course information of 108 - 2 | 3205 The Theory and Practice of Multicultural Education(社會:多元文化教育與實踐)

3205 - 社會:多元文化教育與實踐 The Theory and Practice of Multicultural Education

教育目標 Course Target

1. 發現問題及瞭解問題,主要的學習活動是讓師資生從探索自己的文化開始,進而了解多元文化,在這樣的學習過程中,讓學生發現文化的差異及衝突。 2. 整理問題及深入理解。透過分析整理因台灣社會的社會經濟背景事實不同,及社會對族群的偏見與歧視,讓師資生深入理解因對文化差異在教育上所造成在的不公平、不正義。 3. 連結生活及行動。也就是師資生將透過規劃課程連結生活,提出對教育上的行動計畫,培養每一位師資生在教育上的改革有行動能力,而在擔任教職後成為一位多元文化教育種子老師,為教育工作上進行改革,實踐社會公平正義的理想持續努力。本課程的教學方法包括課堂講解討論分享、線上討論、閱讀文章、專家學者演講、影片欣賞、及小組發表。以下幾種方式: ◊ 教師重點講解:由任課教師對於重要(主要)概念的進行引導式的提 ◊ 示與講解。 ◊ 分組討論:由組長帶領全組進行,並指定記錄及口頭報告人。 ◊ 田野調查:學生自行尋找學校進行參訪,與學校人員進行交流及訪談老師學生,瞭解目前學習不利(霸凌 城鄉差距 貧富差距 隔代教養….)在學校情形。 ◊ 線上討論:學生必須經常上教學網站分享學習心得。 ◊ 線上觀看影片:利用教學平台隨選視訊系統播放有關偏鄉教育的影片。 ◊ 讀書會:選擇一本有關偏鄉教育的書籍閱讀。1. Discover and understand problems. The main learning activity is to allow teachers and students to start from exploring their own culture and then understand multiculturalism. During this learning process, students can discover cultural differences and conflicts. 2. Sort out the questions and gain in-depth understanding. By analyzing and sorting out the different socio-economic background facts in Taiwanese society, as well as social prejudice and discrimination against ethnic groups, teachers and students can have a deep understanding of the unfairness and injustice caused by cultural differences in education. 3. Connect life and action. That is to say, teacher students will connect their lives through planning courses, propose action plans for education, and cultivate each teacher student to have the ability to take action in educational reforms. After taking up a teaching position, they will become a multicultural education seed teacher, providing We will carry out reforms in education and continue to work hard to implement the ideals of social fairness and justice. The teaching methods of this course include classroom explanations and discussions, online discussions, reading articles, speeches by experts and scholars, video appreciation, and group presentations. The following ways: ◊ Teacher’s key explanation: The teacher will provide guided introduction to important (main) concepts. ◊ Show and explain. ◊ Group discussion: The group leader will lead the whole group and designate a recorder and oral speaker. ◊ Fieldwork: Students find schools on their own to visit, communicate with school personnel and interview teachers and students to understand the current learning disadvantages (bullying, urban-rural gap, wealth gap, intergenerational upbringing...) in school. ◊ Online discussions: Students must often go to the teaching website to share their learning experiences. ◊ Watch videos online: Use the video-on-demand system of the teaching platform to play videos about rural education. ◊ Reading Club: Choose a book about rural education to read.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. 劉美慧、游美惠、與劉淑菁編著 (2016)。多元文化教育。台北: 高等教育文化事業有限公司。
2. Ramsey, P. (2004). Teaching and learning in a diverse world: multicultural education for young children. New York: NY: Teachers College Press.朱瑛&蔡其蓁譯(2004)。多元世界的教與學: 兒童的多元文化教育。. 台北市: 心理出版社股份有限公司。
4. course readings

1. Edited by Liu Meihui, You Meihui, and Liu Shujing (2016). Multicultural education. Taipei: Higher Education Cultural Enterprise Co., Ltd.
2. Ramsey, P. (2004). Teaching and learning in a diverse world: multicultural education for young children. New York: NY: Teachers College Press. Translated by Zhu Ying & Cai Qizhen (2004). Teaching and learning for a diverse world: Children's multicultural education. . Taipei: Psychological Press Co., Ltd.
3. Books related to rural education
4. course readings

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Attendance and Class Participation
10 學生應按時出席,並參與課堂上的活動與討論,如有事無法到課需依規定請假。請假次數不得超過4次(含)。
Multicultural Education Teaching Program
20 結合將來任教之科目設計融入文化素材之教學設計計劃。
Reading Club—Criticism of Inequality Bias in Reading
20 針對讀書會的內容,以15分鐘分享讀書會的成果。 讀書會的報告形式自訂, 可以以drama、 interactive symposium、round table呈現。
Read responses online
20 上課前寫下你讀到什麼,你想到什麼, 上傳至教學網站分享學習心得。
10 將這學期的學期你在該科各項學習活動心得,以E檔案呈現。
Exploring inequality issues in schools
20 透過學校的實地田野調查,一則與教育相關議題,加以批判討論,提出你的看法

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/8,9[H123]
授課教師 Teacher:陳淑美
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:與師培中心課程3626雙掛
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 6 人。

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