course information of 108 - 2 | 3048 Humanities: History of Western Films(人文:西洋電影發展史)

3048 - 人文:西洋電影發展史 Humanities: History of Western Films

教育目標 Course Target

1.電影誕生於19世紀末,它是現代科學技術的產物,是人類文明史消化吸收上的一次革命。電影的誕生是「自然造物的補充,而不是替代」,使得物質現實的空間形式得以復原。這使人類又再一次獲得了一種全新感知世界的經驗,獲取了一種全新影像思維的方式。 2.本課程以時期與國家之分來界定,且探究其間不同形式和風格上,西洋電影潮流發展的歷史與美感問題。 3.與臺灣電影做適度對話。1. Film was born at the end of the 19th century. It is a product of modern science and technology and a revolution in the digestion and absorption of human civilization. The birth of film is "a complement to natural creations, not a replacement", allowing the spatial form of material reality to be restored. This has once again enabled human beings to gain a new experience in perceiving the world and a new way of thinking with images. 2. This course is defined by periods and countries, and explores the historical and aesthetic issues of the development of Western film trends in different forms and styles. 3. Have a moderate dialogue with Taiwanese movies.

參考書目 Reference Books

D. Bordwell, K. Thompson著,曾偉禎譯,《電影藝術:形式與風格》,臺北: 麥格羅希爾,2013。
H. Suber著 ,游宜樺譯 ,《電影的魔力:揭開電影成功的魔力秘訣與元素》,臺北: 早安財經,2009。
鄭樹森,《電影類型與類型電影》,臺北: 洪範,2005。
Thompson, Kristin and David Bordwell,《電影百年發展史》,廖金鳳譯。台北:美商麥格羅˙希爾,1998。
Bordwll, David,《開創的電影語言:艾森斯坦的風格與詩學》,游惠貞譯。台北:遠流,1995。
Spoto, Donald,《天才的陰暗面:緊張大師希區考克》,韓良憶譯。台北:遠流,2000。
Allen, Don,張靚蓓譯,《再見楚浮》。台北:遠流,1996。
D. Bordwell, K. Thompson, translated by Tsang Wai-chen, "Film Art: Form and Style", Taipei: McGraw-Hill, 2013.
Written by H. Suber, translated by You Yihua, "The Magic of Movies: Uncovering the Magic Secrets and Elements of Movie Success", Taipei: Good Morning Finance, 2009.
Zheng Shusen, "Film Genres and Genre Films", Taipei: Hong Fan, 2005.
Qi Longren, "Film Semiotics", Taipei: Shulin, 1992.
Yao Xiaomeng, "Film Aesthetics", Taipei: Wunan, 1993.
Thompson, Kristin and David Bordwell, "A Century of Film Development", translated by Liao Jinfeng. Taipei: McGraw-Hill, 1998.
Siegfried Kracauer, "From Caligari to Hitler: A Psychological History of German Cinema", translated by Li Jing. Shanghai: Shanghai People, 2008.
Bordwll, David, "Innovating Film Language: Eisenstein's Style and Poetics", translated by You Huizhen. Taipei: Yuanliu, 1995.
Spoto, Donald, The Dark Side of Genius: Hitchcock, the Master of Tension, translated by Han Liangyi. Taipei: Yuanliu, 2000.
James Naremore, "Film Noir: Historical Criticism and Style", translated by Xu Zhanxiong. Guangxi Normal University: 2009.
Jiao Xiongping, "The New Wave of French Cinema". Taipei: Wheatfield: 2004.
Allen, Don, translated by Zhang Liangbei, "Goodbye Chu Fu". Taipei: Yuanliu, 1996.
Francois Truffaut, translated by Huang Yuan, "Truffaut: The Movie of My Life". Shanghai: Shanghai Translation, 2008.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Submit your experience of watching cinema movies during mid-term
20 請於期中考後一週的週四(109/04/23) 23:59以前,上傳2000字觀影心得
final exam
20 申論題型
Class Performance and Attendance
40 課堂參與度將會是重要的評分參考指標
Group discussions and sharing reports on stage
20 同學實際參與分組討論與上台分享報告的情況

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/6,7,8[HT108]
授課教師 Teacher:蘇信恩
修課班級 Class:共必修2-4
選課備註 Memo:
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 74 人。

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