course information of 108 - 2 | 6913 Seminar on Curatorial Studies (II)(策展學專題(二))

6913 - 策展學專題(二) Seminar on Curatorial Studies (II)

教育目標 Course Target

透過專文與專題研究,拓展學生對於當代藝術策展的定位、發展、環境以及前景有所認知,進一步透過個人的研究報告訓練學生從搜集資料、案例分析等過程獲得獨立思考、批判與論述的能力。Through special articles and special research, students will expand their understanding of the positioning, development, environment and prospects of contemporary art curation. Through personal research reports, students will be further trained to gain independent thinking, criticism and discussion abilities through the process of data collection and case analysis. .

參考書目 Reference Books

*蘇珊桑塔 著、黃茗芬 譯,2008,反詮釋,麥田出版
*Zoya Kocur 編,2004,The Theory in Contemporary Art Since 1985,Wiley-Blackwell
*Hans Belting、Andrea Buddensieg、Peter Weibel 編,2013,The Global Contemporary and the Rise of New Art World,MIT Press
*Gilda Williams 著,金振寧 譯,2017,如何書寫當代藝術,典藏藝術
*Johan Idema 著,張譽騰、桂雅文 譯,2015,愛上美術館32步,五觀
*高橋明也 著,黃友玫 譯,2017,美術館原來如此,La Vie+麥浩斯
*張婉貞 著,2014,當代博物館展覽的敘事轉向,遠流出版
*Written by Susan Santa, translated by Huang Mingfen, 2008, anti-interpretation, Wheatfield Publishing
*Claier Bishop, translated by Lin Hongtao, 2015, Artificial Hell: Participatory Art and the Politics of the Spectator, Taipei: Collection
*Zoya Kocur, ed., 2004, The Theory in Contemporary Art Since 1985, Wiley-Blackwell
*Hans Belting, Andrea Buddensieg, Peter Weibel, eds., 2013, The Global Contemporary and the Rise of New Art World, MIT Press
*Gilda Williams, translated by Jin Zhenning, 2017, How to Write Contemporary Art, Collecting Art
*Written by Johan Idema, translated by Zhang Yuteng and Gui Yawen, 2015, 32 steps to fall in love with art museums, five views
*Written by Akiya Takahashi, translated by Huang Youmei, 2017, This Is How the Art Museum Is, La Vie + Mai Haos
* Zhang Wanzhen, 2014, The Narrative Turn of Contemporary Museum Exhibitions, Yuanliu Publishing House

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
10 不可無故缺席超過1/3
class participation
30 各堂討論與態度。
Topic Thoughts-1
Topic Thoughts-2

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/7,8[FA102]
授課教師 Teacher:蔡明君
修課班級 Class:美術碩1,2
選課備註 Memo:不開放推廣部附讀。本課程隔週上課。
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 14 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 14 人。

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