course information of 108 - 2 | 3202 Gamification of Society(社會:遊戲與社會)

3202 - 社會:遊戲與社會 Gamification of Society

教育目標 Course Target

遊戲是什麼?遊戲與社會有什麼關聯?遊戲可以改變世界嗎? 一般以為,遊戲只是孩童用來打發時間的東西,成人如果玩了太多遊戲,就會被視為不夠成熟、遠離現實、逃避責任、不事生產等等。或是認為,儘管遊戲可以釋放壓力、帶來歡笑、聯絡感情,但是畢竟不夠正經、與知識無關、甚至會落入資本主義的商業消費邏輯。因此,玩玩就好,切勿沉迷。對於社會科學來說,倘若知識得以透過實踐介入社會,構思Erik Olin Wright所謂的「真實烏托邦」,也就是更好的社會,那麼除了審議民主、參與式預算、團結經濟、藝術介入社會等等,是否存在著其他的可能性,能夠在社區營造與地方創生的宏大課題之下,形構創新實踐的另類想像? 本課程嘗試另一種不同的思考與實作,也就是「遊戲」。遊戲並非外於日常生活,它正是構成人類文明與社會關係的核心要素。一如文化史家Johan Huizinga所主張,「處於最初階段的文明乃是被遊戲出來的。它不是像嬰兒從子宮脫離出來那樣從遊戲中產生出來的,而是在遊戲中並做為遊戲產生出來且永遠也不脫離遊戲的。」因此,舉凡語言、體育、法律、戰爭、知識、詩歌、神話、哲學、藝術等等,都是遊戲在人類文明與文化中的具體展現。更進一步來說,遊戲乃是「一種完全有意置身於『日常』生活之外的、『不當真的』(not serious)但同時又強烈吸引遊戲者的自由活動。它是一種不與任何物質利益相聯繫的活動,從它那裡無利可圖。它按照固定的規則並以某種有序的方式活動在它自己的時空範圍內。它促進社會團體的形成,這些團體喜歡用詭祕的氣氛包裹自己,同時傾向於以喬裝或其他方式強調他們與普通世界的不同。」這意謂著在遊戲之中,遊戲者可以感受到不同於日常生活經濟行為邏輯之外的世界觀,能夠在遊戲過程中發揮自身的感性創造力,甚至能夠在遊戲過程中與他人建立社會連結。 職是之故,本課程希望充分探討與試驗「遊戲」做為社會創新實踐的可能性,並且在課程中充分結合遊戲元素,寓教於樂,玩轉社會。本課程雖以關注社會議題與社會創新實踐為主,但課程內容將跨領域涉及到空間建築、文史考察、藝文創作、產業經濟、社群治理、以及遊戲設計,因此歡迎各系所專業的同好者一起加入。課程將分為三大部分依序進行: (一) 第一部分介紹「遊戲」概念在人文社會科學中的相關討論,包括哲學、歷史、社會學、心理學、人類學等面向之意涵。並且搭配社會設計的思維,在跨學科的思維碰撞激盪之中,學習社會創新實踐的各種可能。課程亦將援引介紹國內外各種相關案例加以介紹,以期拓展課程參與者的思考視野。 (二) 第二部分則引領課程參與者進入社區場域展開考察。本課程主張,社會科學的知識學習,不能夠脫離於社會現實的認識,因此這階段的課程將帶領課程參與者前往臺中市中區(舊城區),結合相關的遊戲設計,活化課程參與者的感官體驗能力,讓課程參與者對於社區場域有更進一步的認識,並在走踏場域的過程中理解自己的生活世界,察覺周遭的社會議題。 (三) 第三部分則基於各組自行選定的場域議題,構思並設計能夠反映議題的遊戲,遊戲類別將鼓勵以戶外實境遊戲為主(但不侷限於此)。為了協助課程參與者順利製作遊戲,課程亦將邀請校外專家學者與專業團隊,針對遊戲設計的各環節進行指導。期末並鼓勵課程參與者邀請校內師生一起來玩遊戲,在遊戲的過程中進行社會實踐。What is the game? What is the connection between games and society? Can games change the world? It is generally believed that games are only used by children to kill time. If adults play too many games, they will be regarded as immature, far away from reality, evading responsibilities, unproductive, etc. Or they think that although games can release stress, bring laughter, and connect emotions, after all, they are not serious enough, have nothing to do with knowledge, and may even fall into the logic of capitalist commercial consumption. So, just have fun and don’t get addicted. For social sciences, if knowledge can intervene in society through practice and conceive of what Erik Olin Wright calls a "real utopia", that is, a better society, then in addition to deliberative democracy, participatory budgeting, solidarity economy, art intervention in society, etc., Are there other possibilities that can form alternative imaginations of innovative practice under the grand issues of community building and place creation? This course attempts a different kind of thinking and implementation, which is "game". Games are not external to daily life; they are the core elements that constitute human civilization and social relations. As the cultural historian Johan Huizinga has argued, “Civilization in its first stages was played. It did not emerge from play, like a baby emerging from the womb, but it emerged in and as play. It is never separated from games. "Therefore, everything from language, sports, law, war, knowledge, poetry, mythology, philosophy, art, etc., are all specific manifestations of games in human civilization and culture. Furthermore, gaming is "a free activity that is completely intentionally outside of "daily" life, "not serious" but at the same time strongly attracts players. It is a kind of free activity that is not related to any material interests. There is no profit from associated activities. It operates within its own time and space according to fixed rules and in a certain orderly manner. It promotes the formation of social groups that like to be wrapped in an atmosphere of mystery. themselves, and at the same time tend to emphasize their differences from the ordinary world through disguise or other means. "This means that in the game, players can feel a world view that is different from the logic of daily economic behavior, and can play in the game during the game. Give full play to your own emotional creativity and even build social connections with others during the game. For this reason, this course hopes to fully explore and test the possibility of "games" as a social innovation practice, and fully integrate game elements into the course to educate and entertain, and play with society. Although this course focuses on social issues and social innovation practices, the course content will cross-field and involve space architecture, literary and historical investigation, artistic creation, industrial economics, community governance, and game design. Therefore, majors from all departments are welcome Join in with like-minded people. The course will be divided into three parts and will be conducted sequentially: (1) The first part introduces the relevant discussions of the concept of "game" in the humanities and social sciences, including its implications in philosophy, history, sociology, psychology, anthropology, etc. And combined with the thinking of social design, in the collision and excitement of interdisciplinary thinking, we can learn various possibilities of social innovation practice. The course will also introduce various relevant cases at home and abroad in order to expand the thinking horizons of course participants. (2) The second part leads the course participants to enter the community field for investigation. This course advocates that the knowledge learning of social sciences cannot be divorced from the understanding of social reality. Therefore, this stage of the course will take course participants to the Central District (Old Town) of Taichung City, combined with relevant game design, to activate the course participants The sensory experience ability allows course participants to have a better understanding of the community field, understand their own living world and be aware of the social issues around them while walking in the field. (3) The third part is based on the field issues selected by each group, conceiving and designing games that can reflect the issues. The game category will encourage outdoor real-life games to be the main ones (but not limited to this). In order to help course participants successfully create games, the course will also invite experts, scholars and professional teams from outside the school to provide guidance on all aspects of game design. At the end of the semester, course participants are encouraged to invite teachers and students on campus to play games together and engage in social practice during the game.

