course information of 108 - 2 | 3040 Humanities: Art and Politics(人文:藝術與政治)

3040 - 人文:藝術與政治 Humanities: Art and Politics

教育目標 Course Target

比特幣挖礦和少數民族有何關係?藝術能處理前述問題?!目前於台中國美館展出的「2019亞洲藝術雙年展」中,便有藝術家以錄像藝術形式探討比特幣挖礦對社會、文化以及政治所帶來的影響…… 政治與藝術,這兩個在東方文化習以為常的「讓藝術的歸藝術、政治的歸政治」呼聲中看似乎南轅北轍的領域,其實在西方藝術歷史的發展上一直有著曖昧而難以截然切割的糾纏。 藝術作品的生成與表現當中,時常可見政治意涵或明顯或內隱的寄寓其間。有時形之於階級的樣貌、有時顯現於殿堂的莊嚴;有時是對過去的緬懷,有時是對未來的想望;至於遭逢戰爭時,或剽悍勃發,或哀傷慟悼,都在藝術作品裡留下了千古的見證。 本課程目標主在分析歷史上的若干藝術作品如何嵌於政治的脈絡之中,成為有力的憑藉,有時是為當權者所用,成為正當化其政權的工具;有時是為受統治者所使,成為批判強權的利器。本課程主要將以「圖像分析」的方法探索藝術作品中的圖像訊息及政治意涵,分析解讀藝術作品中的符號與動機,展開一場「藝術與政治」的發現之旅。What does Bitcoin mining have to do with minorities? Can art deal with the aforementioned issues? ! In the "2019 Asian Art Biennale" currently on display at the Chinese Museum of Art in Taiwan, some artists use video art to explore the impact of Bitcoin mining on society, culture, and politics... Politics and art, these two fields that seem to be diametrically opposed to each other in the call of "let art be art and politics be politics" that is customary in Eastern culture, have actually always been ambiguous and difficult to separate in the development of Western art history. In the creation and expression of artistic works, political connotations can often be seen, either explicitly or implicitly. Sometimes it is reflected in the appearance of class, sometimes it is reflected in the solemnity of the palace; sometimes it is the memory of the past, sometimes it is the desire for the future; as for when encountering war, it may be fierce or full of sorrow and mourning. Works of art have left eternal testimonies. The goal of this course is to analyze how certain works of art in history are embedded in political contexts and become powerful tools. Sometimes they are used by those in power to legitimize their regime; sometimes they are used by the governed. Make it a powerful tool for criticizing power. This course will mainly use the method of "image analysis" to explore the image messages and political connotations in art works, analyze and interpret the symbols and motivations in art works, and embark on a journey of discovery of "art and politics".

課程概述 Course Description

General courses are different from professional courses. They actually focus on guiding students to actively care for, explore and practice the ultimate value and wisdom of mankind. At the same time, the knowledge provided by general courses is not the superficiality of professional courses, but basic knowledge with a solid sense. . Based on the school’s founding tradition, school motto and school philosophy, the school has formulated four basic qualities for general education: truth-seeking quality, belief quality, practical quality and general quality, in order to concretely implement the school’s ideals of general education. We hope that our students can develop their independent learning spirit and gradually develop their basic literacy in general education under the guidance of general education teachers, and look forward to lifelong learning. Each basic literacy has specific learning effectiveness indicators for self-examination of teaching and learning effectiveness, which are described below: Truth-seeking literacy (natural field): 1. Learn the methods or philosophy of natural science to explore physics and the subtleties of the living world, 2. Use the spirit of discussing matters as they are, 3. Be able to participate in public affairs related to scientific issues. Belief literacy (humanities field): 1. Learn the humanistic spirit to explore the inner self and understand the deep value of human civilization, 2. Develop self-discipline, 3. Be able to use rationality for moral reasoning. Practical literacy (social field): 1. Use social science methods or philosophy to stimulate students' listening and communication skills, 2. Recognize and respect diversity, 3. Practice the spirit of democratic deliberation. Hongtong literacy (cross-field): 1. Pursue the overall value of human beings, 2. Integrate qualities such as truth-seeking, faith, and practice into personal life. Courses in various fields can choose from different learning outcome indicators, so there is no need to be rigid.

