course information of 108 - 2 | 2468 Music Therapy Practices(音樂治療實際操作技能)

2468 - 音樂治療實際操作技能 Music Therapy Practices

教育目標 Course Target

本課程目標為初步研讀音樂治療個案案例,接著實際接觸音樂治療施行時可能面對的不同對象,包括身心障礙兒童與成人、社區日間照護中心、教育環境的融合幼兒園、、、等非營利機構社福單位,培養以音樂能力應用到社會服務的認識與人文關懷。 *同學須於修本課學期間,提出至少兩小時研究倫理相關課程的研習證明。The goal of this course is to initially study music therapy case studies, and then to have actual contact with different targets that may be faced when performing music therapy, including children and adults with disabilities, community day care centers, integrated kindergartens with educational environments, and other non-profit organizations. Welfare unit, cultivating the understanding and humanistic care of applying musical ability to social services. *Students must provide proof of at least two hours of study ethics-related courses during the course.

參考書目 Reference Books

Bruscia, K. E. (ed., 1991). Case studies in music therapy, PA: Phoenixville, Barcelona Publishers.
A1: 神經發展性-自閉症(Case 25 by Ginger Clarkson)
B1: 神經損害性-阿茲海默(Case 38 by Alicia Clair)
C1: 心理性-被遺棄情緒問題(Case 6 by Fran Herman)
A2: 神經發展性-罕見疾病(Case 3 by Tony Wigram)
B2: 神經損害性-大腦損傷青少年(Case 16 by Clive Robbins & Carol Robbins)
C2: 心理性-臨終(Case 42 by Jenny A Martin)

Bruscia, K. E. (ed., 1991). Case studies in music therapy, PA: Phoenixville, Barcelona Publishers.
A1: Neurodevelopmental-autism (Case 25 by Ginger Clarkson)
B1: Neurological damage-Alzheimer (Case 38 by Alicia Clair)
C1: Psychological-Abandonment Emotional Problems (Case 6 by Fran Herman)
A2: Neurodevelopmental-Rare Disease (Case 3 by Tony Wigram)
B2: Neurological impairment-brain-damaged adolescent (Case 16 by Clive Robbins & Carol Robbins)
C2: Psychological - End of life (Case 42 by Jenny A Martin)

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Case report(1)
Case report(2)
midterm exam
final exam

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/1,2[MU320]
授課教師 Teacher:張乃文
修課班級 Class:音樂系3,4
選課備註 Memo:第一堂請務必到課,並於課堂上開放登記加選;音樂治療學分學程必修優先選課
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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