course information of 108 - 2 | 8329 Introduction to the Senior Health Industry(高齡健康產業概論)

8329 - 高齡健康產業概論 Introduction to the Senior Health Industry

教育目標 Course Target

由於人口老化已是個全球普遍性的現象,加以醫療科技的持續進步,是則老人之平均壽命變長,於是高齡健康議題,因此受到重視;而高齡健康產業,乃順勢而生。本課程緣於上述之背景因素,而擬定以下之課程目標:(1)探討高齡者之生理老化、老人心理、健康促進、老人福利與長期照顧政策等等之相關議題;(2)探究高齡健康產業鏈之結構、管理模式、行銷技巧與未來發展。其目的,即是在培養高齡健康產業人才。當學生具備了完整的老人健康與高齡健康產業相關之知識與觀念;並將當今之5G、物聯網、車聯網、人工智慧、指紋與人臉辨識等等之新科技,加以創意整合並應用於高齡健康產業市場之中,是而可以增進學生畢業後在高齡健康產業職場上的創新能力與競爭力。Since the aging of the population is a global phenomenon, and with the continuous advancement of medical technology, the average life span of the elderly has become longer, so the issue of health for the elderly has received more attention, and the health industry for the elderly has emerged in response to this trend. Due to the above-mentioned background factors, this course has the following course objectives: (1) To explore related issues such as the physiological aging of the elderly, elderly psychology, health promotion, elderly welfare and long-term care policies, etc.; (2) To explore the health of the elderly The structure, management model, marketing skills and future development of the industrial chain. Its purpose is to cultivate talents in the elderly health industry. When students have complete knowledge and concepts related to the health of the elderly and the elderly health industry; and creatively integrate and apply today's new technologies such as 5G, Internet of Things, Internet of Vehicles, artificial intelligence, fingerprint and face recognition, etc. In the elderly health industry market, it can enhance students' innovation ability and competitiveness in the elderly health industry workplace after graduation.

參考書目 Reference Books

張武恭(2016)。創意跨領域整合與轉化教學: 藝術‧美學‧行銷‧健康‧情緒 。 新竹縣:竹北市 : 卡索谷天才培育中心。
Wu-kung Chang (2014). Exercise, motivation, constraints, and healthy aging of the elderly in Taiwan.U.S.A. AL, United States Sports Academy.

Chen, Yanzhen (2012). The development of the elderly care industry - the perspective of resource integration. New Taipei City: Westman.
Zhang Wugong (2016). Creative cross-field integration and transformation teaching: art‧aesthetics‧marketing‧health‧emotions. Hsinchu County: Zhubei City: Kasuo Valley Genius Cultivation Center.
Wu-kung Chang (2014). Exercise, motivation, constraints, and healthy aging of the elderly in Taiwan.U.S.A. AL, United States Sports Academy.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exam
final exam
daily performance
Group discussion

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/12,13[LAN011]
授課教師 Teacher:張武恭
修課班級 Class:運健學程1-4
選課備註 Memo:通識中心8623課程雙掛。樂齡學院(USR)
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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