參考書目 Reference Books

Uwe Fleckner / Martin Warnke / Hendrik Ziegler (Hgg.): Handbuch der politischen Ikonographie, Munchen: C.H.Beck 2011, 2 Bde(原文為德文,尚無中文譯本,授課教師將擇要翻譯與本課程相關之部分內容與同學共同討論)
Hugh Honour、John Fleming著,吳介禎等譯:《世界藝術史》。台北:木馬文化,2001。
Walter Benjamin著,許綺玲譯:〈機械複製時代的藝術作品(1936)〉,《迎向靈光消逝的年代》。台北:台灣攝影工作室,1999,頁57-119。
Peter Burke著,許綬南譯:《製作路易十四》。台北:麥田出版公司,1997。
Peter Burke 著,楊豫譯:《圖像證史》。北京:北京大學出版,2008。
Pierre Assouline著,徐振鋒譯:《卡提耶─布列松 世紀一瞬間》。台北:木馬文化,2012。
Leni Riefenstahl著,丁偉祥等譯:《蘭妮.萊芬斯坦回憶錄》。台北:左岸,2009。
Daniel Liebeskind著,吳家恆譯:《光影交舞石頭記:建築師李伯斯金回憶錄》。台北:時報,2006。
Carol Duncan著,王雅各譯,《文明化的儀式: 公共美術館之內》,台北:遠流,1998。
Linda Nochlin著,刁筱華譯:《寫實主義》。台北:遠流,1998。
Lucy R. Lippard著,張正仁譯:《普普藝術》。台北:遠流,1995。
H. W. Janson著,曾堉、王寶蓮譯:《西洋藝術史》(共四冊)。台北:幼獅文化,1984。
Uwe Fleckner / Martin Warnke / Hendrik Ziegler (Hgg.): Handbuch der politischen Ikonographie, Munchen: C.H.Beck 2011, 2 Bde (The original text is in German and there is no Chinese translation. The instructor will choose to translate some content related to this course. Discuss with classmates)
Written by Hugh Honour and John Fleming, translated by Wu Jiezhen and others: "History of World Art". Taipei: Trojan Culture, 2001.
Walter Benjamin, translated by Xu Qiling: "Works of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction (1936)", "Toward the Era of the Fading Aura". Taipei: Taiwan Photography Studio, 1999, pp. 57-119.
Written by Peter Burke, translated by Xu Shounan: "The Making of Louis XIV". Taipei: Wheatfield Publishing Company, 1997.
Written by Peter Burke, translated by Yang Yu: "History of Image Evidence". Beijing: Peking University Press, 2008.
Written by Pierre Assouline, translated by Xu Zhenfeng: "Cartier-Bresson: A Moment in the Century". Taipei: Trojan Culture, 2012.
Written by Leni Riefenstahl, translated by Ding Weixiang and others: "Lani. Memoirs of Leifenstein. Taipei: Left Bank, 2009.
Written by Daniel Liebeskind, translated by Wu Jiaheng: "Light and Shadow Dancing in Stone: Memoirs of the Architect Liebeskind". Taipei: The Times, 2006.
Carol Duncan, translated by Jacob Wang, "Civilizing Rituals: Inside the Public Art Museum", Taipei: Yuanliu, 1998.
Written by Linda Nochlin, translated by Diao Xiaohua: "Realism". Taipei: Yuanliu, 1998.
Written by Lucy R. Lippard, translated by Zhang Zhengren: "Pop Art". Taipei: Yuanliu, 1995.
Written by H. W. Janson, translated by Zeng Yu and Wang Baolian: "History of Western Art" (four volumes in total). Taipei: Young Lion Culture, 1984.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Attendance and class performance
Midterm exam week homework
final exam

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/3,4[LAN007]
授課教師 Teacher:顧素琿
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:美術系不得選修
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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