course information of 108 - 2 | 5878 AI in Marketing: Technologies and Applications(AI MarTech行銷科技與應用)

5878 - AI MarTech行銷科技與應用 AI in Marketing: Technologies and Applications

教育目標 Course Target

●本課程是什麼?本課程的宗旨為培養企管系學生具備「行銷數據分析思維」的素養,目的是訓練學生成為「商務分析師」。本課程不會也不想訓練學生成為資科科學家或資料工程師!其實際目標是讓學生修畢一學期的課程之後,即有能力與資料科學家或資料工程師「對話」。課程會以提升學生對於程式邏輯的理解與跨領域溝通能力為主,期望學生將來能與程式設計師溝通、進而換位思考,以增加企業管理系學生畢業後的職場競爭力。 通常一位行銷人與一位資料科學家碰面,對話如下: 「我們最近有一筆資料,想要分析看看,是否能從當中找出一些能幫助行銷策略的訊息。嗯…分析技術最好夠尖端,夠前衛,能幫助我在客戶或長官面前的簡報。」 「你的意思是分析結果最好能展現消費者最新的動態,能依群體制訂個人化內容,並希望最終的圖表能看起來時髦又現代?」 「是的!沒錯!」 「好,沒問題!首先,你的資料是監督式還是非監督式?還是兩者均有可能?」 「……(行銷人一臉呆滯…)」 在選修過本課程之後,我們會希望學生將對話變成以下的方式(記得,經理人(企管系的訓練目的)的任務是「整合」,其中包含了「理解」對方的語言)。 「好,沒問題!首先,你的資料是監督式還是非監督式?還是兩者均有可能?」 「是監督式的資料,因為我們的需求非常清楚。」 「但是所有的資料都有標記嗎?如果不是的話,你們會提供嗎?」 「我們這邊會提供清楚的定義,但我們可以討論一下標記的方法?…」 但請切記的是:「能寫程式的人多不勝數。但只有少數人能做對心理學(與策略)的部分。而講到商業行為,正確的心理學(或管理學)使得一切都不一樣。」我們雖然會著墨於科技工具的使用,但永恆的重點仍然在「管理學中的科學原則」,一種可讓你/妳使用數十年的管理觀點。 ●本課程不是什麼?(1)本課程並不提供那些你會在雜誌上看到的管理(普通)知識;(2)本課程不會教授的範圍:人工智慧相關領域與雲技術。 第一,這門課程所教授並不是你一般所想像的「管理」,而是「管理學」背後的「科學」,一種可以讓你使用長長久久的知識。第二,一般而言,目前可以辨視圖像或語音等資料的技術屬類神經網路與深度學習相關。本課程的重點放在數字型資料的分析,圖像、語音與文字型資料的分析將被放置在「人工智慧行銷學」課程中。雖然在業界應用中,絕大部分的大數據分析必須在「雲技術」上運行,但了解其背後的科學原理與其應用並不需要雲技術。為了降低同學們學習的門檻,本課程將不會談到任何雲技術。 ●本課程的難易度設定:本課程授課教師的教育哲學觀為,一個系所所提供的必選修課程必須是「專業」課程,需要能訓練學生「思考」並同時提供予「專業知識」,行有餘力則再將上述過程賦予「意義」。換言之,對企管系(或管理學院)的學生來說,本課程具有一定的難度。如果以東海企管的必修課來比擬,大概介於「作業管理」與「管理科學」之間。雖然本課程是專門為了「企業管理學系」的同學而設計的,將會把所需要的「數學」與「程式」基礎降到最低,只為了教授資料科學的行銷應用。但就如那句老格言:「在岸上學不會游泳」。為了深刻地理解資料科學的原理,程式實務的訓練是重要的。 ●本課程所需的Python程度。我們將使用Python做為分析與實作的工具。Python 是一種強大的直譯式高階程式語言,其設計哲學強調可讀、易用、簡潔。Python的應用非常廣泛,像是企業管理可能會涉及的範圍,Python都可做為應用工具。像是對企業的資料與文字處理與分析、對複雜數據進行資料探勘等,幾乎各方面皆可使用Python。而且Python簡單學習且容易使用,相關的學習資源非常豐富,非常適合非資訊相關科系的同學學習與使用。 本課程的內容著重在教導同學了解Python 3的基本邏輯,熟悉Python開發工具(Spyder)的操作,並可以撰寫簡單的Python程式,用以分析數位行銷相關資料(尤其是那些無法使用Microsoft Excel分析的數據)。但基於考量企業管理學系的同學們學習Python(或其他程式)的時間不長,及同學們的實際需要,本課程教授的方法優先注重同學們在學習Python時的應用(尤其在行銷上的應用)。基於上述考量,雖然Python當中有許多實用的技巧(例如物件),均極富教學價值,但都牽涉及許多的進階的程式寫作(例如物件導向觀念),學習門檻較高,故均忍痛捨棄。本課程一開始將複習Python 3的基本程式設計能力,並快速簡短地教授matplotlib等繪圖技巧、而在學期的1/3左右開始進行銷(商業)資料分析。●What is this course? The purpose of this course is to cultivate students in the Department of Business Administration to have the quality of "marketing data analysis thinking", and the purpose is to train students to become "business analysts". This course does not and does not intend to train students to become data scientists or data engineers! The actual goal is to enable students to "dialogue" with data scientists or data engineers after completing a one-semester course. The course will focus on improving students' understanding of program logic and cross-domain communication skills. It is expected that students will be able to communicate with programmers in the future and then think from their perspective, so as to increase the career competitiveness of business management students after graduation. Typically a marketer meets a data scientist and the conversation goes something like this: "We recently had a piece of data and wanted to analyze it to see if we can find out some information that can help with marketing strategies. Well... the analysis technology should be cutting-edge and avant-garde enough to help me present presentations in front of clients or executives. " "You mean that the analysis results should ideally show the latest trends of consumers, be able to tailor personalized content based on groups, and hope that the final chart will look fashionable and modern?" "Yes! That's right!" "Okay, no problem! First of all, is your profile supervised or unsupervised? Or is it possible both?" "...(The marketer has a dull look on his face...)" After taking this elective course, we will hope that students will change the conversation into the following way (remember, the task of managers (the training purpose of the business management system) is "integration", which includes "understanding" the other party's language). "Okay, no problem! First of all, is your profile supervised or unsupervised? Or is it possible both?" "It is supervisory information because our needs are very clear." "But is all the information tagged? If not, will you provide it?" "We will provide clear definitions here, but can we discuss the marking method?..." But please remember: "There are countless people who can write programs. But only a