course information of 108 - 2 | 2467 Music Learning Theory & Music Teaching Methods(音樂學習理論與各大音樂教學法)

2467 - 音樂學習理論與各大音樂教學法 Music Learning Theory & Music Teaching Methods

教育目標 Course Target

本課程旨在介紹當代各大音樂教學法之思潮與趨勢,課程內容以人類學習與發展之基本理論作為出發,探討當代五大音樂教學法的基本理念與教學方式(包含:戈登音樂教學法、奧福音樂教學法、柯大宜音樂教學法、達克羅茲音樂教學法、鈴木音樂教學法),以了解音樂學習階段以及音樂與其他相關能力之發展;課程中亦藉由體驗活動感受各大音樂教學法在實務上的應用,進而希冀培養學生設計音樂教學活動之能力。This course aims to introduce the ideological trends and trends of the major contemporary music teaching methods. The course content is based on the basic theories of human learning and development, and explores the basic concepts and teaching methods of the five major contemporary music teaching methods (including: Gordon Music Teaching Method, Ofu music teaching method, Ke Dayi music teaching method, Dacroze music teaching method, Suzuki music teaching method) to understand the stages of music learning and the development of music and other related abilities; the course also uses experiential activities to experience major music The application of teaching methods in practice hopes to cultivate students' ability to design music teaching activities.

參考書目 Reference Books

Choksy, L., Abramson, R. M., Gillespie, A. E., Woods, D., & York, F. (2001). Teaching music in the twenty-first century (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice- Hall.
Gordon, E. E. (2007). Learning sequences in music: A contemporary music learning theory. Chicago: GIA.
李茂興(譯)(1998)。音樂教育概論(原作者:Hoffer, C. R.)。臺北:揚智。(原著出版年:1993)
莊惠君(譯)(2000)。幼兒音樂學習理論(原作者:Gordon, E. E.)。臺北:心理。(原著出版年:1997)
鄭方靖 (2002)。當代四大教學法之比較與應用。高雄:復文。

Choksy, L., Abramson, R. M., Gillespie, A. E., Woods, D., & York, F. (2001). Teaching music in the twenty-first century (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice- Hall .
Gordon, E. E. (2007). Learning sequences in music: A contemporary music learning theory. Chicago: GIA.
Li Maoxing (translated) (1998). Introduction to Music Education (Original author: Hoffer, C. R.). Taipei: ALi. (Original publication year: 1993)
Zhuang Huijun (translated) (2000). Theories of early childhood music learning (original author: Gordon, E. E.). Taipei: Psychology. (Original publication year: 1997)
Zhang Chunxing (2013). Educational Psychology - Theory and Practice of Three Orientations (Revised Second Edition). Taipei: Tung Hwa.
Zheng Fangjing (2002). Comparison and application of four major contemporary teaching methods. Kaohsiung: Fuwen.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Class attendance and discussion participation
20 團隊溝通、課堂反思討論與分享。
Notes on music experience activities
20 簡要紀錄每次教師所帶領之體驗活動的方式與流程,並藉由100-200字的心得札記進行紀錄,於下次上課繳交。
Group assignment one
30 以戈登音樂學習理論進行一首樂曲分析並設計音樂教學活動 a. 每組選定一首樂曲後,以戈登音樂學習理論進行樂曲分析並設計音樂教學活動。 b. 於報告日以小組所設計的音樂教學活動進行班級音樂活動帶領。
Group work two
10 歌謠編曲-奧福樂器合奏 a. 每組選定一首樂曲後,依據課堂所介紹的奧福樂器進行編曲並以小組合奏的方式呈現。 b.同儕互評(佔5%):依據同儕互評表為其他組同學進行評量。

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/3,4[MU121]
授課教師 Teacher:劉芳妤
修課班級 Class:音樂系2-4
選課備註 Memo: 第一堂請務必到課,並於課堂上開放登記加選;音樂治療學分學程必修優先選課。與7001課程併班上課
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 14 人。

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