course information of 108 - 2 | 2639 Chinese Traditional Garden(中國傳統園林)

2639 - 中國傳統園林 Chinese Traditional Garden

教育目標 Course Target

《中國傳統園林》課程包括中國園林史、中國園林文化與審美、。中國園林史研究中國園林起源、發展變遷一般規律的科學,研究對象有皇家園林、寺觀園林、私家園林和陵寢園林,涉及有關園林的基本概念,類型劃分,代表性園林和人物,風格特點,代表思想流派,園林成就和史鑒意義等。講解蘇州城市發展、私家園林興衰,以及拙政園、留園、網師園等園林個案;介紹北京頤和園、故宮及乾隆花園、北海等清代皇家園林優秀作品,學習其範例的造園藝術、工程措施、管理模式等多方面的知識與技能,梳理、整合與鞏固學生在課堂所建立的專業知識體系,指導學生完成課程分析報告。The course "Traditional Chinese Gardens" includes the history of Chinese gardens, Chinese garden culture and aesthetics. The history of Chinese gardens is a science that studies the general laws of the origin, development and changes of Chinese gardens. The research objects include royal gardens, temple gardens, private gardens and mausoleum gardens. It involves the basic concepts of gardens, classification of types, representative gardens and characters, style characteristics, representatives Schools of thought, garden achievements and historical significance, etc. Explain the urban development of Suzhou, the rise and fall of private gardens, and garden cases such as the Humble Administrator's Garden, the Liuyuan Garden, and the Master of the Nets Garden; introduce the outstanding works of Qing Dynasty royal gardens such as the Summer Palace, the Forbidden City, the Qianlong Garden, and Beihai in Beijing, and learn their examples of gardening art and engineering Measures, management models and other aspects of knowledge and skills, sort out, integrate and consolidate the professional knowledge system established by students in the classroom, and guide students to complete course analysis reports.

參考書目 Reference Books



1. Zhou Weiquan, History of Chinese Classical Gardens.

2. Peng Yigang, analysis of Chinese classical gardens.

評分方式 Grading

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/5,6[AG101]
授課教師 Teacher:趙 迪
修課班級 Class:景觀系3
選課備註 Memo:
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 25 人。

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