course information of 108 - 2 | 3381 Preventive Health and Geriatric Medicine(多元與議題導向:預防保健與高齡醫學)

3381 - 多元與議題導向:預防保健與高齡醫學 Preventive Health and Geriatric Medicine

教育目標 Course Target

課程目標 現代醫療科技進步,一日千里。雖然因各種媒體競相報導,使一般群眾之醫學知識普遍提升。但對知識爆炸之醫學相關常識,仍無法很輕易之了解。近些年來,各種疾病相關檢驗、預防保健相關檢驗、甚至傳染病之檢驗、婚前之健康檢查相關檢驗等均紛紛出籠。另外,人口高齡化是先進國家健康照護中一項很重要的議題,近年來台灣人口老化的速度更為顯著,政府也將將推動國人健康老化、推展活躍老化、健全長照服務體系利入主要施政主軸之中。年長者因身體狀況相對較差,將提升心血管疾病、癌症、糖尿病、慢性呼吸道疾病等染病率,增加社會醫療成本及健保支出。而年齡老化造成生理儲備能力的下降,使得許多疾病初期的表現並不具有典型的臨床症狀。由於這些非特異性的表現,病人的臨床表徵可能會被一般照護人員忽略,因而錯過早期介入治療的機會,加上老年人時常同時罹患多種慢性疾病,使得疾病間之交互作用更增加治療的困難度。本課程著重在介紹與人類健康與老化相關的生物醫學和醫學檢驗,希望能以追求健康生活為出發點,讓年輕學子能在有限修習時間學習到相關健康照護以及老化的基礎和應用知識。 課程內涵 透過課堂基本原理內容講述及實際應用案例來達到三項主要教學目標。 1、增進學生對各種疾病及預防保健的瞭解,使學生增進健康檢查相關檢驗技術的知識。 2、增進學生對於老化與疾病相關性的認知,了解現行老化相關之研究發展情形以及抗老化之醫療服務內容。 3、以追求健康人生為出發點,來認識檢驗。使學生能有正確之概念,使醫學檢驗對健康照護能隨時提供幫助,正向面對老化造成之各種病症,推動健康老化。 Course objectives Modern medical science and technology are advancing rapidly. Although competing reports from various media have led to a general improvement in the medical knowledge of the general public. However, it is still not easy to understand the common sense of medicine related to the explosion of knowledge. In recent years, various disease-related tests, preventive health-related tests, even tests for infectious diseases, and tests related to pre-marital health examinations have been launched one after another. In addition, the aging of the population is a very important issue in health care in advanced countries. In recent years, Taiwan's population has aged more rapidly. The government will also play an important role in promoting healthy aging of the people, promoting active aging, and improving the long-term care service system. among the main pillars of governance. Due to the relatively poor physical condition of the elderly, they will increase the incidence of cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, chronic respiratory diseases, etc., and increase social medical costs and health insurance expenditures. Aging causes a decline in physiological reserve capacity, resulting in many diseases that do not have typical clinical symptoms in their early stages. Due to these non-specific manifestations, the patient's clinical manifestations may be ignored by general caregivers, thus missing the opportunity for early interventional treatment. In addition, the elderly often suffer from multiple chronic diseases at the same time, making the interaction between diseases even more difficult to treat. Spend. This course focuses on introducing biomedicine and medical testing related to human health and aging. It is hoped that starting from the pursuit of healthy life, young students can learn the basic and applied knowledge of related health care and aging in limited study time. Course content Three main teaching objectives are achieved through the presentation of basic classroom principles and practical application cases. 1. Improve students’ understanding of various diseases and preventive health care, so that students can enhance their knowledge of health examination-related examination techniques. 2. Enhance students’ understanding of the correlation between aging and diseases, and understand the current research and development status related to aging as well as the content of anti-aging medical services. 3. Take the pursuit of a healthy life as the starting point to understand and test. To enable students to have a correct concept, so that medical examinations can provide help in health care at any time, to face various diseases caused by aging positively, and to promote healthy aging.

參考書目 Reference Books

3.科學發展 生命科學等相關期刊之生命科學主題報導

1. Self-made course handout content
2. Newspapers, magazines and Internet related information
3. Scientific development: life science theme reports in life sciences and other related journals
4. Appreciation of science movies

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
interim report
25 期中報告
Final report
25 期中報告
50 不定時點名

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學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/8,9[HT007]
授課教師 Teacher:楊境評
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:樂齡學院(USR)
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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