course information of 108 - 2 | 3043 Humanities: Cultural Assets of Conservancy(人文:文化資產保存特論)

3043 - 人文:文化資產保存特論 Humanities: Cultural Assets of Conservancy

教育目標 Course Target

台灣已逐步踏入開發國家之林,隨著歲月的流逝及都市化的影響,越來越多的建築面臨拆除及老舊損毀的命運,其中有諸多建築因其在歷史發展、建築技術、以及社會文化上扮演著重要的角色,承載著許多重要的文化資產訊息,因之成為國家的文化資產(cultural property)而被命名為古蹟或歷史建築。透過這些古蹟及歷史建築,不僅使我們得以與過往的歷史接續,了解過往先人的智慧,並可藉由過往的歷史重新審視現在。為了讓後代子孫有機會一窺前人的智慧,故而如何將其保存並延續到未來,遂成當代的我們責無旁貸的責任。 「保存」的工作是一項與時間對抗的工作,其最終目的在將建築形貌留存,並延續到未來,其涉及了形貌價值的研究、材料修復與保存的技術、以及再利用的設計。本課程旨在教導同學有關歷史性建築保存的概念、保存的方式、保存工作的內容、操作的模式、以及再利用,除了課堂講述外,並藉由實例的參訪及解析,加強同學對保存與再利用工作的認知與體認。 課程內容主要分成七部分:一為文化資產保存之觀念及相關法令,講述內容包括修復倫理與原則,以及國際文化資產保存有關修復倫理與原則之相關法令;二為臺灣傳統建築,課程內容包括傳統建築的組群佈局與分類構造、傳統宗教建築、傳統建築裝飾藝術,並透過臺灣傳統建築校外教學,讓同學藉由實際的參訪強化對台灣傳統建築的認識,並驗證課堂所學;三為舊建築再利用,包括保存的觀念及文化資產保存的基本概念與趨勢、再利用空間設計策略與案例探討;四為文化資產的保存與修復,課程內容包括古蹟修復調查研究概要,建築偵探--傳統建築之形貌變遷與年代研判,城市場所精神的尋找與重塑--談高雄市定古蹟打狗英國領事館、登山古道及水產試驗場之保存;五為文化資產與城市保存,課程內容旨在引領同學認識城市保存,以捷克布拉格與庫倫諾夫為例,介紹這個在歷史建築及城市保存上極具特色的成功案例;六為中外舊建築保存與再利用設計手法分析報告,讓同學透過再利用案例的解析,落實上課所得,並進行分析結果之分享與討論。期中考則透過圖像記憶的方式認識傳統建築及文化資產。 Taiwan has gradually entered the forest of developed countries. With the passage of time and the impact of urbanization, more and more buildings are facing the fate of being demolished and old and damaged. Many of them are due to their historical development, construction technology, and It plays an important role in society and culture and carries many important cultural asset information. Therefore, it has become a national cultural asset (cultural property) and is named a monument or historical building. Through these monuments and historical buildings, we can not only connect with the past history and understand the wisdom of our ancestors, but also re-examine the present through past history. In order to give future generations the opportunity to have a glimpse of the wisdom of their predecessors, how to preserve and extend it into the future has become our unshirkable responsibility in the contemporary era. The work of "preservation" is a work against time. Its ultimate goal is to preserve the architectural form and extend it into the future. It involves the research of form value, material repair and preservation technology, and reuse design. . This course aims to teach students about the concept of historic building preservation, preservation methods, preservation work content, operation modes, and reuse. In addition to classroom lectures, it also strengthens students' understanding of preservation through the visit and analysis of examples. Cognition and understanding of reuse work. The course content is mainly divided into seven parts: the first is the concept of cultural assets preservation and related laws and regulations, including the ethics and principles of restoration, as well as the related laws and regulations related to restoration ethics and principles for the preservation of international cultural assets; the second is Taiwan's traditional architecture, the course content includes traditional The group layout and classification structure of buildings, traditional religious buildings, and traditional architectural decorative arts, and through off-campus teaching of Taiwanese traditional architecture, allow students to strengthen their understanding of Taiwanese traditional architecture through actual visits and verify what they have learned in class; the third is Reuse of old buildings, including the concept of preservation and the basic concepts and trends of cultural asset preservation, reused space design strategies and case studies; the fourth is the preservation and restoration of cultural assets. The course content includes an overview of the investigation and research on the restoration of historic monuments, and architectural detective-- The changes in the form and age of traditional buildings, the search and reshaping of the spirit of urban places--discussing the preservation of the British Consulate, the hiking trails and the aquatic products test site in Kaohsiung, a designated historical site; the fifth is cultural assets and urban preservation, the purpose of the course content In guiding students to understand urban preservation, taking Prague and Kulunov in the Czech Republic as examples, this unique successful case in historical architecture and urban preservation is introduced; the sixth is an analysis report on design techniques for the preservation and reuse of old buildings at home and abroad, allowing students to Then use the analysis of the case to implement what you learned from the class, and share and discuss the analysis results. The mid-term exam focuses on understanding traditional architecture and cultural assets through image memory.

參考書目 Reference Books

《古蹟保存序說》 洪文雄 文化資產總管理處籌備處
《國外歷史環境的保護和規劃》 王瑞珠 淑馨出版社
《國際歷史建築保存與古蹟維護》 傅朝卿 台灣建築與文化資產出版社

"Preface to the Preservation of Monuments" Hong Wenxiong Preparatory Office of the General Administration of Cultural Assets
"Protection and Planning of Foreign Historical Environments" Wang Ruizhu Shuxin Publishing House
"International Preservation of Historic Buildings and Maintenance of Monuments" Fu Chaoqing Taiwan Architectural and Cultural Assets Publishing House

評分方式 Grading

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/6,7,8[C219]
授課教師 Teacher:張宇彤
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:建築系學生不得修習
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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