course information of 108 - 2 | 3187 Romantic Love in Culture and Image(社會:浪漫愛的影像與文化)

3187 - 社會:浪漫愛的影像與文化 Romantic Love in Culture and Image

教育目標 Course Target

這是一門初探愛情論述的課程,我們探討作為悸動、情緒與慾望的浪漫愛,我們更將浪漫愛作為一個論述,來探討它在各個文化中的型態、表現方式、作用與內涵。這門課將以當代最普遍、最大眾化的文化媒介即電影為基礎,輔以分析論述與文學作品,來認識不同時代、不同文化、不同作品如何表述浪漫愛,而我們對於「愛」的想像與認知,又是如何與之呼應。本課程期望藉由主題式的討論與重要作品的賞析,來探問與反思我們對於「愛」的理解,從而豐富我們的社會生活、也深邃我們的心靈與精神生命。This is a course that initially explores the discourse of love. We explore romantic love as throbbing, emotion, and desire. We also use romantic love as a discourse to explore its forms, expressions, functions, and connotations in various cultures. This course will be based on the most common and popular cultural media in our time, that is, film, supplemented by analytical discussions and literary works, to understand how romantic love is expressed in different eras, different cultures, and different works, and how we imagine "love" and cognition, and how to respond to it. This course hopes to explore and reflect on our understanding of "love" through thematic discussions and appreciation of important works, thereby enriching our social life and deepening our spiritual and spiritual lives.

參考書目 Reference Books

Robin Baker。《精子戰爭》。台北,麥田出版,1999
Roland Barthes。《戀人絮語》。台北,商周出版,2015
Ulrich Beck & Elisabeth Beck-Gernsheim。《愛情的正常性混亂》。臺北縣新店市,立緒,2000
Marcel Danesi。《KISS!吻的文化史》。台北,麥田出版,2016
Erich Fromm。《愛的藝術》。台北:志文,2003
Anthony Giddens。《親密關係的轉變:現代社會的性、愛、慾》。臺北:巨流,2001
John Gray。《男女大不同:火星男人與金星女人的戀愛講義》。臺北:生命潛能文化,2011
Laura Kipnis。《反對愛情:那些外遇者教我的事》。台北:行人,2010
Niklas Luhmann。《愛情作為激情:論親密性的符碼化》。台北:五南,2011
Lynn Margulis & Dorion Sagan。《性的歷史》。台北:時報出版,1994 (二版)

Robin Baker. "Sperm Wars". Taipei, Wheatfield Publishing, 1999
Roland Barthes. "Lover's Whispers". Taipei, Shangzhou Publishing House, 2015
Ulrich Beck & Elisabeth Beck-Gernsheim. "The Normal Sexual Confusion of Love." Xindian City, Taipei County, Lixu, 2000
Marcel Danesi. "KISS!" The Cultural History of Kiss. Taipei, Wheatfield Publishing, 2016
Erich Fromm. "The Art of Loving". Taipei: Zhiwen, 2003
Anthony Giddens. "The Transformation of Intimacy: Sex, Love, and Desire in Modern Society." Taipei: Juliu, 2001
John Gray. "The Big Difference Between Men and Women: Handouts on Love between Mars Men and Venus Women." Taipei: Culture of Life Potential, 2011
Laura Kipnis. Against Love: What Those Who Have Affairs Taught Me. Taipei: Pedestrian, 2010
Niklas Luhmann. "Love as Passion: On the Codification of Intimacy." Taipei: Wunan, 2011
Lynn Margulis & Dorion Sagan. The History of Sexuality. Taipei: Times Publishing, 1994 (Second Edition)
Lin Fangmei. "Interpretation of Qiong Yao's Kingdom of Love". Taipei City: Taiwan Commercial Press, 2006
Katsuhiko Ito. "The Ideological History of Love". Taipei: Vientiane, 1993
Sun Zhongxing. "Learn to love well". Taipei City: Sancai Culture, 2016
Sun Zhongxing. "Learn and divide well". Taipei City: Sancai Culture, 2016
Ovid. Kama Sutra. Tianjin, China: Baihua Literature and Art, 1998

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
class attendance rate
written assignments
90 第一週進行10%隨堂作業,另有四篇書面作業

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/3,4[SS108]
授課教師 Teacher:郭任峯
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 119 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 119 人。

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