course information of 108 - 2 | 6083 Rationale Business Decision Making(有道理的企業決策)

6083 - 有道理的企業決策 Rationale Business Decision Making

教育目標 Course Target

《教學目標》 在《從 A 到 A+》這本書中提到:多數的企業都不是因為受到機會太少所苦,而是不知如何在 眾多機會中作出正確選擇而敗亡。本課程的目標乃是藉由個案的研討以及管理工具的練習,幫助決 策者了解如何做出有效的決策。課程設計的目的是讓學生學習下列的議題: 【決策的建構及分析】 決策之所以困難是因為我們不知道如何找問題,如何框架問題,如何開始;它的複雜性往往是 因為我們不知道怎麼分析,所以決策可能就成為㇐種賭博。在本課程中,會與同學討論決策的 基本架構,思考這些架構如何應用在實際的問題中。 【決策的選擇】 有可行方案您就會選了嗎?您確定選對了嗎?您所用的標準在哪裡?換了另㇐個角度,您的選 擇會不㇐樣嗎?您的決定跟您的目標㇐致嗎?這些都是決策上常見的問題。在本課程中會討論 決策者如何做出選擇,尤其是有效的選擇。 【避免踏入決策陷阱】 做決策不難,困難的是不做決策或是做錯決策。您常高估自己決策的成功機率,或是低估了自 己的決策分析能力嗎?您常對已經發生的過去,念念不忘而無法放手嗎?我們的情緒及思考習 慣處處留下了決策的陷阱給我們,您準備好挑戰自己了嗎? 【有效地使用決策工具】 《課程特色》 本課程是東海大學EMBA課程選修課程之㇐。為了提供學員最好的學習效果,上課方式將不是 傳統的獨角戲演出,而是藉由同學的參與而形成㇐種共鳴。老師不是本門課唯㇐的演員,角色更像是㇐個樂團的指揮,帶領同學㇐起共同演奏出美妙的旋律。因此這個學期的成果是否令人值得回味,端視所有同學們㇐同地參與及付出。本門課的特色如下: 1.參與式學習(participating learning) 個案式的教學以及所有人的參與是本門課基本的授課方式。在課程中,我們會期望看到每㇐位學員主動地參與、提問、回答。個人參與的程度將影響您在這門課的收獲,當然也包括您的成績。 2.實用的數量工具的學習與認識(practical learning of quantitative methods) 管理不應該只是概念,只是理論,只是框架,只是交付經驗與直覺。適當的數據分析,是良好決策過程的品質保證。在本課程中,我們會學習某些與決策相關的特定軟體與工具的使用,協助您在未來如何做好有效的決策。 3.多媒體式學習(multi-media assisting learning) 行萬里路勝讀萬卷書;如果行不了萬里路,至少可以多看點電影。在本門課中,我們將會以相關的電影作為我們部分的參考材料。請同學務必在課前完成相關影片的觀賞。 《課程結構及範圍》 本課程內容的設計,乃基於下列三大主軸,貫穿本學期之課程大綱。 主軸㇐-決策概論: 所謂行遠必自邇。本課程將讓同學從自己工作與生活中如何進行決策的反思開始,慢慢引導同學走入決策管理的領域當中。並透過個案與講演的方式,讓同學瞭解決策的本質以及在管理當中的意義,同時,也必須學習如何面對複雜決策的情況。 主軸二-決策分析: 工欲善其事,必先利其器。第二部份將介紹㇐些實際又必須的分析方法與工具。利用這些管理的工具與概念,以及處理數據的方式,讓決策不再只是空談,而是可以藉助邏輯科學的過程, 讓高階經理人,有解決跨領域的問題的能力。同時也會利用教學式的個案練習讓同學有最大的體驗,訓練同學決策分析的技巧。 主軸三-各類不同情境下之決策模式: 本課程的第三部分主要介紹比較特殊的決策情境,讓學員了解不同情境下決策的本質,對問題的認知,以及經理人決策的困難及可能的陷阱時,該如何自處。 簡單的決策可以在單憑經驗,交給小腦靠直覺完成,複雜的呢?如何處理面臨多個議題,以及上百種可能情況下的決擇?應該是考慮讓㇐些工具幫助您的時候。在本門課中,會帶領大家熟悉㇐些基本的工具提升您的決策品質及效率。 "Teaching Objectives" In the book "From A to A+", it is mentioned that most companies fail not because they suffer from too few opportunities, but because they don't know how to make the right choice among many opportunities. The goal of this course is to help decision makers understand how to make effective decisions through case studies and practice of management tools. The course is designed to enable students to study the following topics: [Construction and Analysis of Decisions] Decision-making is difficult because we don’t know how to find a problem, how to frame it, and how to start; its complexity is often because we don’t know how to analyze it, so decision-making may become a kind of gamble. In this course, you will discuss the basic structures of decision-making with your classmates and think about how these structures are applied to practical problems. 【Decision choice】 Would you choose a feasible option? Are you sure you have chosen the right one? Where are the standards you use? From another perspective, would your choice be different? Are your decisions consistent with your goals? These are common problems in decision-making. In this course, we discuss how decision makers make choices, especially effective choices. [Avoid falling into the decision-making trap] Making decisions is not difficult; what is difficult is not making decisions or making wrong decisions. Do you often overestimate the probability of success in your decision-making, or underestimate your ability to analyze decisions? Do you often dwell on the past that has happened and cannot let go? Our emotions and thinking habits leave us with decision-making traps everywhere. Are you ready to challenge yourself? 【Use decision-making tools effectively】 "Course Features" This course is one of the elective courses for Tunghai University’s EMBA program. In order to provide students with the best learning effect, the class method will not be a traditional one-man show, but will form a resonance through the participation of classmates. The teacher is not the only actor in this course, his role is more like the conductor of an orchestra, leading the students to play beautiful melodies together. Therefore, whether the results of this semester are worth remembering depends on the participation and contribution of all students. The features of this course are as follows: 1. participating learning Case-based teaching and everyone's participation are the basic teaching methods of this course. During the course, we expect to see every student actively participating, asking questions, and answering questions. Your level of personal involvement will affect what you gain from the course, including your grade. 2. Learning and understanding of practical quantitative tools (practical learning of quantitative methods) Management should not be just a concept, just a theory, just a framework, just delivering experience and intuition. Proper data analysis is the quality assurance of a good decision-making process. In this course, we will learn the use of certain specific software and tools related to decision-making to help you make effective decisions in the future. 3. Multi-media assisting learning Traveling thousands of miles is better than reading thousands of books; if you can't travel thousands of miles, you can at least watch more movies. In this course, we will use related movies as reference materials for our part. Please be sure to watch the relevant videos before class. "Course Structure and Scope" The design of this course content is based on the following three main axes, which run through the course syllabus of this semester. Main axis - Introduction to decision-making: As the saying goes, if you travel far, you must come close. This course will allow students to start by reflecting on how they make decisions in their work and life, and slowly guide students into the field of decision-making management. Through cases and lectures, students can understand the nature of decision-making and its significance in management. At the same time, they must also learn how to face complex decision-making situations. Main axis two-decision analysis: If a worker wants to do his job well, he must first sharpen his tools. The second part will introduce some practical and necessary analysis methods and tools. By using these management tools and concepts, as well as ways of processing data, decision-making is no longer just empty talk, but can rely on logical and scientific processes, allowing high-level managers to have the ability to solve cross-domain problems. At the same time, teaching-style case exercises will be used to allow students to have the greatest experience and train students in decision-making and analysis skills. Main Axis Three - Decision-making models in various situations: The third part of this course mainly introduces special decision-making situations, allowing students to understand the nature of decision-making in different situations, their understanding of problems, and how to deal with the difficulties and possible pitfalls of managers' decision-making. Simple decisions can be made based on experience alone and left to the cerebellum to complete by intuition. What about complex decisions? How to deal with multiple issues and decisions among hundreds of possible situations? It’s time to consider letting some tools help you. In this course, we will lead you to familiarize yourself with some basic tools to improve the quality and efficiency of your decision-making.

