course information of 108 - 2 | 7052 Theory of Urban Design(都市設計理論)

7052 - 都市設計理論 Theory of Urban Design

教育目標 Course Target

本課程係針對欲進入都市設計或都市研究(urban studies)領域進一步瞭解「都市設計」的碩士生基礎課程。課程的安排著眼於建立養學生下列數項認知: 1. 由城市發展的回顧中檢視相關理論如何定義都市設計與都市研究議程: ‧ 由都市規劃史與都市設計史去理解各個不同的歷史階段都市規劃/設計議程(agenda)的流變; ‧ 不同政治、經濟制度下「都市設計」如何回應的都市統理(governance)機制上的矛盾--資本積累的必要性與民主正當性 ‧ 空間的規劃設計與權力「選擇的親近性」與都市空間所展現的權力特質; 2. 檢視城市面對危機時的都市規劃與設計論述的轉變: ‧ 城市研究領域近年來的主流範型與各論述之間的辯詰; ‧ 當下的都市設計技術及其侷限: 3. 台灣與亞洲經驗的回應; ‧ 台灣的都市設計運作機制 ‧ 都市設計如何可能影響都市形貌 課程以工業革命以來近代城市發展的諸多現象與課題的相關論述作為課程推進的主軸,台灣近年都市發展與都市設計專業領域的種種現象與問題將伴隨課程的討論,隨時做為同學修正視角的參考性座標。本課程不僅探討「都市設計」範疇本身的理論,更將進一步討論「都市設計」之影響力,探究獎勵與管制制度、資本運作的邏輯、以及關乎社會正義的公共論述如何回饋建構都市理論,並在複雜多元的社會過程中逐步建構我們所熟悉的都市形式。 作為一研究所的必選核心課程,本課程假定修課同學對於都市計畫與都市設計都有概論性的基本認知,需要培養的是發現問題以及專業團隊內部的討論能力。透過論述與經驗文本之閱讀,掌握都市發展的邏輯、並透過批判性的辯論(debate)界定專業角色是本課程主要之目的。本課程將有助於同學建立對都市設計專業的基本認知,並從其中逐步培養專業工作者對於空間議題的掌握能力;也藉由大量中外文資料與圖說的檢索與分析討論,擴展同學解析與深化問題的能力。 This course is a basic course for master's students who want to enter the field of urban design or urban studies to further understand "urban design". The arrangement of the course focuses on building up students’ understanding of the following: 1. Examine how relevant theories define the urban design and urban research agenda from a review of urban development: ‧ Understand the evolution of urban planning/design agendas in different historical stages through the history of urban planning and urban design; ‧ How "urban design" responds to the contradictions in the urban governance mechanism under different political and economic systems - the necessity of capital accumulation and the legitimacy of democracy ‧ The planning and design of space and power, the "proximity of choice" and the power characteristics displayed by urban space; 2. Examine the changes in urban planning and design discourse when cities face crises: ‧ Debates between mainstream paradigms and various discourses in the field of urban research in recent years; ‧ Current urban design technologies and their limitations: 3. Response to Taiwan and Asian experiences; ‧ Taiwan’s urban design operation mechanism ‧ How urban design may affect urban form The course takes the discussion of many phenomena and issues related to modern urban development since the industrial revolution as the main axis of the course. Various phenomena and issues in the urban development and urban design professional fields in Taiwan in recent years will be discussed in the course and serve as a reference for students to revise their perspectives at any time. sexual coordinates. This course not only explores the theory of the field of "urban design" itself, but also further discusses the influence of "urban design", exploring reward and control systems, the logic of capital operations, and how public discourse on social justice feeds back into the construction of urban theory, and The urban form we are familiar with is gradually constructed in a complex and diverse social process. As a required core course for a graduate school, this course assumes that students have a general basic understanding of urban planning and urban design. What needs to be cultivated is the ability to identify problems and discuss within a professional team. The main purpose of this course is to grasp the logic of urban development through the reading of narrative and empirical texts and to define professional roles through critical debate. This course will help students establish a basic understanding of the urban design profession, and gradually cultivate professionals' ability to master spatial issues; it will also expand students' analysis and discussion through the retrieval, analysis and discussion of a large number of Chinese and foreign materials and illustrations. Ability to deepen problems.

參考書目 Reference Books

‧ Hall, Peter: 1988, Cities of Tomorrow-an Intellectual History of Urban planning and Design in the 20th Century, London: Basil Blackwell. (註:但請注意早期版中未有新版的第十三章)
‧ 彼得˙霍爾, 童明 譯,《明日之城-一部關於20世紀城市規劃與設計的思想史》,同濟大學出版社,2012/03,
‧ Hall, Peter: 1992, (張麗堂 譯) : Urban and Regional Planning(《都市與區域規劃》),台北:巨流出版社。
‧ Hall, Peter: 1988, Cities of Tomorrow-an Intellectual History of Urban planning and Design in the 20th Century, London: Basil Blackwell. (Note: Please note that the new version of Chapter 13 is not included in the earlier edition)
‧ Peter Hall, translated by Tong Ming, "Cities of Tomorrow - An Ideological History of Urban Planning and Design in the 20th Century", Tongji University Press, 2012/03,
‧ Hall, Peter: 1992, (translated by Zhang Litang): Urban and Regional Planning, Taipei: Juliu Publishing House.

評分方式 Grading

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/2,3,4[ARC111]
授課教師 Teacher:郭奇正
修課班級 Class:建築碩1,2
選課備註 Memo:
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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