course information of 108 - 2 | 3192 Sociology of Youth: Juvenescence(社會:青春社會學:膜拜青春,剝削青年)

3192 - 社會:青春社會學:膜拜青春,剝削青年 Sociology of Youth: Juvenescence

教育目標 Course Target

當人們察覺年老可能帶來的無趣、衰頹、軟弱,及隨之而來死亡的空無與恐佈時,青春總是顯得更加令人嚮往。然而,生命時間的不可逆,往往使得「青春永駐」這件事在過往,只能成為多數人心裡最深層的渴望,以及少數權貴們徒勞無功的愚癡。所以,常保/恢復青春,總是以神話或不傳之秘的形式,在人類歷史中傳遞著。而在現實中,做為青春具體化存在的青年,經常受到貶抑:「嘴上無毛,辦事不牢」、「少不更事」....;單純無知;魯莽衝動,往往就成為他們最常被貼上的標籤。   然而,有趣的是,在今天這個時代,追求青春永駐,不再是神話或奧秘,不再是權貴的專利;這事幾乎成了全民運動,有一整套青春產業、大眾文化,在引領眾人投身於這項空前的事業,要讓他們--不管是年青人或中老年人--的身心都能沉浸在青春的光芒與喜悅中。當前的社會,不只是在歌詠、揮灑青春,根本就是在膜拜青春!而過往時常受到貶抑的青年,忽然間也受到高度重視。政治、經濟、教育等各領域人士或團體,逐漸關心起青年人的意見、品味、需求;努力爭取他們的支持或認可,甚至複製起他們的言行模式。 但令人費解的是,現在的青年人,除非是富二代的靠爸/媽族外,卻仍舊對生活充滿失望、不滿或無力,以至於對人生或現實,感到茫然無所適從、憤恨不平、或是頹廢冷漠。為什麼這個時代對青春如此膜拜;但對於青春具體化的青年,似乎又顯得毫不留情呢?   本課程的目的,正是以青春為題,從社會學的角度出發,探討當代社會狂熱追求青春的獨特性、原因、策略以及可能產生的效果。更重要的是,本課程將透過文藝作品、歷史事件,勾勒出各種可能的青春圖象,引導正在享受青春的同學們,能超越眼下社會所為他們設定的思維框架,深入探究青春的意義;能冷靜地看待青年們在現實中,正在或將會受到什麼樣的對待,進而珍惜、善用那逝而難返的青春! When people realize the boredom, decadence, and weakness that old age may bring, as well as the emptiness and fear of death that may follow, youth always seems more desirable. However, the irreversibility of life time often makes the matter of "eternal youth" in the past only become the deepest desire in the hearts of most people and the futile foolishness of a few powerful people. Therefore, the preservation/restoration of youth has always been passed down in human history in the form of myths or unheralded secrets. In reality, young people, who are the embodiment of youth, are often devalued: "hairless on the lips, weak in doing things", "nothing is done when they are young"...; simple ignorance; reckless impulsiveness, are often the most common things they are criticized for. Labeled. However, what is interesting is that in today's era, the pursuit of eternal youth is no longer a myth or mystery, nor is it the exclusive preserve of the rich and powerful; it has almost become a national movement, and there is a whole set of youth industries and popular culture that are leading everyone to join in the pursuit of youth. For this unprecedented undertaking, we want them, whether young or middle-aged or old, to be immersed in the light and joy of youth in their bodies and minds. The current society is not only singing and expressing youth, but also worshiping youth! And young people who were often devalued in the past are suddenly being highly valued. People or groups in various fields such as politics, economics, and education have gradually become concerned about the opinions, tastes, and needs of young people; they strive to win their support or recognition, and even copy their patterns of words and deeds. But what is puzzling is that today's young people, unless they are the second generation of rich parents, are still full of disappointment, dissatisfaction or powerlessness in life, so that they feel at a loss, resentment and resentment about life or reality. Or decadent and indifferent. Why does this era worship youth so much, but seems to show no mercy to young people who are the embodiment of youth? The purpose of this course is to use youth as the theme and from a sociological perspective to explore the uniqueness, reasons, strategies and possible effects of the fanatical pursuit of youth in contemporary society. More importantly, this course will outline various possible images of youth through literary and artistic works and historical events, and guide students who are enjoying youth to transcend the thinking framework set by the current society for them and deeply explore the meaning of youth; Look calmly at how young people are or will be treated in reality, and then cherish and make good use of the lost youth!

參考書目 Reference Books

■※主要參考書籍/資料 (Textbooks and References) (教科書遵守智慧財產權觀念不得非法影印) (限2000中文字)
Harisson, Robert Pogue 2016《我們為何膜拜青春》。梁永安譯。臺北:立緒
屠格涅夫 2000《父與子》。臺北:桂冠
杜斯妥也夫斯基 1992《罪與罰》。耿濟之譯。臺北:遠景
太宰治 2012《人間失格》。楊偉、蕭雲菁譯。臺北:新雨
保羅˙科爾賀 1997《牧羊少年奇幻之旅》。周惠玲譯。臺北:時報文化

■※Main reference books/materials (Textbooks and References) (Textbooks comply with the concept of intellectual property rights and are not illegally photocopied) (Limited to 2000 Chinese characters)
Harisson, Robert Pogue 2016 Why We Worship Youth. Translated by Liang Yongan. Taipei: Lixu
Turgenev 2000 "Fathers and Sons". Taipei: Laurel
Dostoevsky 1992 Crime and Punishment. Translated by Geng Ji. Taipei: Vision
Osamu Dazai 2012 "Disqualification in the World". Translated by Yang Wei and Xiao Yunjing. Taipei: Xinyu
Paul Coleher 1997 "The Fantastic Journey of the Shepherd Boy". Translated by Zhou Huiling. Taipei: Times Culture

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
class notes
20 個人作業
Class discussion
40 分組進行
term report
40 分組進行

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學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/6,7[C113]
授課教師 Teacher:黃國清
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
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授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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