course information of 108 - 2 | 3107 The Secret of Human Body(自然:人體的奧秘)

3107 - 自然:人體的奧秘 The Secret of Human Body

教育目標 Course Target

一個新生命的誕生可以為我們帶來無限的喜悅與盼望,然而,生命的孕育過程不僅充滿了神奇與奧秘,有時也充滿不確定性,因此了解生命孕育與誕生的過程,將有助於我們更了解生命進而尊重生命。為了提升社會大眾對生命孕育與誕生的過程以及現代生殖科技的發展的瞭解,並藉由瞭解生命形成與孕育的過程,進而可以去思考生命的意義與價值。本課程以生之追尋為主題介紹有關人類胚胎的發育過程,課程之架構將從基本的胚胎發育觀念開始,並進一步探討現代發育生物學的研究對胚胎發育的影響與衝擊,透過臨床醫學的實證經驗告訴我們,人類生命的孕育與誕生並非一切順利,有些已知或未知的因子經常會影響著胚胎的發育,面對不完美的生命我們當如何預防與自處。科學的發展讓我們對生命的過程可以有更多深入的了解,然而面對生命的無常,我們更應當對於生命能有更多的省思。此外,人的另一個獨特之處在於我們擁有的大腦,大腦幾乎掌管人類的一切,包含感覺、運動、智力及情緒力,其中又以情緒力最為神奇,也是決定一個人是否可以適應社會生活的重要指標,本課程的第二部份將從神經生物學的角度出發,探討大腦如何掌控情緒以及情緒對於人類生理及心理發展的影響。The birth of a new life can bring us infinite joy and hope. However, the gestation process of life is not only full of magic and mystery, but also sometimes full of uncertainty. Therefore, understanding the process of gestation and birth of life will help We understand life better and respect life. In order to enhance the public's understanding of the process of life's gestation and birth and the development of modern reproductive technology, and by understanding the process of life's formation and gestation, we can then think about the meaning and value of life. This course uses the theme of the pursuit of life to introduce the development process of human embryos. The structure of the course will start from the basic concepts of embryonic development, and further explore the impact and impact of modern developmental biology research on embryonic development, through the evidence of clinical medicine. Experience tells us that the gestation and birth of human life are not all smooth. Some known or unknown factors often affect the development of embryos. How should we prevent and deal with imperfect lives. The development of science allows us to have a more in-depth understanding of the process of life. However, in the face of the impermanence of life, we should think more about life. In addition, another unique feature of human beings is the brain we have. The brain is in charge of almost everything about human beings, including sensation, movement, intelligence and emotional strength. Among them, emotional strength is the most amazing and is also important in determining whether a person can adapt to social life. As an indicator, the second part of this course will explore how the brain controls emotions and the impact of emotions on human physiological and psychological development from a neurobiological perspective.

課程概述 Course Description

General courses are different from professional courses. They actually focus on guiding students to actively care for, explore and practice the ultimate value and wisdom of mankind. At the same time, the knowledge provided by general courses is not the superficiality of professional courses, but basic knowledge with a solid sense. . Based on the school’s founding tradition, school motto and school philosophy, the school has formulated four basic qualities for general education: truth-seeking quality, belief quality, practical quality and general quality, in order to concretely implement the school’s ideals of general education. We hope that our students can develop their independent learning spirit and gradually develop their basic literacy in general education under the guidance of general education teachers, and look forward to lifelong learning. Each basic literacy has specific learning effectiveness indicators for self-examination of teaching and learning effectiveness, which are described below: Truth-seeking literacy (natural field): 1. Learn the methods or philosophy of natural science to explore physics and the subtleties of the living world, 2. Use the spirit of discussing matters as they are, 3. Be able to participate in public affairs related to scientific issues. Belief literacy (humanities field): 1. Learn the humanistic spirit to explore the inner self and understand the deep value of human civilization, 2. Develop self-discipline, 3. Be able to use rationality for moral reasoning. Practical literacy (social field): 1. Use social science methods or philosophy to stimulate students' listening and communication skills, 2. Recognize and respect diversity, 3. Practice the spirit of democratic deliberation. Hongtong literacy (cross-field): 1. Pursue the overall value of human beings, 2. Integrate qualities such as truth-seeking, faith, and practice into personal life. Courses in various fields can choose from different learning outcome indicators, so there is no need to be rigid.

參考書目 Reference Books

1、情緒靈敏力:哈佛心理學家教你4步驟與情緒脫鉤 (10)
Emotional agility: get Unstuck, Embrace Change, and Thrive in Work and Life
作者: 蘇珊、大衛
譯者: 齊若蘭
2. 勇氣的力量:勇敢正視情緒,從「跌倒、學習、再試一次」,重新定義自己的故事 (11)
RISING STRONG:The Reckoning. The Rumble. The Revolution
作者: 布芮尼.布朗
譯者: 鄭煥昇

1. Emotional sensitivity: Harvard psychologists teach you 4 steps to decouple from your emotions (10)
Emotional agility: get Unstuck, Embrace Change, and Thrive in Work and Life
Author: Susan, David
Translator: Qi Ruolan
Publisher: Tianxia Culture
2. The power of courage: Face your emotions bravely, redefine your own story from "falling, learning, and trying again" (11)
RISING STRONG: The Reckoning. The Rumble. The Revolution
Author: Brianne. Brown
Translator: Zheng Huansheng
Publisher: Marco Polo

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Special report
final exam
Class performance and attendance

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/3,4[H306]
授課教師 Teacher:范聖興
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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