course information of 108 - 2 | 5923 Social Responsibility and Business(企業社會責任與倫理)

5923 - 企業社會責任與倫理 Social Responsibility and Business

教育目標 Course Target

釐清企業社會責任與倫理的根本法則,續而探討各管理決策面臨的道德兩難建立學生學習企業社會責任與倫理的動機,並內化企業社會責任與倫理的觀念與作法。 In the last half semester, Dr. Kao will analyze how ethics pertain to individuals, leaders and organizations in business. We will link the business ethics to CSR issue and introduce of CSR. Students will also examine a variety of current ethical and CSR issues in the business world. Clarify the fundamental laws of corporate social responsibility and ethics, and then explore the moral dilemmas faced by various management decisions to establish students' motivation for learning corporate social responsibility and ethics, and internalize the concepts and practices of corporate social responsibility and ethics. In the last half semester, Dr. Kao will analyze how ethics pertain to individuals, leaders and organizations in business. We will link the business ethics to CSR issue and introduce of CSR. Students will also examine a variety of current ethical and CSR issues in the business world.

參考書目 Reference Books

公司治理策略地圖:提昇公司治理評鑑之必備步驟。張明輝著, 2015。資誠教育基金會。
企業倫理的實踐, 吳成豐,三版,前程/2010.04(本校總圖有館藏)
企業倫理: 商業的道德規範 余坤東,前程文化/2008(本校總圖有館藏)

Business Ethics Now, Andrew W. Ghillyer, Fifth Edition. McGraw Hill Education International Edition.

Corporate Governance Strategy Map: Essential Steps to Improve Corporate Governance Assessment. Written by Zhang Minghui, 2015. Zicheng Education Foundation.
The Practice of Corporate Ethics, Wu Chengfeng, third edition, Qiancheng/2010.04 (the general map of our school is in the collection)
Corporate Ethics: The Code of Ethics in Business Yu Kundong, Qiancheng Culture/2008 (the general map of this school is in the collection)

Business Ethics Now, Andrew W. Ghillyer, Fifth Edition. McGraw Hill Education International Edition.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exam
50 由謝老師評分,包含:課堂參與及作業30%;書面報告30%;口頭報告40%
final exam
50 Evaluated by Dr. Kao, including assignment(30%);Oral report (30%);Final Report(40%)

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/3,4[M612]
授課教師 Teacher:謝俊魁/高惠娟
修課班級 Class:國貿碩1
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授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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