course information of 108 - 2 | 2714 Civil Law: Succession(民法繼承)

2714 - 民法繼承 Civil Law: Succession

教育目標 Course Target

1.本課程首先介紹收養與其特別法,婚生子女與非婚生子女就繼承等權益上之區別,監護及輔助宣告制度及受監護及輔助宣告者之繼承能力與其相關法律問題.其次,就繼承編,繼承施行法,及相關特別法,如保險法,台灣地區與大陸地區人民關係條例,祭祀公業條例,公證法及家事事件法為有關規定配合說明;並介紹相關外國立法例,大法官會議解釋如771/728/712/668/437等,及實務見解等.最後,本課程就繼承權,遺產繼承人,繼承之標的,共同繼承,繼承人之限定責任/拋棄繼承/法定單純承認,遺囑,遺贈與特留分等為說明. 2.繼承法係為規範基於身分關係對於因繼承所生財產上之權利義務關係.其立法目的及精神,一方面確保繼承人生存權,人格權,平等權,財產權,另一方面亦應兼顧債權人之財產權及社會交易安全等權益. 3.1931年制定之我國民法採當然繼承主義,繼承人如未於法定期間內辦理限定或拋棄繼承,原則上須承受被繼承人財產上之一切權利與義務,但專屬於被繼承人之權利義務則非屬繼承之範圍.自1931年制定施行以來,歷經數次修法,主要有2008年及2009年六月之修法,2009年六月之修法將原以概括繼承為原則,限定繼承及拋棄繼承例外之繼承制度,修正為以繼承人負限定責任為原則,拋棄繼承為例外.換言之,繼承人除拋棄繼承外,雖概括承受被繼承人財產上一切權利及義務,但對於被繼承人之債務,僅以所得遺產為限,負有限責任. 4.為保護弱勢繼承人,避免因無法知悉其得繼承,及被繼承人生前之債務等,分別於2008年及2009年六月修法時,於繼承編施行法增訂第1條之1,第1條之2,第1條之3等為例外之溯及既往之規定.惟對於修正施行前已償還之債務,基於法之安定性及信賴保護原則,明訂不得請求返還.再者,為加強保護舊法時之繼承人,2013年1月30日修正公布繼承編施行法第1條之1及第1條之2,將先前由繼承人就由其繼續償還債務,顯失公平之舉証責任,改為原則上以所得遺產為限,負清償責任;但債權人如能証明由繼承人負清償之有限責任,顯失公平者,繼承人仍須負無限責任. 5.本課程一方面介紹收養與其特別法,監護及輔助宣告制度與繼承法之基本概念與基礎理論;另一方面配合相關實務案例為適用及研析,以利概念了解及比較.盼引發同學學習興趣,進而發展學習方式,以期培養發現問題,獨立思考,與尋求正確資訊及解決問題之能力. 1. This course first introduces adoption and its special laws, the difference in rights and interests such as inheritance between legitimate and illegitimate children, the system of guardianship and auxiliary declaration, the inheritance capacity of the guardian and auxiliary declaration and related legal issues. Secondly, it introduces Inheritance section, inheritance enforcement law, and relevant special laws, such as the Insurance Law, the Regulations on Relations between the People of Taiwan and the Mainland Area, the Regulations on Public Sacrifice, the Notary Law and the Family Affairs Law, explain the relevant provisions; and introduce relevant foreign legislative cases, the Chief Justice Conference explanations such as 771/728/712/668/437, etc., as well as practical insights, etc. Finally, this course covers inheritance rights, inheritance heirs, objects of inheritance, joint inheritance, limited liability of heirs/abandonment of inheritance/statutory simple recognition, wills, Bequests and special bequests are explained below. 2. The inheritance law system regulates the relationship of rights and obligations with respect to property resulting from inheritance based on identity relationships. Its legislative purpose and spirit are to ensure that heirs' rights to survival, personality rights, equality rights, and property rights on the one hand, and on the other hand, creditors should also be taken into account property rights and social transaction security and other rights and interests. 3. Our country’s civil law enacted in 1931 adopts the doctrine of ex officio succession. If the heir fails to limit or abandon the inheritance within the legal period, in principle he must assume all the rights and obligations of the decedent’s property, but the rights and obligations exclusive to the decedent are not inheritance. Scope. Since its enactment and implementation in 1931, the law has been revised several times, mainly the revisions in June 2008 and 2009. The revision in June 2009 will be based on the principle of general inheritance, limiting inheritance and abandoning the inheritance system of exceptions. , revised to the principle that heirs bear limited liability, and abandonment of inheritance is an exception. In other words, except for abandonment of inheritance, although the heir generally assumes all the rights and obligations of the decedent's property, the debts of the decedent are only limited to the inheritance received. Limited liability. 4. In order to protect vulnerable heirs from being unaware of their inheritance and the debts of the deceased during his lifetime, Article 1-1 and Article 1 were added to the Enforcement Law of Succession in June 2008 and 2009 respectively when the law was revised. 2 and 3 of Article 1 are exceptions to the retroactive provisions. However, for debts that have been repaid before the amendment is implemented, based on the stability of the law and the principle of trust protection, it is expressly stipulated that no return can be requested. Furthermore, in order to strengthen protection For heirs under the old law, Article 1-1 and 1-2 of the Succession Enforcement Act were revised and promulgated on January 30, 2013, and the burden of proof that it was previously unfair for the heir to continue to repay debts was changed to In principle, the liability for repayment is limited to the inheritance received; however, if the creditor can prove that it is unfair for the heir to bear limited liability for repayment, the heir must still bear unlimited liability. 5. On the one hand, this course introduces the basic concepts and basic theories of adoption and its special laws, guardianship and auxiliary declaration system and inheritance law; on the other hand, it combines the application and analysis of relevant practical cases to facilitate conceptual understanding and comparison. It is hoped to inspire students Interest in learning, and then develop learning methods, in order to cultivate the ability to find problems, think independently, seek correct information and solve problems.

