course information of 108 - 2 | 3022 Interdependence of Taiwan and Japan in Modern East Asian(人文:近代東亞中的臺灣與日本)

3022 - 人文:近代東亞中的臺灣與日本 Interdependence of Taiwan and Japan in Modern East Asian

教育目標 Course Target

臺灣與日本的關係是影響近代東亞歷史變遷的要素之一。由於地理位置相近,兩地自16世紀以來長期相互往來,建立密切的關係。本課程將從東亞史的跨領域視角,引導學生瞭解16世紀以迄20世紀中葉臺日兩地的歷史發展脈絡,尤其偏重日本殖民統治時期對臺灣帶來衝擊和影響。講授內容將從近代臺灣與日本的關係史中,挑選具代表性的活動、事件及歷史人物作為主題,闡述東亞史上圍繞著臺灣與日本的政治、軍事、經濟及文化交流史。教學方式以講授法為主,並配合教學進度,引導學生閱讀相關文獻,以培養分析、解讀文獻的書寫能力,以及跨時代、跨區域的歷史思維。The relationship between Taiwan and Japan is one of the factors affecting the historical changes in modern East Asia. Due to their geographical proximity, the two places have had long-term exchanges with each other and established close relations since the 16th century. This course will guide students from the interdisciplinary perspective of East Asian history to understand the historical development of Taiwan and Japan from the 16th century to the mid-20th century, with a particular focus on the impact and influence on Taiwan during the Japanese colonial rule. The lecture content will select representative activities, events and historical figures as themes from the history of relations between Taiwan and Japan in modern times, and elaborate on the history of political, military, economic and cultural exchanges between Taiwan and Japan in the history of East Asia. The teaching method is mainly lecture method, and in accordance with the teaching progress, students are guided to read relevant documents to cultivate the writing ability of analyzing and interpreting documents, as well as historical thinking across eras and regions.

參考書目 Reference Books

1.曹永和,《臺灣早期歷史研究續集》(臺北:聯經 出版社,2000)。
6.蔡美蒨主編,《享和三年癸亥漂流臺灣チョプラン島之記 》(新北:國立中央圖書館臺灣分館,2011)。
7.House, Edward H.著、陳政三譯,《征臺紀事:牡丹社事件始末》(臺北:五南,2008)。
8.藤井志津枝,《日本軍國主義的原型 : 剖析一八七一-七四年台灣事件》(臺北:自刊本,1983)

1. Cao Yonghe, "Sequel to Research on Early Taiwan History" (Taipei: Lianjing Publishing House, 2000).
2. Chen Guodong, "A Thousand Years of East Asian Seas" (Taipei: Yuanliu, 2005).
3. Nakamura Takashi, "Research on the History of Taiwan in the Dutch Era (Volume 1)" (Taipei: Daoxiang, 1997).
4. Murakami Naojiro et al., translated by Xu Xianyao, "Collected Essays on the History of Taiwan in the Dutch Era" (Yilan: Foguang College of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2001).
5. Lin Jingyuan, "The Hamada Yabei Incident and East Asian Maritime Trade in the Seventeenth Century" (Taipei: Nantian Book Company, 2011).
6. Editor-in-chief Cai Meiqian, "Records of Drifting on the Taiwan Island of Guihai in the Three Years of Xianghe" (New Taipei: National Central Library Taiwan Branch, 2011).
7. House, Edward H., translated by Chen Zhengsan, "Chronicle of the Conquest of Taiwan: The Beginning and End of the Peony Society Incident" (Taipei: Wunan, 2008).
8. Fujii Shizue, "The Prototype of Japanese Militarism: An Analysis of the Taiwan Incident of 1871-74" (Taipei: Self-published, 1983)
9. Wu Wenxing, "Investigation and Research on Taiwan before Japan occupied Taiwan", "Proceedings of the First Academic Symposium on Taiwan's Native Culture" (Taipei: College of Liberal Arts, National Taiwan Normal University, Humanities Education Research Center, 1995.04), page 567 -576.
10. Huang Zhaotang, "Research on the Democratic Republic of Taiwan: A Fragment of the History of Taiwan's Independence Movement" (Taipei: Avant-garde, 2006).
11. Huang Xiuzheng, "Taiwan Ccession and Yiwei Anti-Japanese Movement" (Taipei: Taiwan Business, 1996).
12. Weng Jiayin, "Research on the History of Taiwan Han Armed Resistance Against Japan" (Banqiao, Taipei County: Daoxiang, 2007).

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
usual results
15 學生出席狀態、課堂討論表現、課堂隨堂問答表現。
Daily homework
20 繳交課程學習單2份。
term report
20 繳交參訪報告1份。開學後說明。
midterm exam
20 依上課內容,舉行紙筆測驗。
final exam
25 依上課內容,舉行紙筆測驗。

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/3,4[A106]
授課教師 Teacher:蔡秀美
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:歷史系不得選修
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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