course information of 108 - 2 | 7259 Emphasis on Art Administration(藝術行政概論)

7259 - 藝術行政概論 Emphasis on Art Administration

教育目標 Course Target

國內表演藝術產業近年來快速提升,國家表演藝術中心轄下場館也分別到位,北中南各一指標性場館對其藝術行政人才之專業需求非常迫切,因此培養具有藝術之涵養與專業管理之行政人才是本課程的重要目標。 藝術行政涵蓋面廣,需要有其對藝術的專業鑑賞力,更需要有對行政規範的認同感與法規制度的認知,因此本課程將依進度說明藝術行政各內容之規範,並學習與公部門互動的相關法規,例如基礎公文文書撰寫、淺談採購制度、合約制定、藝術創作相關授權規範、場館營運互動、預算編列執行等等,各行政工作如何用藝術專業角度達成行政規範之要求,藉由課程深入淺出的指導,期待培養未來的藝術行政專業人才。The domestic performing arts industry has grown rapidly in recent years, and the venues under the National Performing Arts Center have also been put in place. There is an urgent need for professional artistic administrative talents in the north, central and southern venues. Therefore, administrative talents with artistic cultivation and professional management are cultivated. is an important goal of this course. Art administration covers a wide range of areas and requires a professional appreciation of art. It also requires a sense of identification with administrative norms and an understanding of laws and regulations. Therefore, this course will explain the norms of each content of art administration in a step-by-step manner and learn how to relate it to the public sector. Interactive related regulations, such as writing basic official documents, a brief discussion of the procurement system, contract formulation, authorization regulations related to artistic creation, interaction with venue operations, budget preparation and implementation, etc., how to achieve the requirements of administrative regulations from an art professional perspective in various administrative tasks, through Through the course's in-depth and simple guidance, we look forward to cultivating future arts administration professionals.

參考書目 Reference Books

Organizational Positioning and Management Strategies of my country's Performing Arts Groups --- by He Kangguo
Introduction to Cultural and Creative Industries---Editor-in-Chief Xia Xuelia, Wunan Book Publishing Co., Ltd.
Late Night Confessions on a Gorgeous Stage --- Tips for Producing Blockbuster Shows/written by Lin Jiaying and Zhao Jingyu, Youle Publishing Co., Ltd.
The development of creative cities and cultural parks, taking the "National Two Halls Park" as an example/written by Yang Qiwen, published by Normal University Bookstore

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
class attendance
30 上課出席率與學習態度有直接之關聯性,因此出席率在本課程中佔相當重要之比率
course learning participation
20 課程當中互動與準備對於課程參與後之學習成效有其直接影響
interim report
20 期中繳交藝術行政面臨限制觀察 心得報告,對於此課程接續之學習有其重要 之關係

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/10,11[H307]
授課教師 Teacher:林佳瑩
修課班級 Class:表藝碩學程1,2
選課備註 Memo:
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 6 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 6 人。

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