course information of 108 - 2 | 3432 Workplace Cultural-Creative Planning and Management(職場文創企劃經營)

3432 - 職場文創企劃經營 Workplace Cultural-Creative Planning and Management

教育目標 Course Target

課程目標: 1.培養學生運用美的形式原理與色彩運用,媒合專業建構文化創意基本能力平台,行銷品牌故事-建置視覺識別系統(C I S)LOGO設計、精微DM廣告、海報行銷、藝文影音同步短片,發展職場文創企劃經營資糧。 2.厚植文化底蘊,培育未來申請公部門、企業文教基金會鼓勵「青年微型創業基金」企畫書、簡報與新聞寫作之能力,拓耘未來職涯發展文創企劃、經營策略之能量。 課程內涵 1996彼得‧杜拉克說:這是個知識經濟的年代。2002年,約翰霍金斯說:「創意經濟:好點子變成好生意。」所以,創意成了知識經濟時代的主軸。文化創意來自「可觸摸的歷史」與「可生活的城鄉」,是創意想像力的原鄉土壤(陳育平,2007)。日人宮崎駿擅長運用「好故事」創作動畫,<龍貓>即為其風靡全球之代表作品。好故事當然來自豐富的想像力,但是想像力則來自「高單位文化養分」的生活土壤,內含各種文化創意元素。法國酒鄉的葡萄酒,台灣的烏龍、白毫,好酒好茶都源自優質的風土條件(terroir),那完全來自土壤的特質,孕育成文化創意元素。豐田(Toyota)以源自關西傳統日本的禪靜生活條件,加上五十年汽車製造的深度工藝技能,打造出以極致「靜、穩」為訴求的凌志汽車(Lexus),撼動了來自德國巴伐利亞向以金屬工藝著稱的雙B廠牌,「靜、穩」即是豐田汽車的文化創意元素。台灣保存了許多傳統藝術及工藝,如歌仔戲、布袋戲、皮影戲、南管、崑曲、京劇、交趾陶、金工、木雕、竹雕等等;也有融合古典和現代雲門舞集、漢唐樂府、無垢舞團、優人神鼓等團體,並且都得到國際肯定;台灣藝術家在威尼斯雙年展、建築展及各國重要影展屢獲佳績。這些都告訴我們,台灣是有「文化內涵」和「創意點子」的國家,但目前將這兩者與產業結合的努力,仍需積極透過相關教育以培養青年文創美學素養入門。 生意盎然之花蕊仍要開在文化底蘊舊枝頭,而臺灣的文化創意產業舊枝頭又在哪裡?根據甚麼分辨臺灣文化創意產業的符碼?如能藉由藝術創作媒合商業機制以凸顯台灣的國際文化形象及經濟產值,應是政府與全民最關切的問題。所以運用美的形式原理培養文化創意基本能力:1.和諧(Harmony)2.韻律(Rhythm)3.平衡(Balance)4.單純(Simplicity)5.比例(Protortion)6.統一(Unity),如希臘.雅典 帕特農神殿之建築物構造,可以觀察到黃金比例的充分應用。再藉由紅、橙、黃、綠、藍、靛、紫等基本色系為「文化創意設計」基底,針對工商科技管理領域專業的需要發展「職場文創企劃」,拓耘青年未來職涯發展能量。 2002年行政院將「文化創意產業」列入國家重大政策,依據行政院「文化創意產業推動小組」參考聯合國教科文組織和英國政府對文創產業的定義,並考慮台灣文化的特質,將「文化創意產業」定義為「源自創意與文化積累,透過財產的形成與運用,具有創造財富與就業機會潛力,並促進整體生活環境提升的行業」,包括視覺藝術、音樂、表演藝術、文化展演設施、工藝、電影、廣告、電視、數位休閒娛樂、出版、設計產業、品牌時尚設計、建築設計、創意生活等十三項。所以本課程運用文創產業實務結合專業發展「職場文創企劃」,拓耘青年未來職涯發展能量。期能厚植文化底蘊,培育未來申請公部門、企業文教基金會鼓勵「青年微型創業基金」企畫書、簡報與新聞稿之寫作能力。 課程內涵具體條列如下: 1.舉例介紹英、法、日、韓、美、臺海兩岸等世界文創產業先進國家發展趨勢。 2.創意台灣:打造故宮成為-台灣文化創意旗艦產業應用領頭羊 與文創產業六大旗艦計畫(1)電視內容產業(2)電影產業(3)流行音樂(4)數位內容(5)產業設計(6)工藝產業為主軸。 3.培養學生運用美的形式原理與色彩運用,媒合專業跨領域建構文化創意基本能力平台,行銷品牌故事-建置視覺識別系統(C I S)LOGO設計、精微DM廣告、海報行銷、藝文影音同步短片,發展職場文創企劃經營資糧。 4.進階培養學生運用文創基本能力發展專業職場企劃美學能量,強化未來申請公部門或民間企業文化基金會之「文創媒合發展專業經濟產值」企畫書、簡報與新聞稿寫作能力。 Course objectives: 1. Cultivate students to use the formal principles of beauty and the use of color, match majors to build a basic cultural and creative ability platform, market brand stories - build a visual identity system (C I S) LOGO design, subtle DM advertising, poster marketing, art, audio and video synchronized short films, Develop workplace cultural and creative planning and management resources. 2. Deepen the cultural heritage, cultivate the ability to apply for the "Youth Micro-Entrepreneurship Fund" encouraged by the public sector and corporate cultural and educational foundations in the future, including planning books, briefings and news writing, and expand the energy of future career development in cultural and creative planning and business strategies. Course content In 1996 Peter Drucker said: This is an era of knowledge economy. In 2002, John Hawkins said: "Creative economy: good ideas turn into good businesses." Therefore, creativity has become the main axis of the era of knowledge economy. Cultural creativity comes from "touchable history" and "livable urban and rural areas" and is the native soil of creative imagination (Chen Yuping, 2007). The Japanese Hayao Miyazaki is good at using "good stories" to create animations, and "My Neighbor Totoro" is his representative work that is popular around the world. Good stories certainly come from rich imagination, but imagination comes from the living soil of "high unit cultural nutrients", which contains various cultural and creative elements. The wines from France’s wine country, Taiwan’s oolongs and pekoe, and the fine wines and teas are all derived from high-quality terroir, which are completely derived from the characteristics of the soil and are nurtured into cultural and creative elements. Toyota used the Zen and quiet living conditions derived from traditional Japan in Kansai, coupled with the in-depth craftsmanship of fifty years of automobile manufacturing, to create the Lexus with the ultimate "quiet and stable" appeal, which shook the world of Germans. Bavaria is a double-B brand famous for its metal craftsmanship. "Quietness and stability" are the cultural and creative elements of Toyota Motor. Taiwan has preserved many traditional arts and crafts, such as Gezi Opera, Puppet Opera, Shadow Play, Nanguan Opera, Kunqu Opera, Peking Opera, Cochin Pottery, Metalworking, Wood Carving, Bamboo Carving, etc.; there are also fusions of classical and modern Cloud Gate Dance Theatre, Han and Tang Dynasty Yuefu, Wu Gu Dance Groups such as the troupe and Youren Shenggu, all of which have received