參考書目 Reference Books


1. Despain, Wendy著/肖心怡譯,《遊戲設計的100個原理》。北京:人民郵電,2015。
2. Fullerton, Tracy著/潘妮等譯,《遊戲設計夢工廠》。北京:電子工業,2016。
3. McGonigal, Jane著/閭佳譯,《遊戲改變世界,讓現實更美好!》。臺北市:橡實文化,2016。
4. Rogers, Scott著/高濟潤、孫懿譯,《通關!遊戲設計之道》。北京:人民郵電,2013。
5. Schafer, R. Murray著/趙聖慈譯,《聽見聲音的地景:100種聽與聲音創造的練習》。臺北市:大塊文化,2017。
6. Werbach, Kevin著/周逵、王曉丹譯,《遊戲化思維:改變未來商業的新力量》。杭州:浙江人民,2014。
7. Whiteley, Nigel著/游萬來、楊敏英、李盈盈譯注,《為社會而設計》。臺北市:聯經,2014。
8. 大野功二著/支鵬浩譯,《遊戲設計的236個技巧:遊戲機制、關卡設計和鏡頭竅門》。北京:人民郵電,2015。
9. 赤瀨川原平、藤森照信、南伸坊編/嚴可婷、黃碧君、林皎碧譯,《路上觀察學入門》。臺北市:行人,2014。
10. 侯惠澤、臺灣科大NTUST MEG教育桌遊設計小組編著,《寓教於樂 知識主題桌上遊戲設計》。新北市新莊區:臺科大,2018。
11. 侯惠澤著,《遊戲式學習:啟動自學 X 喜樂協作, 一起玩中學!》。臺北市:親子天下,2016。
12. 菅俊一著/王淑儀譯,《練習的觀察:捕獲設計靈感,發見隱藏創意》。臺北市:創意市集,2019。

There is no designated textbook for this course, and readings and reference materials are provided on the teaching platform. Regarding the topic of this course, relevant books worth reading are still recommended:

1. Despain, written by Wendy/translated by Xiao Xinyi, "100 Principles of Game Design". Beijing: People's Posts and Telecommunications, 2015.
2. Fullerton, Tracy/Translated by Penny et al., "Game Design Dream Factory". Beijing: Electronic Industry, 2016.
3. McGonigal, Jane/Translated by Lu Jia, "Games change the world and make reality better!" 》. Taipei City: Acorn Culture, 2016.
4. Rogers, Scott/Translated by Gao Jirun and Sun Yi, "Clear the Customs!" Game Design Techniques". Beijing: People's Posts and Telecommunications, 2013.
5. Schafer, R. Murray/Translated by Zhao Shengci, "Landscapes of Hearing Sound: 100 Practices for Listening and Sound Creation". Taipei City: Chunk Culture, 2017.
6. Werbach, Kevin/Translated by Zhou Kui and Wang Xiaodan, "Gamified Thinking: A New Power to Change the Future of Business". Hangzhou: Zhejiang People's Publishing House, 2014.
7. Whiteley, Nigel/Translated and annotated by You Wanlai, Yang Minying, and Li Yingying, "Designing for Society". Taipei City: Lianjing, 2014.
8. Written by Koji Ohno/translated by Zhi Penghao, "236 Tips for Game Design: Game Mechanics, Level Design and Camera Tips". Beijing: People's Posts and Telecommunications, 2015.
9. "Introduction to Observation on the Road" compiled by Akasegawa Haranpei, Fujimori Terunobu, and Nanshinbo/translated by Yan Keting, Huang Bijun, and Lin Jiaobi. Taipei City: Pedestrian, 2014.
10. Edited by Hou Huize and the NTUST MEG Educational Board Game Design Group of Taiwan University of Science and Technology, "Education through Fun: Knowledge-themed Board Game Design". Xinzhuang District, New Taipei City: National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, 2018.
11. Hou Huize, "Game-Based Learning: Start self-study x joyful collaboration, learn by playing together!" 》. Taipei City: Parent-Child World, 2016.
12. Written by Junichi Suga/translated by Wang Shuyi, "Practical Observation: Capturing Design Inspiration and Discovering Hidden Creativity". Taipei City: Creative Market, 2019.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
(一) 課堂出席與課堂表現(一) 課堂出席與課堂表現
(1) Class attendance and class performance
15 依課程出席與課堂表現予以評量。
(二) 課程心得(二) 課程心得
(2) Course experience
30 共繳交三份。每人每份至少1000字。
(三) 社區實地踏查與議題反思(三) 社區實地踏查與議題反思
(3) Community field visits and reflection on issues
20 共繳交二份。每人每份至少1000字。
(四) 遊戲設計與製作(四) 遊戲設計與製作
(4) Game design and production
35 依據社區場域踏查之素材,以組別為單位,製作具有社區場域之社會文化意涵,並且反映特定社會議題之遊戲。

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/6,7,8[SS323]
授課教師 Teacher:李晏佐
修課班級 Class:共必修2-4
選課備註 Memo:與社會系1963課程雙掛
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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