
Eddie Wolfram 著/傅嘉琿 譯《拼貼藝術之歷史》/遠流出版,1992
布萊頓 泰勒 著/王生才 張愛東 卿上力 譯;《當代藝術》 ;江蘇美術出版社;南京;2007.5;ISBN 978-7- 5344-2305-5
Herschel Chipp著/余珊珊譯《現代藝術理論》,台北: 遠流圖書公司出版,1996。
Linda Nochlin 著/游惠珍譯;《女性藝術與權力》;遠流圖書公司出版。
- A viewing guide for the eyeball generation, 2016 Nicholas. Written by Mo Zefu, translated by Lin Wei, published by Pedestrian Culture Laboratory
- The Book of Strange Lands, 2016, Umberto. Written by Ai Ke, translated by Lin Jieying, published by Lianjing
- A concise world history for young people, 2004, written by Gong Blich, translated by Zhang Rongchang, Shangzhou Publishing House
-Illustrated History of Taiwan (Prehistory to 1945), 1997, written by Zhou Wanyao, published by Lianjing
- Mirror: A Hidden History of the World, 2013, Eduardo. Written by Galeano, translated by Zhang Weijie, published by Eight Banners Culture/Hiking Culture Enterprise
Tong Jinghan/Yi Ying, editor-in-chief of "Aesthetics of Plastic Arts"; original publisher: Chunfeng Literature and Art Publishing House, Liaoning Education Press; published by Hongye Culture Co., Ltd.; Taipei; 1995. ISBN 9578677634.
6. John Berger(1998). "Reading of Images" (translated by Liu Huiyuan). Taipei City: Yuanliu. (Original publication year: 1980).
7. "Reading Images- The grammar of Visual Design" by Gunther Kress & Theo Van Leeuwen; translated by Sonny/Asia Pacific Books, 1996
8. "Shaping Space" The driving force behind three-dimensional space design, written by Paul Zelanski and Mary Pat Fisher, translated by Chen Shuzhen, 2000, Shaping Space. Taipei: Liuhe.
Wang Lin, "Art Morphology"; published by Asia Pacific Book Company; 1993. ISBN9578510314.
"Le mou et ses formes" essai sur quelques catégories de la sculpture du XX e siècle, Maurice Fréchuret, 1993, Ecole nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris

Wang Xiuxiong (1991). Art Psychology: Creation. The Psychology of Vision and Form, revised. Taipei City: Taipei City Museum of Art. ISBN: 957-00-0331-6.

Translated by Li Changjun (1985). Art and Visual Psychology, ed. 4. Taipei City: Lion. Arnheim,R. (1976), Art and visual perception-a psychology of the creative eye.

Translated by Wu Mali (1985). Point, line, surface. Taipei City: Artist. Kandinsky (1926),Punkt und linie zu flache.

Tong Jinghan, Yi Ying (1995). "Selected Essays on Modern Western Art Aesthetics: Plastic Arts Aesthetics Vol." Taipei City: Hongye Culture.

Gao Qianhui (2009). "Moving Horizon". Taipei City: Artist.

Chen Chuanxing (1992). "Melancholy Files". Taipei City: Lion
Roland Barthes (1997). "The Bright Room·Photography Notes" (translated by Xu Qiling). Taipei: Taiwan Photography Studio Publishing.
Walter Benjamin (1991). "Toward the Age of Fading Aura" (translated by Xu Qiling). Taipei: Taiwan Photography Studio Publishing.

Susan Sontag (1997). "On Photography" (translated by Huang Handi). Taipei City: Tangshan Publishing House.
Susan Sontag (1997). "Watching the Pain of Others" (translated by Chen Yaocheng). Taipei City: Wheatfield.
Written by Eddie Wolfram/Translated by Fu Jiahun "The History of Collage Art"/Yuanliu Publishing, 1992
Written by Brydon Taylor/Translated by Wang Shengcai, Zhang Aidong and Qing Shangli; "Contemporary Art"; Jiangsu Fine Arts Publishing House; Nanjing; 2007.5; ISBN 978-7- 5344-2305-5
"Modern Art Theory" by Herschel Chipp/translated by Yu Shanshan, Taipei: Published by Yuanliu Books, 1996.
Written by Linda Nochlin/translated by You Huizhen; "Women's Art and Power"; published by Yuanliu Books.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
learning attitude
50 創作進度、出席與小組討論
Graduation production results
50 作品完整度與作品集製作

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Course Information


學分 Credit:1-1
上課時間 Course Time:Saturday/1,2[FA107]
授課教師 Teacher:張惠蘭
修課班級 Class:美術系4
選課備註 Memo:畢業製作B.畢業專題實作B.畢業製作專題B同時人工選課
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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