course information of 108 - 2 | 3395 Experience and Reflection in the Gourmet Foodscape(多元與議題導向:美食地景的體驗與反思)

3395 - 多元與議題導向:美食地景的體驗與反思 Experience and Reflection in the Gourmet Foodscape

教育目標 Course Target

1.藉由理論與展演的活潑方式,讓社區里民與學生體驗義大利傳統美食,並了解與賞析傳統飲食 2.藉由飲食社會與文化地理相關議題討論,了解現階段飲食大環境之困境。 3.讓社區里民與學生能相互交流,藉由雙方不同的生活經驗,激發出不同的學習觀點,藉此建立代間學習的情境。 1. Through lively methods of theory and performance, community residents and students can experience traditional Italian food and understand and appreciate traditional food. 2. Understand the current dilemma of the food environment through discussions on issues related to food society and cultural geography. 3. Allow community members and students to communicate with each other and inspire different learning perspectives through the different life experiences of both parties, thereby establishing an intergenerational learning situation.

參考書目 Reference Books

作者:肯尼士.本迪納(Kenneth Bendiner)

作者: 喬夏

3. 藝術‧食帖:靈魂品味藝術 身體品嚐料理

4. 饕客:美食地景中的民主與區辨
Foodies: Democracy and Distinction in the Gourmet Foodscape

5. 吃的美德:餐桌上的哲學思考
The Virtues of the Table

6 葡萄酒全書
作者: 林裕森
出版日期: 2007/06/29

作者:閻寶蓉, 周玉娥

1. The story of food in Western paintings that you must know
Author: Kenneth. Kenneth Bendiner
Publisher: Watts Publishing,
Publication date: 2016/01/27

2. Qiao Xia·Herb Travel: [Southern France Provence x Bulgaria] Searching for 30 European vanilla plant legends Author: Qiao Xia
Publisher: Lemu Culture
Publication date: 2017/04/28

3. Art·Food Post: The soul tastes art and the body tastes food
Author: Li Jiahua Publishing House:
Publisher: Nuannuan Bookstore
Publication date: 2018/02/12

4. Gourmet: Democracy and distinction in gastronomic landscapes
Foodies: Democracy and Distinction in the Gourmet Foodscape
Author: Josie. Johnston, Thane. Bowman
Publication date: 2018/02/21
Publisher: Qunxue

5. The virtue of eating: philosophical thinking at the table
The Virtues of the Table
Author: Julian Baggini
Publication date: 2014/10/02

6 The Complete Book of Wine
Author: Lin Yusen
Publication date: 2007/06/29

7. Beverages and bartending
Author: Yan Baorong, Zhou Yu'e
Publication date: 2015/06/11

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
出席 出席
30 同儕間與社區里民互動
書面報告二次 書面報告二次
Second written report
15 聽講心得書面
口頭報告二次 口頭報告二次
Second oral report
15 聽講心得口頭分享
夏之大地饗宴 夏之大地饗宴
Feast on the land of summer
40 藉由冬之大地饗宴里民與學生間的互動及分享,對食材永續及餐與酒及美學的欣賞。

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/8,9,10[M221]
授課教師 Teacher:周碩雄/張亦騏/林育正
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:USR計畫課程
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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