course information of 108 - 2 | 3387 Medicine Today and Health Management(多元與議題導向:當代醫學暨健康管理)

3387 - 多元與議題導向:當代醫學暨健康管理 Medicine Today and Health Management

教育目標 Course Target

醫學是一門現代社會不可或缺的科學,它不僅處理個人健康的問題,也是現代政府公共服務重要的一環,更是一項新興的產業。醫學也不僅僅是一門科學,隨著時代的變遷,它與倫理、法律等議題也相關。醫療行為不只是科學證據的實踐,在整個過程中也必須有充分人文的關懷。因此醫學是現代社會不可或缺的一門專業,與每一個人的生活息息相關。 本課程將由六位學有專精的的臨床醫師,教授個人專業領域相關疾病醫療保健問題,包括: 1. 慢性腎病與末期腎病。 臺灣一直以來始終擺脫不了洗腎王國的汙名,這堂課,將告知同學腎臟病診斷與治療,醫療政策上怎麼執行腎臟病的防治。 2. 關節炎: 認識常見關節炎的症狀、診斷、治療及日常生活注意事項。 3. 免疫與懷孕: 認識可能引起不孕及流產的免疫因素及治療方法。 4. 敗血症與現代醫學維生技術進展。 5. 代謝及內分泌疾病:隨著國人生活型態的改變及健康檢查的普及,糖尿病與甲狀腺疾病為長被發現的疾病。尤其糖尿病的問題日漸嚴重,因此針對糖尿病的瞭解、預防與治療自然極重要。課程內容包含糖尿病現況與共同照護推行政策。 6. 肺結核,一個古老又現代的疾病,以及台灣在這個公衛問題的努力與進步。 7. 現代人須關切的呼吸道疾病,氣喘與肺阻塞,以及公共政策的介入。 8. 益生菌、腸道健康及飲食。 課程內容也包含台灣社會重要的醫療、公衛及環境等議題,包括: 1. 空氣污染與肺部相關疾病。 2. 疾病末期與生命終點—台灣安寧緩和醫療發展。 此外,希望給不同領域的學生了解現代醫療進展,包括: 1. 大數據醫學領域的運用與發展。 2. 精準醫療等現代醫療熱門題目。 本課程目標除提供重要醫藥保健知識外,也會探討疾病診療與公共政策相關議題,並觸及現代醫學發展趨勢,藉此提供學生生涯與職涯更寬闊的視野。Medicine is an indispensable science in modern society. It not only deals with personal health issues, but is also an important part of modern government public services. It is also an emerging industry. Medicine is not just a science. With the changes of the times, it is also related to issues such as ethics and law. Medical behavior is not only the practice of scientific evidence, but also must have sufficient humanistic care in the entire process. Therefore, medicine is an indispensable profession in modern society and is closely related to everyone's life. This course will be taught by six skilled clinicians on health care issues related to diseases in their individual areas of expertise, including: 1. Chronic kidney disease and end-stage renal disease. Taiwan has never been able to get rid of the stigma of being a kingdom of kidney dialysis. This class will inform students about the diagnosis and treatment of kidney disease and how to implement the prevention and treatment of kidney disease in medical policies. 2. Arthritis: Understand the symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and daily life precautions of common arthritis. 3. Immunity and pregnancy: Understand the immune factors and treatments that may cause infertility and miscarriage. 4. Sepsis and progress in modern medical life-sustaining technology. 5. Metabolic and endocrine diseases: With the changes in Chinese people’s lifestyles and the popularization of health examinations, diabetes and thyroid diseases are diseases that are often discovered. In particular, the problem of diabetes is becoming increasingly serious, so the understanding, prevention and treatment of diabetes are naturally extremely important. The course content includes the current status of diabetes and shared care promotion policies. 6. Tuberculosis, an ancient and modern disease, and Taiwan’s efforts and progress in this public health issue. 7. Respiratory diseases, asthma and pulmonary obstruction that modern people need to be concerned about, as well as public policy intervention. 8. Probiotics, gut health and diet. The course content also covers important medical, public health and environmental issues in Taiwanese society, including: 1. Air pollution and lung-related diseases. 2. End-stage disease and end of life—the development of palliative care in Taiwan. In addition, we hope to provide students in different fields with an understanding of modern medical advances, including: 1. Application and development of big data in the medical field. 2. Precision medicine and other hot topics in modern medical care. In addition to providing important medical and health care knowledge, this course will also explore issues related to disease diagnosis, treatment and public policy, and touch on the development trends of modern medicine, thereby providing students with a broader perspective on their lives and careers.

參考書目 Reference Books

四、Kelley’s Texbook of Rheumatology

1. Guns, Germs and Steel: The Fate of Human Society [20th Anniversary Collection Commemorative Edition]
2. Make an appointment. Say Goodbye Well: The last final exam in life, let us say goodbye well
3. The last 14 Tuesday lessons [20th Anniversary Edition]
4. Kelley’s Texbook of Rheumatology

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
interim report
35 請見"學習活動與作業說明"
Final report
35 請見"學習活動與作業說明"
Class discussion participation and performance
30 15% 為期中考前表現,15% 為期中考後表現,評分方式為課堂發言及出席率。

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/6,7[H305]
授課教師 Teacher:陳信華/傅彬貴
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 70 人。

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