課程概述 Course Description

When someone dies, all his rights and obligations must be taken over by someone outside a certain order; and the relatives or family members he supported during his lifetime must rely on the inheritance to maintain their livelihood. This course studies various issues such as inheritance relations and inheritance, as well as the provisions of civil law inheritance.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. 陳棋炎 黃宗樂 郭振恭著, 民法親屬新論, 修訂十四版, 三民書局, 2018年8月
2. 陳棋炎 黃宗樂 郭振恭著, 民法繼承新論, 修訂十一版, 三民書局, 2019年10月
3. 全國法規資料庫, http:// law.moj.gov.tw
4. 司法院, http://jirs.judicial.gov.tw
5. 立法院全球法律資訊網, http://glin.ly.gov.tw/web/index.do
6. 聯合國, http://www.unhchr.ch
7.Liang-yu Chien, Gender Equality and the Development of Domestic Relations in Taiwan, 戴東雄教授七秩華誕祝壽論文集, 元照, 2007年 8月, 375-406頁.
8.簡良育,民法親屬編修正後子女稱姓之探討,月旦法學, 一六一期,2008年10月, 12-32頁.
9.簡良育, 永結同心金玉盟-結婚自由與真意之探討,公證法學, 第五期, 2008年12月, 2-28頁.
10.簡良育,美國親子關係法制之發展,2009年當前法律問題學術研討會, 中原大學法學院,2009年6月5日,35-48頁.
11.簡良育,離婚法制沿革及國際發展趨勢之研究,月旦法學, 一七五期,2009年12月,182-202頁.
13.簡良育,美國親子關係法制發展之研究,月旦法學,一九一期, 2011年4月,64-82頁.
14.簡良育,醫療養護,個人人格尊嚴, 家庭親屬關係-以受成人監護或輔助宣告者的最佳利益研究為中心(一),2013社會變遷與醫療法制發展國際學術研討會, 2013年5月11日, 11-27頁.
15.簡良育,醫療養護,個人人格尊嚴, 家庭親屬關係-以受成人監護或輔助宣告者的最佳利益研究為中心(二),2014社會變遷與醫療法制發展國際學術研討會, 2014年5月17日, 51-76頁.
16.醫療養護、個人人格尊嚴、家庭親屬關係--以受成人監護或輔助宣告者的最佳利益研究為中心(三), 2015社會變遷與醫療法治發展國際學術研討會,2015/06/05-2015/06/06, 37-70頁.
17.簡良育,醫療養護,個人人格尊嚴, 家庭親屬關係-以受成人監護或輔助宣告者的最佳利益研究為中心,東海大學法學叢刊(8),東海大學法律學院, 2014年 11月, 117-164頁.
18.簡良育,臺灣成人監護或輔助宣告法制發展之研究,The Development of Laws of Adult Declared of Guardianship or Assistantship in Taiwan,社會變遷下醫療法制之中心(三),東海大學法學叢刊(8),東海大學法律學院, 2015年 11月, 89-125頁.
19.簡良育,身分關係的習慣與法律發展之初探,月旦法學,二四八期, 2016年1月,85-106頁.
21.簡良育,老年權益國際發展之研究(上)- 兼論臺灣之挑戰與相關法制的建議月旦法學,二七一期,2017年12月,101-125頁.
22.簡良育,老年權益國際發展之研究(下)- 兼論臺灣之挑戰與相關法制的建議月旦法學,二七二期,2018年1月,92-113頁.
1. Chen Qiyan, Huang Zongle, and Guo Zhengong, New Theory of Relatives in Civil Law, revised 14th edition, Sanmin Book Company, August 2018
2. Written by Chen Qiyan, Huang Zongle, and Guo Zhengong, New Theory of Civil Law Inheritance, revised 11th edition, Sanmin Book Company, October 2019
3. National laws and regulations database, http:// law.moj.gov.tw
4. Judicial Yuan, http://jirs.judicial.gov.tw
5. Legislative Yuan Global Legal Information Network, http://glin.ly.gov.tw/web/index.do
6. United Nations, http://www.unhchr.ch
7.Liang-yu Chien, Gender Equality and the Development of Domestic Relations in Taiwan, Collected Essays of Professor Dai Dongxiong on Qizhi’s Birthday, Yuanzhao, August 2007, pp. 375-406.
8. Jian Liangyu, Discussion on the surnames of children after the revision of the relative compilation of the Civil Law, Yuedan Law, Issue 161, October 2008, pages 12-32.
9. Jian Liangyu, Forever Become a Golden Alliance-Discussion on Freedom of Marriage and True Intention, Notarization Law, Issue 5, December 2008, pp. 2-28.
10. Jian Liangyu, The Development of Parent-child Relationship Legal System in the United States, 2009 Academic Seminar on Current Legal Issues, Chung Yuan University Law School, June 5, 2009, pages 35-48.
