course information of 108 - 2 | 3458 Community-Based Landscape Development(社區景觀總體營造)

3458 - 社區景觀總體營造 Community-Based Landscape Development

教育目標 Course Target

課程內涵 1.課程操作三大單元: 課程中採取實例說明的方式,並以「社造電影院」、「社區規劃師工坊」、「社造永續學習教室」三種單元式教學, 輔助幫助學生對於社區總體營造的實際認知及歐發學習興趣。 (1)社造電影院:播放成功營造的社區案例,透過真實影像紀錄讓學?體驗具體的情境。 (2)社區規劃師工坊:以社區引導工作坊的方式,讓學生在引導遊戲的互動過程中,了解社區?作的實際狀況。 (3)社造永續學習教室:講授社區總體營造相關專業知識。 2.課程主要精神 東海大學亨德教授曾說: 「一所大學假如對她四周圍的社會和環境毫無影響的話, 這所大學便將失去它存在的價值…… 要記住,大學的門不是開向象牙之苔,而是直接開向社會的。」 所以本課程將是個挑戰: 挑戰「東海景觀人」 能否--走出東海的圍牆,走入社區「再現亨德精神」? 能否--觀察、探索、發現社區居民真正的需求? 能否--幫助在地居民從家鄉中找到生活的童心、生命的定位,營造具「社區意識」的社區景觀? 能否--引導社區居民主動參與,建立「優質的社區組織」? 能否--落實「社區參與」的行動? 能否--與他人團隊合作讓一件「好事」發生?Course content 1. Three major units of course operation: The course adopts the method of illustration and uses three unit-based teaching methods: "Social Construction Cinema", "Community Planner Workshop" and "Social Construction Sustainable Learning Classroom". Assist students to gain a practical understanding of the overall community construction and develop their interest in learning. (1) Socially Made Cinema: Plays successfully constructed community cases and allows students to experience specific situations through real video recordings. (2) Community Planner Workshop: A community guidance workshop is used to allow students to understand the actual status of community cooperation during the interactive process of guidance games. (3) Socially constructed sustainable learning classroom: teaches professional knowledge related to overall community construction. 2. Main spirit of the course Professor Heng De of Tunghai University once said: "If a university has no impact on the society and environment around it, This university will lose the value of its existence... Remember, the door of the university does not open to the ivory moss, but directly to the society. " So this course will be a challenge: Challenge "East China Sea Landscape People" Can we go beyond the walls of the East China Sea and enter the community to "reproduce the spirit of Hende"? Can you observe, explore, and discover the real needs of community residents? Can it help local residents find the childlike innocence and positioning of life in their hometown, and create a community landscape with "community awareness"? Can we guide community residents to actively participate and establish "high-quality community organizations"? Is it possible to implement "community participation" actions? Can you - work with others as a team to make a "good thing" happen?

參考書目 Reference Books

1. 教科書:【社區設計】,山崎亮 著,莊雅琇 譯,2015,台北市:臉譜出版。
2. 主要參考書:【空間就是權力】,畢恆達 著,2007,台北市:心靈工坊文化事業股份有限公司出版。
3. 課堂隨堂講義,請從教學平台下載,請每個人事先閱讀。
4.【向大自然學設計:樸門Permaculture 歐發綠生活的無限可能】,Peter Morehead孟磊、江慧儀 等合著,2011,
6.【和生活做朋友:社區空間學習手冊】,鄭晃二 著,天衛文化。
7.【社區自主營造的理念與機制】,黃世輝 著,建築情報出版
1. Textbook: [Community Design], written by Ryo Yamazaki, translated by Zhuang Yaxiu, 2015, Taipei City: Facebook Publishing.
2. Main reference books: [Space is Power], written by Bi Hengda, 2007, Taipei City: Published by Soul Workshop Cultural Enterprise Co., Ltd.
3. Please download the classroom handouts from the teaching platform and please read them in advance.
4. [Design to Nature: Permaculture and the Infinite Possibilities of Green Life], co-authored by Peter Morehead, Meng Lei, Jiang Huiyi, etc., 2011,
5. [Working Together to Build a Country-Community + Learning Manual], Zheng Huang 2nd Class, Qiuyu Cultural Co., Ltd.
6. [Making Friends with Life: Community Space Learning Manual], written by Zheng Huanger, Tianwei Culture.
7. [The Concept and Mechanism of Independent Community Creation], written by Huang Shihui, Architectural Information Publishing

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
absence status
10 請假請養成習慣於前一週以書⾯請老師簽核。無故缺席達5次,總成績以零分計。無故缺席1每次扣總成績2分,無故遲到每次扣總成績0.5分,全勤加5分。
課堂表現-Speak out,隨堂 預習及反思小作業課堂表現-Speak out,隨堂 預習及反思小作業
Class performance-Speak out, preview and reflect on small assignments in class
20 1.態度積極、專注,2.分 享,3.幫助他人學習,4.以0.5分為基本單位
Community diagnostic self-exploration project
10 1.社區探索行動計畫, 2.團隊會議及過程紀錄。
Mid-term implementation report
25 1.口頭報告,2.築夢計劃書書面報告,3.海報展⽰,4.Catch your eye 微電影,5.⾃評互評。
Execution process and records
25 築夢⾏動計畫會議及過程記錄
Final implementation report
10 1.口頭報告, 2.計劃書修正, 3.成果展示模擬, 4.Catch your eye影片修正, 5.⾃評互評。

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選修-2633 Community-Based Landscape Development / 社區景觀總體營造 (景觀系2,授課教師:伊志宗,五/7,8,9[C112])

Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/7,8,9[C112]
授課教師 Teacher:伊志宗
修課班級 Class:共選修2-4
選課備註 Memo:與景觀系2633課程雙掛(本課程該學系學生不得修習)
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 5 人。

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