international recognition; Taiwanese artists have repeatedly won success at the Venice Biennale, architecture exhibitions, and important film festivals in various countries. All these tell us that Taiwan is a country with "cultural connotations" and "creative ideas", but current efforts to integrate the two with industry still require active efforts to cultivate young people's cultural and creative aesthetic literacy through relevant education. The vibrant stamens still bloom on the old branches of cultural heritage, but where are the old branches of Taiwan's cultural and creative industries? What are the codes of Taiwan’s cultural and creative industries? If Taiwan's international cultural image and economic output can be highlighted through artistic creation and commercial mechanisms, this should be a top concern for the government and the people. Therefore, we use the formal principles of beauty to cultivate the basic abilities of cultural creativity: 1. Harmony 2. Rhythm 3. Balance 4. Simplicity 5. Proportion 6. Unity, such as Greece .The full application of the golden ratio can be observed in the architectural structure of the Parthenon in Athens. Then, using the basic colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, purple and other basic colors as the basis of "cultural creative design", "workplace cultural and creative planning" is developed according to the needs of professionals in the field of industrial, commercial, technology and management, and develops the future career of young people. Develop energy. In 2002, the Executive Yuan included "cultural and creative industries" as a major national policy. According to the "Cultural and Creative Industries Promotion Group" of the Executive Yuan, the "Cultural and Creative Industries Promotion Group" referred to the definitions of cultural and creative industries by UNESCO and the British government, and took into account the characteristics of Taiwanese culture. "Cultural and creative industries" are defined as "industries originating from creativity and cultural accumulation, through the formation and use of property, with the potential to create wealth and employment opportunities, and promote the improvement of the overall living environment", including visual arts, music, performing arts, cultural exhibitions Thirteen items include facilities, technology, film, advertising, television, digital leisure and entertainment, publishing, design industry, brand fashion design, architectural design, and creative life. Therefore, this course uses cultural and creative industry practices combined with professional development "workplace cultural and creative planning" to expand the future career development energy of young people. It is hoped that the cultural heritage can be enriched and the writing skills of planning books, presentations and press releases can be cultivated when applying for the "Youth Micro-Entrepreneurship Fund" encouraged by the public sector and corporate cultural and educational foundations in the future. The specific content of the course is as follows: 1. Introduce the development trends of the world's advanced countries in the cultural and creative industry such as the United Kingdom, France, Japan, South Korea, the United States, and both sides of the Taiwan Strait with examples. 2. Creative Taiwan: Build the Forbidden City into a leader in the application of Taiwan's cultural and creative flagship industries and six flagship projects in the cultural and creative industries (1) TV content industry (2) Film industry (3) Popular music (4) Digital content (5) Industrial Design (6) The craft industry is the main axis. 3. Cultivate students to use the formal principles of beauty and the use of color, integrate majors across fields to build a basic cultural and creative ability platform, market brand stories - build a visual identity system (C I S) LOGO design, subtle DM advertising, poster marketing, art, audio and video synchronization Short film to develop cultural and creative planning and management resources in the workplace. 4. Advanced training for students to use basic cultural and creative abilities to develop professional workplace planning aesthetic energy, and strengthen their ability to write planning books, presentations and press releases when applying for the "Cultural and Creative Matchmaking Development of Professional Economic Output Value" from public or private enterprise cultural foundations in the future. .