11. Jian Liangyu, Research on the History of Divorce Legal System and International Development Trends, Yuedan Law, Issue 175, December 2009, pages 182-202.
12. Jian Liangyu, Discussion on the Legal System of Parenting for Children, Collection of Birthday Celebration Essays of Professor Wen Fengwen on Liuzhiwu, Modern Issues and Prospects of Civil Law, Yuanzhao, March 2011, pp. 263-298.
13. Jian Liangyu, Research on the legal development of parent-child relationships in the United States, Yuedan Law, Issue 191, April 2011, pages 64-82.
14. Jian Liangyu, medical care, personal dignity, family kinship - focusing on the best interests of persons under adult guardianship or assisted declaration (1), 2013 International Academic Symposium on Social Change and Medical Legal Development, May 2013 11th, pages 11-27.
15. Jian Liangyu, medical care, personal dignity, family kinship - focusing on the best interests of persons under adult guardianship or assisted declaration (2), 2014 International Academic Symposium on Social Change and Medical Legal Development, May 2014 17th, pp. 51-76.
16. Medical care, personal dignity, and family relationships - focusing on the best interests of those under adult guardianship or assisted declaration (3), 2015 International Academic Symposium on Social Change and the Development of Medical Rule of Law, 2015/06/05 -2015/06/06, pages 37-70.
17. Jian Liangyu, medical care, personal dignity, family kinship - focusing on the best interests of persons under adult guardianship or auxiliary declaration, Tunghai University Law Series (8), Tunghai University School of Law, November 2014, 117 -164 pages.
18. Jian Liangyu, The Development of Laws of Adult Declared of Guardianship or Assistantship in Taiwan, The Center of Medical Legal System under Social Change (3), Tunghai University Law Series (8), Tunghai University School of Law, November 2015, pp. 89-125.
19. Jian Liangyu, A preliminary study on the customs and legal development of status relations, Yuedan Law, Issue 248, January 2016, pages 85-106.
20. Jian Liangyu, Research on Divorce Legal Reform and International Development Trends, Yuanzhao HSBC Special Topic - Divorce Research, July 2016, pages 51-91.
21. Jian Liangyu, Research on the International Development of Elderly Rights and Interests (Part 1) - Also discussing the challenges in Taiwan and relevant legal suggestions Yuedan Law Science, Issue 271, December 2017, pages 101-125.
22. Jian Liangyu, Research on the International Development of Elderly Rights and Interests (Part 2) - Also discussing the challenges in Taiwan and relevant legal suggestions Yuedan Law Science, Issue 272, January 2018, pages 92-113.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
usual results
33 出缺席狀況.隨堂測驗或練習,自我能力提升之努力及進步
midterm exam
33 以基本概念釐清並配合案例練習為重心(例如選擇或簡答與申論題)
Semester exam
34 以基本概念釐清並配合案例練習為重心(例如選擇或簡答與申論題)

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/3,4[H207]
授課教師 Teacher:簡良育
修課班級 Class:法律系2A
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授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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