course information of 108 - 2 | 2524 Urban Residential Issues: Living Justice in Taiwan(城市住宅問題與台灣居住正義探討)

2524 - 城市住宅問題與台灣居住正義探討 Urban Residential Issues: Living Justice in Taiwan

教育目標 Course Target

■ ※課程目標及內涵 (Course Objectives and Contents) (限1950中文字) 本課程主題為城市居住空間及台灣居住正義探討。其目標及內涵如下 第一, 理解19世紀以來城市形成歷程及居住區位選擇理論 首先, 台灣社會住宅比例偏低(不足5%), 青年及弱勢族群購屋困難(台北市房價所得比約14倍、新北市約12倍)。台灣建築系師生目前多以城市空間資源分配不公的馬克思批判視角看待社會住宅問題, 近年來若干執政者也錄續聘任批判學者擔任住宅政策要職, 但為何其問題仍不能根本解決? 我們需要多視角理解近代城市及其居住區形成原因, 審視近代工業發展歷史、各區(住宅區為主)區位形成原因, 政府主導及民間主導的住宅供應的成功與失敗經驗等等。再來,人類生活聚落中, 無論城市或鄉村, 居住空間始終佔據最重要位置。城市土地利用種類中, 居住區佔據最大面積。建築師執業的設計類型及建築系學生設計課業中, 居住區規劃設計亦佔據大部分時間。在都市計畫及建築學研究領域中,居住區及居住空間亦佔據重要地位。建築系學生有必要以宏觀視角看待城市住宅問題, 包括各國都市計畫中居住區規畫、土地供應方式、基礎設施建設、住宅型態類型、房地產市場、社會住宅發展、計畫與現實間差異等等問題, 以便在未來生涯中, 對城市社會住宅作出具體貢獻, 不僅是批判。 第二, 分析台灣都市計畫發展及其住宅政策演變 近代工業城市如何形成, 其居住區面臨哪些問題, 發達國家如何藉由都市計畫、土地供應及實質建設, 供給公共住宅, 又面臨哪些失敗經驗; 台灣自日據時期開始的都市計畫及土地重劃, 歷經國民政府遷台, 十大經濟建設, 產業外移及全球化, 台商回流及都市更新各階段, 台灣的都市發展及政策有何變化, 從早期的軍公教眷村、國民住宅到今日的社會住宅, 其政策內容及執行成果有何變化? 第三, 借鑒美國、英國、中國、香港、新家坡公共住宅建設成果 美國都市更新(Urban Renewal)基本未獲成功, 公共住宅署(HUD)目前主要負責住宅租賃及社區發展業務。英國的社會住宅(Social Housing)存量約佔整體住宅之1/4, 其成果較佳, 但倫敦周邊仍一房難求, 新鎮曾有相當成果, 但目前已淪為養老社區。中國房地產漲勢驚人, 大城市內卻有近三億流動人口聚居的城中村。香港的高房價及人均住房面積挾小的扭曲狀況, 間接引發社會不安。新家坡的組屋成果最佳, 其成供關鍵為何? 新家坡面積尚不及新北市, 其成功經驗可否於新北市複製? 第四, 台灣居住正義問題及相關房地產、都市更新、軌道交通問題 居住是基本人權, 不是商品, 這個基本觀念雖無疑異, 但是我們無法僅從分配視角看待台灣約850萬戶住宅, 因為住宅涉及土地、產權、世代、供給等諸多問題, 台灣住宅同時存在房價所得比高、自有率高、空屋率高及租金回報率低的三高一低茅盾。房屋與土地是私有產權, 不可能重新分配, 而且台灣家戶財富中,約41%來自房屋及土地, 許多中產階級最大財富來自自有房屋及土地的增值(同時也造成世代不公的問題)。社會住宅不能僅仰賴政府供給, 但是面對土地希缺、財政困難、行政效率等等問題, 目前僅台北市能提供較大量公宅(約2萬戶)。遠遠不及空間社會學者、崔媽媽基金會及無殼蝸牛聯盟等非營利團體希望目標。民間房地產力量可否引入社會住宅供給? 高空屋率現象有無改善方案? 是否都要台北市及新北市尋找公有土地建設, 還是加強軌道交通, 在遠郊及衛星城建設社會住宅? 。 ■ ※Course Objectives and Contents (limited to 1950 Chinese characters) The theme of this course is discussion of urban living space and residential justice in Taiwan. Its goals and connotations are as follows First, understand the process of urban formation and the theory of residential location selection since the 19th century First of all, the proportion of social housing in Taiwan is low (less than 5%), and it is difficult for young people and disadvantaged groups to buy houses (the price-to-income ratio is about 14 times in Taipei City and about 12 times in New Taipei City). Teachers and students in Taiwan's architecture department currently view social housing issues from a Marxist critical perspective of unfair distribution of urban space resources. In recent years, some politicians have appointed critical scholars to important positions in housing policy, but why can't the problem be fundamentally solved? We need more Perspective to understand the reasons for the formation of modern cities and their residential areas, examine the history of modern industrial development, the reasons for the formation of various districts (mainly residential areas), the success and failure experiences of government-led and private-led housing supply, etc. Next, in human settlements, whether in cities or villages, living space always occupies the most important position. Among urban land use types, residential areas occupy the largest area. Among the design types practiced by architects and the design coursework of architecture students, residential area planning and design also takes up most of the time. In the fields of urban planning and architectural research, residential areas and living spaces also occupy an important position. It is necessary for architecture students to look at urban housing issues from a macro perspective, including residential area planning, land supply methods, infrastructure construction, housing types, real estate markets, social housing development, and the differences between plans and reality in urban plans in