course information of 108 - 2 | 2462 Guitar Class (2020 spring)(吉他團體課(108下))

2462 - 吉他團體課(108下) Guitar Class (2020 spring)

教育目標 Course Target

吉他是眾多樂器中最容易攜帶且集獨奏與伴奏功能於一身之樂器,自古以來廣受人們所喜愛。在優良老師的指導下,以最小努力獲得最大收穫,學習吉他就沒有想像中那麼困難了. 本課程以十八週之時間讓學員輕鬆學會 1.吉他基礎彈奏技巧並能彈奏簡易小品 2.學習並理解基礎音樂理論 3.知曉吉他之歷史與名曲,領略西班牙吉他之美。 The guitar is the easiest to carry among many musical instruments and has both solo and accompaniment functions. It has been widely loved by people since ancient times. Under the guidance of an excellent teacher, you can get maximum results with minimum effort. Learning guitar is not as difficult as you think. This course allows students to learn easily in 18 weeks 1. Basic guitar playing skills and ability to play simple pieces 2. Learn and understand basic music theory 3. Know the history and famous songs of guitar, and appreciate the beauty of Spanish guitar.​

參考書目 Reference Books

《A Modern Approach to Classical Guitar Book 1》
(Charles Duncan著, 美國Hal Leonard Corporation 出版)
《A Modern Approach to Classical Guitar Repertoire Part 1》
(Charles Duncan著, 美國Hal Leonard Corporation 出版)

《楽學原論》(孫清吉著, 全音樂譜出版社出版)

1.《Best Guitar 100》(EMI 50999 5 22153 2 2)
2.《綺麗浪漫的西班牙風情》(黃修禮演奏/喜馬拉雅唱片, 2009)

Guitar textbook:
"A Modern Approach to Classical Guitar Book 1"
(Written by Charles Duncan, published by Hal Leonard Corporation, USA)
Guitar supplementary teaching materials:
"A Modern Approach to Classical Guitar Repertoire Part 1"
(Written by Charles Duncan, published by Hal Leonard Corporation, USA)

Music theory reference books:
"Original Theory of Pu Xue" (written by Sun Qingji, published by QuanMu Publishing House)

Supplementary teaching materials for guided listening:
1.《Best Guitar 100》(EMI 50999 5 22153 2 2)
2. "Beautiful and Romantic Spanish Style" (performed by Huang Xiuli/Himalaya Records, 2009)

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Attendance and class performance
30 學生若缺課超過五次,學期總成績即不及格
midterm exam
30 筆試與實際彈奏
final exam
30 筆試與實際彈奏
Concert experience report
10 須於期末考前繳交

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/7,8[MU128]
授課教師 Teacher:李振聲
修課班級 Class:音樂系1-4
選課備註 Memo:第一堂請務必到課,並於課堂上開放登記加選
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 29 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 29 人。

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