few can get the psychology (and strategy) part right. When it comes to business behavior, correct psychology (or management) makes everything right." It’s different.” Although we will focus on the use of technological tools, the eternal focus is still on “scientific principles in management”, a management perspective that can be used by you for decades. ●What is this course not? (1) This course does not provide the management (general) knowledge you will see in magazines; (2) What this course will not teach: artificial intelligence related fields and cloud technology. First, what this course teaches is not "management" as you usually imagine, but the "science" behind "management", a kind of knowledge that you can use for a long time. Second, generally speaking, the technology that can currently identify data such as images or speech is related to neural networks and deep learning. This course focuses on the analysis of digital data. The analysis of image, voice and text data will be placed in the "Artificial Intelligence Marketing" course. Although in industry applications, the vast majority of big data analysis must be run on "cloud technology," cloud technology is not required to understand the scientific principles and applications behind it. In order to lower the learning threshold for students, this course will not talk about any cloud technology. ●Difficulty setting of this course: The educational philosophy of the teachers teaching this course is that the required elective courses provided by a department must be "professional" courses that can train students to "think" and at the same time provide "professional knowledge". If you have enough energy, then give "meaning" to the above process. In other words, this course is somewhat difficult for students in the Department of Business Administration (or School of Management). If compared with the compulsory courses of Donghai Business Management, it is probably between "Operation Management" and "Management Science". Although this course is specially designed for students in the "Business Management Department", the required "mathematics" and "programming" foundation will be reduced to a minimum, just to teach the marketing application of data science. But as the old adage goes: "Learn to swim on the shore." In order to deeply understand the principles of data science, practical training in programming is important. ●Required Python level for this course. We will use Python as a tool for analysis and implementation. Python is a powerful literal high-level programming language whose design philosophy emphasizes readability, ease of use, and simplicity. Python has a wide range of applications. For example, Python can be used as an application tool in any area that may be involved in business management. Python can be used in almost all aspects, such as enterprise data and word processing and analysis, data mining of complex data, etc. Moreover, Python is simple to learn and easy to use, and the related learning resources are very rich, which is very suitable for students in non-information-related departments to learn and use. The content of this course focuses on teaching students to understand the basic logic of Python 3, become familiar with the operation of the Python development tool (Spyder), and be able to write simple Python programs to analyze digital marketing-related data (especially those that cannot be analyzed using Microsoft Excel) data). However, based on the consideration that students in the Department of Business Management have not been learning Python (or other programs) for a long time, and the actual needs of the students, the teaching methods of this course give priority to the application of students in learning Python (especially in marketing) application). Based on the above considerations, although there are many practical skills (such as objects) in Python that are of great teaching value, they all involve a lot of advanced programming (such as object-oriented concepts) and have a high learning threshold, so they are reluctant to give up. . This course will review the basic programming skills of Python 3 at the beginning, and quickly and briefly teach drawing techniques such as matplotlib. Sales (business) data analysis will begin around 1/3 of the semester.

