course information of 108 - 2 | 3088 Chemistry for Life(自然:化學與生活)

3088 - 自然:化學與生活 Chemistry for Life

教育目標 Course Target

在現今的社會裡,就傳統而言,化學課是為社會培養從事尖端科技的化學佳及相關的科技專家.但是,隨著大學教育的普及,差不多所有理工農醫科的學生都會選修化學課.但隨著社會的進步,科技研究的成果被廣泛應用到日常生活的各個層面.現代社會中食衣住行不同的範疇均有化學品或其應用化學商品。所以,本課程是要讓非理、工、農、醫的學生明白到化學與我們的生活是習習相關.學習化學,能夠讓我們掌握應有的化學知識及技能,從而有效的解決現代生活中所遇到的問題.通識課程的化學概論其課程內涵與化學系開設之化學概論有明顯的不同。本課程引述現在地球各個環境及生活中相關的化學概念,並且提出理論數據讓非相關科系學生仍可以藉本課程以化學的角度進一步關心我們生活的環境。In today's society, traditionally speaking, chemistry courses are used to train chemists and related scientific and technological experts who are engaged in cutting-edge technologies for the society. However, with the popularization of university education, almost all students in science, engineering, agriculture and medicine will take chemistry courses. However, with the progress of society, the results of scientific and technological research have been widely used in all aspects of daily life. In modern society, chemicals or their applied chemical products are available in different categories of food, clothing, housing and transportation. Therefore, this course is to let non-science, engineering, agriculture, and medical students understand that chemistry is closely related to our lives. Learning chemistry can enable us to master the chemical knowledge and skills we should have, so as to effectively solve the problems in modern life. Problems encountered: The course connotation of Introduction to Chemistry in general courses is obviously different from the Introduction to Chemistry offered by the Department of Chemistry. This course introduces relevant chemical concepts in various environments and daily life on the earth, and presents theoretical data so that students from non-related majors can still use this course to further care about the environment we live in from a chemical perspective.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. 化學概論,梁碧峰編著,滄海書局出版,2007.
2. 張麗卿 ,現代化妝品新論 ,高立圖書,台北,2012。
3. 周秋香,自然科學與生活科技概論,心理出版社,台北,2005。
4. 林家立,實用生活化學,滄海書局,台北,2002。
1. Introduction to Chemistry, edited by Liang Bifeng, published by Canghai Book Company, 2007.
2. Zhang Liqing, New Theory of Modern Cosmetics, Gaoli Books, Taipei, 2012.
3. Zhou Qiuxiang, Introduction to Natural Science and Life Science and Technology, Psychology Press, Taipei, 2005.
4. Lin Jiali, Practical Life Chemistry, Canghai Bookstore, Taipei, 2002.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exam
final exam

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/6,7[SS108]
授課教師 Teacher:陳丘泓
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:理工農學院.建築.工設.景觀系不得選修
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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