course information of 108 - 2 | 6962 Practice-Based Research Methodology (II)(創作研究方法(二))

6962 - 創作研究方法(二) Practice-Based Research Methodology (II)

教育目標 Course Target

藝術進入十九世紀中期之後,便朝向著以形式為主導發展的現代主義藝術,隨著二十世紀晚期商業行為以及大眾媒體高漲的影響,進入了一個在藝術風格與形式之間疆界全然開放融合的後現代主義藝術。 後現代如繁花盛開般的藝術現象,導致了在分析作品以及自身創作時更增加了其難度。因而課程便是針對於此分為二個階段,第一階段即從"分析作品"作為起點,廣泛的從作品文本內容、風格形式、時代背景、文化思潮等角度分別切入作品分析的核心,試著建立起一套對藝術作品分析研究的脈絡。第二階段則是以"論述寫作"為課程基礎,並且藉由文化批評、美學、當代藝術現象等相關的論述以及評論的寫作知識和技巧的訓練,歸納出個人理論與創作的基礎結構,從中獲得更多的邏輯組織能力以及創作上的靈感啟發。After art entered the mid-19th century, it moved towards form-led modernist art. With the rise of commercial behavior and mass media in the late 20th century, it entered an era where the boundaries between artistic styles and forms were completely open and integrated. postmodernist art. The postmodern artistic phenomenon is like a blossoming flower, which makes it more difficult to analyze works and one's own creation. Therefore, the course is divided into two stages. The first stage starts from "analyzing works" and breaks into the core of work analysis from the perspectives of textual content, style, background, cultural trends and other aspects of the work. This article establishes a system of analysis and research on works of art. The second stage is based on "discursive writing" as the course, and through the training of cultural criticism, aesthetics, contemporary art phenomena and other related discussions as well as critical writing knowledge and skills, the basic structure of personal theory and creation is summarized, from which Get more logical organization skills and creative inspiration.

課程概述 Course Description

This course will clarify the relationship between visual art creation and research, help students understand the function of visual art creation and research, and develop multi-faceted thinking methods.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. Atkins, Robert,《藝術開講》,黃麗絹譯,台北,藝術家出版社,2000
2. Lynton, Norbert,《現代藝術的故事》,楊松鋒譯,台北,聯經,2003
3. Osborne, Richard, 《藝術理論入門》,吳礽喻譯,台北,藝術家出版社,2013
4. Arthur C. Danto,《在藝術終結之後 當代藝術與歷史藩籬》,林雅琪、鄭惠雯譯,台北,麥田出版,2010
5. 謝東山,《藝術理論入門》,台北,藝術家出版社,2013
1. Atkins, Robert, "Art Lectures", translated by Huang Lijuan, Taipei, Artist Publishing House, 2000
2. Lynton, Norbert, "The Story of Modern Art", translated by Yang Songfeng, Taipei, Lianjing, 2003
3. Osborne, Richard, "Introduction to Art Theory", translated by Wu Yuyu, Taipei, Artist Press, 2013
4. Arthur C. Danto, "After the End of Art: Contemporary Art and Historical Barriers", translated by Lin Yaqi and Zheng Huiwen, Taipei, Wheatfield Publishing, 2010
5. Xie Dongshan, "Introduction to Art Theory", Taipei, Artist Press, 2013

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Attendance and course engagement
Class reports and assignments
Final report presentation

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/10,11[FA102]
授課教師 Teacher:段存真
修課班級 Class:美術專班1,2
選課備註 Memo:不開放推廣部附讀。
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 19 人。

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