course information of 108 - 2 | 3058 Life Education(人文:生命教育)

3058 - 人文:生命教育 Life Education

教育目標 Course Target

本課程是生命教育學程、師培專業選修課程,並開放給通識多元學習領域,有興趣了解生命意義與關懷的同學選修;就教師的培育面相而言,我們認為一個教師不僅需要具有專業素養、對學生的生命過程有所瞭解與關懷,也要對自我的生命價值有所體認,才能造就一個全人教師。了解與體認自我生命的過程,也能夠思考與培養對不同型態的生命價值的肯定,並願意實踐關懷的行動。因此,教學目的除了生命教育基本概念的學習外,另一方面,也從認知、情意兩個面向,啟發學生對生命與生活的觀察與反思能力,思考生命的意義與價值,並進一步從不同的生活面向實踐,活出更美好的生命;此外,本課程也將協助所有修課學生瞭解生命的多樣性,學會探索自我生命,尊重他人生命,讓生活更豐盛精彩,生命更有意義。 課程內容設計成兩個部分進行:第一個部分以生命教育理念的探討為基礎,接著探討生命的本質與不同類型生命發展的議題,包括對自我生命的體認與接納;第二個部分結合生命教育主題與生命歷程的議題,分別以專題、影片賞析與討論、以及與個別標竿人物的訪問,協助學生體驗生命的不同議題之核心意涵,達到體認自我與他人生命價值,並能願意主動的協助關懷周圍的人群。 在教學方法上採三分之一課堂講授討論,三分之一的影片賞析與討論,以及三分之一的同學彼此反思與心得成果分享。This course is an elective course for life education and teacher training majors, and is open to students in the general education and diversified learning fields who are interested in understanding the meaning and care of life. In terms of teacher training, we believe that a teacher not only needs to have professional Only by cultivating students' quality, understanding and caring for students' life processes, and recognizing their own life value can they become a whole-person teacher. Understand and appreciate the process of one's own life, be able to think about and cultivate an affirmation of different types of life values, and be willing to practice caring actions. Therefore, the purpose of teaching is not only to learn the basic concepts of life education, but also to inspire students to observe and reflect on life and life from the cognitive and emotional aspects, to think about the meaning and value of life, and to further learn from different aspects. Life is practice-oriented and leads a better life; in addition, this course will also help all students understand the diversity of life, learn to explore their own life, respect the lives of others, and make life richer, more exciting, and more meaningful. The course content is designed into two parts: the first part is based on the discussion of life education concepts, and then explores the nature of life and the development of different types of life, including the recognition and acceptance of one's own life; the second part combines The themes of life education and life course issues include special topics, video appreciation and discussion, and interviews with individual benchmark figures to help students experience the core meaning of different issues in life, realize the value of self and other people's lives, and be able to Be willing to take the initiative to help and care for the people around you. In terms of teaching methods, one third is lecture and discussion, one third is video appreciation and discussion, and one third is reflection and sharing of results among students.

參考書目 Reference Books

Gong Liren, 2013, "The Origin of Life and Pilgrimage". Hong Kong: Christian Literature and Art Publishing House.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Class Attendance and Class Participation
Midterm life story narration
Final personal growth and reflection sharing
Video appreciation and thoughts on designated topics

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/7,8[H123]
授課教師 Teacher:趙星光
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:與師培中心3624課程雙掛(本課程該學系學生不得修習)
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 22 人。

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