參考書目 Reference Books


Yu Guohua et al. (2004). "Practical Book of Cultural and Creative Industries". Taipei, National Foundation for Culture and the Arts, Shangzhou Publishing House.
Wang, Yuling (2004). "Business Opportunities in the Visual Arts Industry", "Visual Arts - Reflections on the Humanities Industry from Local to Global". Taipei: Collection.
Lai Shengchuan (2006). "Creativity". Taipei: Tianxia Magazine.
Chen, Yuping (2006). "Hometown Fashion". Taipei: Tianxia Magazine Publishing House.
Li Benyao. Discussion on the feasibility of using cultural and creative thinking to create "21st Century Impression Nantou Tourism Takeoff". (Journal of China-Taiwan University, Volume 20, Issue 2, 2008)
Li Benyao. Research on the design and application of cultural and creative visual identity system in Dakeng Yuanxiang (Journal of China-Taiwan University, Volume 24, Issue 2, 2012)
Li Benyao. Research on the use of 3D modeling to shape the new urban and rural style of Dakeng Circle Business District (Journal of China-Taiwan University, Volume 24, Issue 2, 2012)
Li Benyao. Nantou County Sun Moon Lake and Hangzhou City West Lake established a sister lake "True Love Two Lakes, Navigation to Happiness" Group Wedding Event Planning and Design Supervision Outsourcing Service Planning Case (Journal of China-Taiwan University, Volume 22, Issue 3, Journal of China-Taiwan University, Volume 20, Issue 2, 2009)

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學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/7,8[C102]
授課教師 Teacher:李本燿
修課班級 Class:共選修1-4
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授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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