course information of 108 - 2 | 5424 Biological Invasions and Animal Behavior(入侵種生物學)

5424 - 入侵種生物學 Biological Invasions and Animal Behavior

教育目標 Course Target

人類改變地球,無疑地使得生態和演化生物學家因應全球改變而轉變為生物多樣性的預言家或研究先驅者。全球改變包括棲地喪失、生物入侵、疾病突發、生物資源掠取、汙染和氣候變遷等。以上因子並非獨立事件而是環環相扣。若不立即採取行動,則人類紀顯然的就是第六次大滅絕的開端。其中,全球物種變化會因人類的攜帶和活動帶入其他外來種而有極大改變。 雖然過去35年來保育生物學已被重視,但是外來種行為學卻被忽略了;例如,為何某些種類可暢行無阻入侵到世界各地?而某些種類僅能分布到一定棲地?入侵種又如何與本土種競爭?其掠食者-獵物交互作用,寄主-宿主關係又如何?種種這些生態學研究於如今的科學研究顯得重要且必需。很遺憾的台灣也不能置身事外,外來種何其多,但也只能治標(例如鼓勵移除某些外來種)而很少針對入侵種的生態和行為學做更深入探討,其最主要因素還是學術認識還不是很清楚。本課程應該是台灣第一個在大學開設的課題,希望本課程能介紹較詳細學術研究,啟發學生對入侵種成功的原因以及因應之道。 Human changes to the earth have undoubtedly transformed ecological and evolutionary biologists into prophets or research pioneers of biodiversity in response to global changes. Global changes include habitat loss, biological invasions, disease outbreaks, plundering of biological resources, pollution and climate change. The above factors are not independent events but are interrelated. Without immediate action, the Anthropocene is clearly the beginning of the sixth mass extinction. Among them, global species changes will be greatly changed by the introduction of other alien species by humans and activities. Although conservation biology has been taken seriously in the past 35 years, the behavior of alien species has been ignored; for example, why can certain species invade all over the world unimpeded? And some species can only be distributed in certain habitats? How do invasive species compete with native species? What about their predator-prey interactions, host-host relationships? All these ecological studies are important and necessary for today's scientific research. Unfortunately, Taiwan cannot stay out of the situation. There are so many alien species, but they can only treat the symptoms (such as encouraging the removal of certain alien species) and rarely conduct more in-depth discussions on the ecology and behavior of invasive species. The main factor is academic. The understanding is not very clear yet. This course should be the first topic offered in universities in Taiwan. We hope that this course can introduce more detailed academic research and inspire students to understand the reasons for the success of invasive species and how to deal with them.

參考書目 Reference Books

Biological invasions and animal behaviour; 2016. Edited by Judith, S. Weis & Daniel Sol. Cambridge Press.
biological invasions and animal be&AVI our; 2016. edited by Judith, S. Wei & Daniel Sol. Cambridge press.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Regular class assessment
Report on stage

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/2,3,4[LS124]
授課教師 Teacher:黃文山
修課班級 Class:生科系3,4,生態碩,博
選課備註 Memo:
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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