course information of 108 - 2 | 3188 Exploration of the Temple Fair Culture in Taiwan(社會:台灣廟會文化探索)

3188 - 社會:台灣廟會文化探索 Exploration of the Temple Fair Culture in Taiwan

教育目標 Course Target

1.多年前西方通識教育典範轉移(paragon shifting)曾主張:「所有的專業都是通識,所有的通識也都是專業」,本課程作為通識教育功能目標,希望修習同學揚棄營養學分的概念!期待透過知識探索的方法學訓練,能幫助同學「打通任督二脈」,無論是作學問或做人做事方法上都能收「融會貫通‧一通百通」之功!課程中將會相當重視基本認知、知識系統化方法的基本訓練、自我管理素養培育,因此觀察體驗、資訊採集、寫作表達等,知識分類方法、條理化素養培養將為不可或缺的重點。 2.觀察及探索台灣民間信仰與節慶中的廟會活動,探討此項活動的文化內涵,對其傳承、發展、變遷、現況以及社會現象投射的關聯等,深入介紹分析並作主題探索與討論,增進對台灣廟會文化呈現於社會之意義與功能的認知。使修習學生能透過人文精神認識,領會台灣社會文化的深層價值,運用觀察、思辨、知識資訊採集、田野調查及研究寫作方法,以訓練並激發學生的傾聽與溝通、表達能力,承認與尊重多元差異,追求人類社會的整體價值,期能融通求真、篤信、力行等素養於學習生涯之中。1. The paragon shifting of Western general education many years ago advocated: "All majors are general studies, and all general studies are also majors." As a functional goal of general education, this course hopes that students will abandon nutrition. The concept of credits! We hope that through the methodological training of knowledge exploration, we can help students "open up the two channels of office and governor", and gain "integration and mastery" whether it is learning or ways of doing things! The course will attach great importance to basic training in basic cognition, knowledge systematization methods, and self-management literacy cultivation. Therefore, observation experience, information collection, writing expression, etc., knowledge classification methods, and structured literacy cultivation will be indispensable focuses. 2. Observe and explore temple fair activities in Taiwanese folk beliefs and festivals, explore the cultural connotation of this activity, its inheritance, development, changes, current situation and social phenomenon projection, etc., introduce and analyze in depth, and conduct theme exploration and discussion. To enhance understanding of the significance and function of Taiwan’s temple fair culture in society. Enable students to understand the deep-seated values ​​of Taiwanese society and culture through humanistic spiritual understanding, and use observation, speculation, knowledge and information collection, fieldwork, and research and writing methods to train and stimulate students' listening, communication, and expression skills, and to recognize and respect diversity. Differences, pursuing the overall value of human society, and hoping to integrate qualities such as truth-seeking, faith, and practice into learning and life.

參考書目 Reference Books

1、 周 明,《台灣民間信仰鄉土文化教材電子書》,2007,國立自然科學博物館。
2、 周 明,〈三月瘋媽祖‧文化行銷現隱憂〉,聯合報,民國91年4月22日,15版。
3、 周 明,〈神秘威武的街頭舞者─「八家將」與「官將首」淺釋〉,台灣源流季刊,97年夏,43期,頁101-109。
4、 李豐楙、朱榮貴主編,《儀式、廟會與社區:道教、民間信仰與民間文化》,1996,中央研究院文哲研究所。
5、 李豐楙等,《第一屆宗教文化國際學術研討會論文集》,佛光大學宗教文化研究中心。
6、 李豐楙總編纂,《東港迎王:東港東隆宮丁丑正科平安祭典》,1998,台灣學生書局。
7、 林美容,《媽祖信仰與台灣社會》,2006,博揚文化出版。
8、 黃文博,《站在台灣廟會現場》,2002,常民文化出版。
9、 董芳苑,《探討台灣民間信仰》,2008,常民文化出版。
10、 謝宗榮,《台灣的廟會文化與信仰變遷》,2006,博揚文化。
11、 周 明等,《台灣將團演藝》,Discovery 41集,慈濟大愛電視台。
1. Zhou Ming, "Taiwanese Folk Beliefs and Native Culture Textbook E-book", 2007, National Museum of Natural Science.
2. Zhou Ming, "March Madness Mazu: Hidden worries about cultural marketing", United Daily News, April 22, 1991, page 15.
3. Zhou Ming, "Mysterious and Mighty Street Dancers - A Brief Explanation of the "Eight Generals" and the "Official Generals"", Taiwan Origin Quarterly, Summer 1997, Issue 43, pp. 101-109.
4. Li Fengmao and Zhu Ronggui, editors-in-chief, "Rituals, Temple Fairs and Communities: Taoism, Folk Beliefs and Folk Culture", 1996, Institute of Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica.
5. Li Fengzhu et al., "Proceedings of the First International Academic Symposium on Religious Culture", Foguang University Religious Culture Research Center.
6. Compiled by Chief Editor Li Fengzhu, "Donggang Welcomes the King: Donggang Donglong Palace Ding Chou Zhengke's Peace Ceremony", 1998, Taiwan Student Book Company.
7. Lin Meimei, "Mazu Belief and Taiwanese Society", 2006, Boyang Culture Publishing.
8. Huang Wenbo, "Standing at the Taiwan Temple Fair", 2002, Changmin Culture Publishing.
9. Dong Fangyuan, "Exploring Taiwanese Folk Beliefs", 2008, Changmin Culture Publishing.
10. Xie Zongrong, "Taiwan's Temple Fair Culture and Belief Changes", 2006, Boyang Culture.
11. Zhou Ming et al., "Taiwan General Performing Arts", Discovery Episode 41, Tzu Chi Great Love TV.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Semester exam
50 期中與期末測驗,詳答題筆試
Semester Research Writing
50 由同學在本課程內容範圍自選題材自訂題目,研究寫作大綱及摘要於期中考時提出預作檢討與寫作指導
Classroom interaction and attendance
15 全學期課堂互動與出席率加權15%增減

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學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/5,6,7[C112]
授課教師 Teacher:周 明
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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