參考書目 Reference Books

Foster Provost & Tom Fawcett(2016)。《資料科學的商業運用》。碁峯
孫宏明(2017)。《輕鬆學Python 3》。碁峯
中久喜健司(2018)。《Python 資料運算與分析實戰》。旗標

Naomi Ceder(2019)。《Python 技術者們:練功!老手帶路教你精通正宗 Python 程式》。旗標
Allen B. Downey(2016)。《Think Python:學習程式設計的思考概念(第二版)》。歐萊禮
《精通 Python:運用簡單的套件進行現代運算》。碁峯出版。2017
Joel Grus(2016)。《Data Science from Scratch 中文版:用Python學資料科學》。碁峯
唐亘(2018)。《還在漫無頭緒?一本書帶你走完Python深度學習》。佳魁數位 (註:數學多。)

城田真琴(2013)。《Big Data大數據的獲利模式:圖解.案例.策略.實戰》
岡(山鳥) 裕史(2010)。《從資料中挖金礦:找到你的獲利處方籤》。經濟新潮社

This course is specially designed for students of the Department of Business Management. Although Python's high-level programming is very sophisticated and complex, and can also implement more technical subjects such as data structures or algorithms, in order to comply with the positioning of this course, this course only uses simple and easy-to-understand Chinese books (versions) , will not involve any content that is biased towards information engineering.
Currently, there is no textbook on the market that can cover all the theories and software implementations of Python. It usually requires reading a lot of books and learning from the strengths of each. Teachers will explain in class whether each textbook needs to be purchased and how to use it. For students, in addition to necessary books, most books can be borrowed from the library (or checked online) when needed.
Foster Provost & Tom Fawcett (2016). "Business Applications of Data Science." Qi Feng
Sun Hongming (2017). "Learn Python 3 Easily". Qi Feng
Kenji Nakahisa (2018). "Python Data Operation and Analysis in Practice". flag

Recommended reading for Python:
Naomi Ceder (2019). "Python Techies: Practice!" Veterans will lead the way and teach you how to master authentic Python programming." flag
Allen B. Downey (2016). "Think Python: Learning Thinking Concepts for Programming (2nd Edition)". O'Reilly
"Master Python: Use a simple suite for modern computing". Published by Qi Feng. 2017
Joel Grus (2016). "Data Science from Scratch Chinese version: Learn data science with Python". Qi Feng
Tang Gen (2018). "Still confused?" One book takes you through deep learning in Python". Jiakui Numbers (Note: Lots of math.)
Auga Yasuo et al. (2018). "Machine Learning: Assessment, Introduction, and Implementation on the Job Site." Qi Feng

Recommended reading for management:
Meerschenberg, Cukier (2013). "Big Data". Tianxia Culture
Martin. Linstrom (2017). "Little Data Hunter". Baoding
Makoto Shirota (2013). "Big Data Profit Model of Big Data: Illustration." Case. Strategy. Actual Combat》
Oka (yamatori) Hiroshi (2010). "Mining Gold from Data: Finding Your Profit Prescription". Economic News Society
Pedro. Domingos (2016). "The Grand Calculus". Sancai
Knight. Schiffer (2013). "Precise Forecasting". Sancai

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
individual assignment
個人Python 小考個人Python 小考
Personal Python quiz
Group presentation on stage
Group final report
Individual final exam
12 含課堂參與及Course survey

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相似課程 Related Course

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/2,3,4[M007]
授課教師 Teacher:楊溥泰
修課班級 Class:共選修3,4,碩 (企管開)
選課備註 Memo:碩士班、大學部行銷與數位經營組優先選課。開學前2週務必到課,未到且未請假者視同棄權。先修:行銷管理、統計學。5852課程併班
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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