參考書目 Reference Books

本課程教材包括維吉尼亞大學商學院、哈佛大學商學院的個案、學術期刊文章、軟體練習。 另有㇐本參考書籍:
1.零偏見決斷法(Decisive: How to Make Better Choices in Life and Work, Chip Heath & Dan Heath)大塊文化出版,ISBN:9789862134887。
The teaching materials for this course include cases from the University of Virginia Business School and Harvard Business School, academic journal articles, and software exercises. There is another reference book:
1. Decisive: How to Make Better Choices in Life and Work, Chip Heath & Dan Heath, published by Chunk Culture, ISBN: 9789862134887.
This book is a "must-read" textbook designated by Professor Huang Chongxing and must be read by students.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Class participation (attending, speaking)
40 個人參與分數會根據 (1) 出席狀況;(2) 課堂上的發言次數以及(3)發言品質,來進行計分。
Homework report (individual, group)
30 本堂課計有㇐份小組個案報告以及數次課堂上的小組報告。請同學們務必於課前閱讀五份個案 及觀賞三部電影,以達課堂上討論報告之效率及品質。作業報告嚴格要求不可相互抄襲!並如 期繳交!否則將不予計分。
Learning Outcome Assessment (Quiz)
30 課程最後有㇐次學期效果評量,內容主要與上課內容、講義、研讀過的個案,還有曾練習過的 習題高度相關,相關的考試題型將在考前與學生進㇐步說明。

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:日/2,3,4,5,6,7[M242]
授課教師 Teacher:李佳蓉/黃崇興
修課班級 Class:高階經管班1,2
選課備註 Memo:隔週上課,一次6小時
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 15 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 15 人。

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