course information of 108 - 2 | 6457 Land, The Capital and The Limits to Capital(土地、資本論與資本的限度)

6457 - 土地、資本論與資本的限度 Land, The Capital and The Limits to Capital

教育目標 Course Target

《資本的限度》("The Limits to Capital")是大衛哈維在1982年出版的重量級馬克思主義著作,素有「地理學的《資本論》」之稱,是公認哈維最重要、卻也最少有人真正讀過的經典。在探究資本積累與土地、都市化之內在聯繫的脈絡下,哈維在這本書中延續馬克思的辯證,發展了《資本論》尚未展開的關於固定資本、金融資本、信用體系、土地租金、空間關係與帝國主義等重要範疇,提出著名的「空間修補(spatial fix)」概念,建立了馬克思主義有關土地金融化、資本都市化、房地產市場與全球資本主義危機的核心理論。 本課程是在既有社會學理論課關於《資本論》的討論基礎上,以讀書會形式、每周一章的進度,「完整閱讀《資本的限度》("The Limits to Capital")整本書(有中譯本)」,從而掌握大衛哈維的核心理論旨趣,理解當代理論大師如何從《資本論》中汲取養分、發展出重要的空間政治經濟學,並深化對於馬克思主義理論概念的認識。"The Limits to Capital" is David Harvey's heavyweight Marxist work published in 1982. It is known as the "Capital of Geography" and is recognized as Harvey's most important and important work. But it is also a classic that at least some people have actually read. In the context of exploring the intrinsic relationship between capital accumulation, land, and urbanization, Harvey continues Marx's dialectics in this book and develops the unexplored topics of fixed capital, financial capital, credit system, land rent, and space in Capital. He proposed the famous concept of "spatial fix" in important categories such as relations and imperialism, and established the core Marxist theories on land financialization, capital urbanization, real estate market and global capitalist crisis. This course is based on the discussion of "Das Kapital" in the existing sociology theory class, and "reads the entire book "The Limits to Capital" ("The Limits to Capital") in the form of a book club and progresses one chapter per week. (Available in Chinese translation)", thereby grasping the core theoretical interests of David Harvey, understanding how contemporary theoretical masters draw nutrients from "Das Kapital" to develop important spatial political economics, and deepen their understanding of Marxist theoretical concepts .

參考書目 Reference Books

Harey, D. (1982/2007)The Limits to Capital. Oxford: Basil Blackwell/London: Verso.
Harey, D. (1982/2007)The Limits to Capital. Oxford: Basil Blackwell/London: Verso.
David. Harvey (2017) "The Limits of Capital", translated by Zhang Yin, Beijing: CITIC.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Class reading, questions, discussions
interim report
Final report

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/6,7,8[SS304]
授課教師 Teacher:楊友仁
修課班級 Class:社會碩博1,2
選課備註 Memo:限本系
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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