various countries. and other issues, in order to make a concrete contribution to urban social housing in his future career, not just criticism. Second, analyze Taiwan’s urban planning development and its housing policy evolution How did modern industrial cities form? What problems did their residential areas face? How did developed countries provide public housing through urban planning, land supply, and actual construction? What failed experiences did they face? Urban planning and land development in Taiwan since the Japanese occupation period. After redistricting, through various stages including the relocation of the National Government to Taiwan, the ten major economic constructions, the relocation of industries and globalization, the return of Taiwanese businessmen, and urban renewal, Taiwan's urban development and policies have changed, from the early military, public, and educational military villages to national housing. How have the policy contents and implementation results of social housing changed today? Third, learn from the public housing construction achievements of the United States, the United Kingdom, China, Hong Kong, and Singapore Urban Renewal in the United States has largely failed, and the Public Housing Department (HUD) is currently mainly responsible for residential rental and community development. The stock of social housing in the UK accounts for about 1/4 of the total housing stock. The results are relatively good, but it is still difficult to find a house around London. New Towns once achieved considerable results, but they have now been reduced to retirement communities. China's real estate market has been growing at an alarming rate, but there are urban villages where nearly 300 million floating people live in large cities. Hong Kong’s high housing prices and small housing area per capita have distorted the situation and indirectly caused social unrest. Singapore's HDB housing has the best results, what are the keys to its success? Singapore's area is not as large as New Taipei City's, can its successful experience be replicated in New Taipei City? Fourth, Taiwan’s residential justice issues and related real estate, urban renewal, and rail transit issues Housing is a basic human right, not a commodity. Although there is no doubt about this basic concept, we cannot look at Taiwan's approximately 8.5 million housing units from a distribution perspective only, because housing involves many issues such as land, property rights, generations, supply, etc. Taiwan's housing also has housing price income Maodun has three high ratios, a high ownership rate, a high vacancy rate and a low rental return rate. Houses and land are private property rights that cannot be redistributed, and about 41% of household wealth in Taiwan comes from houses and land. The greatest wealth of many middle-class people comes from the appreciation of their own houses and land (which also creates problems of generational inequality). Social housing cannot rely solely on government supply, but in the face of land shortages, financial difficulties, administrative efficiency and other issues, currently only Taipei City can provide a relatively large number of public housing (approximately 20,000 households). Far less than what non-profit groups such as space sociologists, the Cui Mama Foundation and the Shellless Snail Alliance hope to achieve. Can private real estate forces be introduced into the supply of social housing? Is there any plan to improve the high housing rate? Should Taipei City and New Taipei City have to look for public land for construction, or should they strengthen rail transportation and build social housing in outer suburbs and satellite cities? .

參考書目 Reference Books

■※主要參考書籍/資料 (Textbooks and References) (教科書遵守智慧財產權觀念不得非法影印) (限4000字
1 Lewis Momford, 宋俊岭,倪文彥(譯),The Cite in History(城市發展史),第15-17章,中國建築工業出
2 Peter Hall, Cities of Tomorrow(明日之城), 第1-5章,同濟大學出版社, 2001
3 劉芳,城市住區空間區位決策與選擇, 中國電力出版社, 2007
4 盧偉民,大都市郊區住區的組織與發展, 東南大學出版社, 2002
5 吳良鏞,建築,城市, 人居環境大都市郊區住區的組織與發展, 東南大學出版社, 2002
6 張景森, 台灣的都市計畫(1895~1988), 業強出版社, 1993
7 林益厚, 人口與都市發展, 詹氏書局, 2004
8 林建元等, 都市計畫的新典範,中華民國都市計畫學會, 2004
9 US Community Survey 2014-2018 US Census Bureau
Housing Affordability in England and Whales:2018
10 Office for National Statistics, UK
11 2017城鄉建設統計年鑑, 中國住房及城鄉建社部, www.mohurd.gov.cn
12 99年台灣人口及住宅普查, 行政院主計處,www.sta.gov.tw
13 楊紹華等,打假球的居住正義, 今周刊1190期, 2019
14 黃麗玲,土地與住宅:住宅做為商品或社會人權?。頁381-399。發展研究與當代台灣社會。簡旭伸、王振寰主編,臺北:五南出版社。
15 黃麗玲(2011)臺灣的住宅政策、住宅問題以及住宅運動:以台北市為焦點。當代城市:問題與方法。陳映芳、水內俊雄、鄧永成、黃麗玲等著。上海古籍出版社:現代城市社會研究叢書。
16 台大土木研究所(1988)台灣的住宅政策:「國民住宅計畫」之社會學分析。台北:國立台灣大學土木工程研究所都市計劃研究室。
17 萬科企業,英國領事館文化教育處, 雙城筆記_中英解決社會住房的思想火花, 汕頭大學出版社, 2007
18 田野, 轉型期中國城市不同階層混合居住研究, 中國建築工業出版社, 2008
19 陳怡伶、黎德星,2010,〈新自由主義化、國家與住宅市場,臺灣國宅政策的演變〉,《地理學報》,第五十九期:105-131。
20 內政部,整體住宅政策(104.9.15核定版) https://goo.gl/qwF8Vw .社會住宅聯盟(2011),〈台灣社會住宅說帖〉,1-7頁。 https://goo.gl/MGrKVJ .居住NEXT goo.gl/XwzwP1 .林文郎編(1989)到有殼之路:對當前住屋政策的批判與主張。南方叢書出版社。
21 臺北市政府公共住宅資訊網http://www.housing.gov.taipei/ph/home 規劃設計議題(案例分析):《公共住宅規劃設計準則》 都市再生、都市更新和公共住宅的關係:《國家住宅及都市更新中心設置條例》等 公共住宅比例(混居)的問題:《台北市公共住宅出租辦法》
22 營建署, 住宅, www. public housing/gov.tw, 107年統計年報
23 賴宗裕 李家儂 何天河台灣地區新市鎮土地開發方式之再檢視- 以淡海新市鎮為例
24 青年的住宅問題與可能出路 Forrest, Ray and Yip, Ngai-ming (2013)Young people and housing : transitions, trajectories, and generational fractures. London ; New York : Routledge
25 黃麗玲(2017)台灣的青年貧窮化與住宅問題。頁40-59。城市治理研究(第一卷):賦權、住宅供給與居住生活保障。上海交通大學出版社。
26 民視異言堂 德國合作住宅介紹 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iM6ZHBuxq0Y

■※Main reference books/materials (Textbooks and References) (Textbooks comply with the concept of intellectual property rights and are not illegally photocopied) (limited to 4000 words
1 Lewis Momford, Song Junling, Ni Wenyan (translated), The Cite in History (urban development history), Chapter 15-17, China's construction industry
Publishing House, 2005
2 Peter Hall, Cities of Tomorrow, Chapter 1-5, Tongji University Press, 2001
3 Liu Fang, Urban Residential Area Spatial Location Decision and Selection, China Electric Power Press, 2007
4 Lu Weimin, Organization and Development of Metropolitan Suburban Residential Areas, Southeast University Press, 2002
5 Wu Liangyong, Architecture, City, Human Settlements, Organization and Development of Metropolitan Suburban Residential Areas, Southeast University Press, 2002
6 Zhang Jingsen, Urban Planning in Taiwan (1895~1988), Yeqiang Publishing House, 1993
7 Lin Yihou, Population and Urban Development, James Book Company, 2004
8 Lin Jianyuan et al., New Paradigm of Urban Planning, Urban Planning Society of the Republic of China, 2004
9 US Community Survey 2014-2018 US Census Bureau
Housing Affordability in England and Whales:2018
10 Office for National Statistics, UK
11 2017 Urban and Rural Construction Statistical Yearbook, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of China, www.mohurd.gov.cn
12 Taiwan Population and Housing Census 1999, Accounting and Accountancy Office, Executive Yuan, www.sta.gov.tw
13 Yang Shaohua et al., Residential Justice in Match-fixing, This Weekly Issue 1190, 2019
14 Huang Liling, Land and Housing: Housing as a commodity or a social human right? . Pages 381-399. Development studies and contemporary Taiwanese society. Edited by Jian Xushen and Wang Zhenhuan, Taipei: Wunan Publishing House.
15 Huang, Liling (2011) Housing policy, housing issues, and housing movements in Taiwan: Focus on Taipei City. Contemporary cities: issues and methods. Chen Yingfang, Mizuuchi Toshio, Deng Yongcheng, Huang Liling and others. Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House: Modern Urban Society Research Series.
16 Institute of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University (1988) Taiwan’s Housing Policy: A Sociological Analysis of the “National Housing Plan”. Taipei: Urban Planning Research Office, Institute of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University.
17 Vanke Enterprise, Cultural and Educational Section of the British Consulate, Two Cities Notes_The Spark of Ideas between China and the UK on Solving Social Housing, Shantou University Press, 2007
18 Tian Tian, ​​Research on Mixed Living of Different Classes in Chinese Cities during the Transformation Period, China Construction Industry Press, 2008
19 Chen Yiling and Li Dexing, 2010, "Neoliberalization, the state and the housing market, and the evolution of Taiwan's national housing policy", Acta Geographica Sinica, Issue 59: 105-131.
20 Ministry of the Interior, overall housing policy (approved version 104.9.15) https://goo.gl/qwF8Vw. Social Housing Alliance (2011), "Taiwan Social Housing Post", pp. 1-7. https://goo.gl/MGrKVJ. Live NEXT goo.gl/XwzwP1. Edited by Lin Wenlang (1989) The Road to the Shell: Criticisms and Advocates of Current Housing Policies. Southern Books Publishing House.
21 Taipei City Government Public Housing Information Website http://www.housing.gov.taipei/ph/home Planning and design issues (case analysis): "Public Housing Planning and Design Guidelines" The relationship between urban regeneration, urban renewal and public housing: " National Housing and Urban Renewal Center Establishment Regulations and other issues regarding the proportion of public housing (mixed housing): "Taipei City Public Housing Leasing Measures"
22 Building and Construction Department, Housing, www. public housing/gov.tw, 107th Annual Statistical Report
23 Lai Zongyu Li Jianong Re-examination of the land development methods of new towns in He Tianhe Taiwan area - taking Danhai New Town as an example
24 Young people’s housing problems and possible solutions Forrest, Ray and Yip, Ngai-ming (2013) Young people and housing: transitions, trajectories, and generational fractures. London; New York: Routledge
25 Huang Liling (2017) Youth Poverty and Housing Issues in Taiwan. Pages 40-59. Urban Governance Research (Volume 1): Empowerment, housing supply and housing security. Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press.
26 FTV Yiyantang Introduction to German cooperative housing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iM6ZHBuxq0Y

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學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/6,7[HT101]
授課教師 Teacher:戴雄賜
修課班級 Class:建築系3-5,碩1,2
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授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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