course information of 108 - 2 | 2363 History of Western Art(西洋美術史)

2363 - 西洋美術史 History of Western Art

教育目標 Course Target

藝術發展經過宗教改革的動盪之後,已漸出現藝術正統化的樣貌,並奠定了今日對傳統藝術認知的基礎,而其時間界定大約就是落巴洛克時期之間。因此,課程將分別介紹宗教改革時期的藝術發展、巴洛克時期的荷蘭藝術與改革後的天主教藝術世界、十七世紀的法國學院的藝術形態與專業化之型態,最後,進入到印象派之前的歐洲世界,了解當時文化現象裡的藝術類型。以此建構學生認識現代藝術發展之必要基礎。 在這種非單一線性演進的藝術史發展認知之中,可見一件作品的生成涉及到不同地區的思潮演變、歷史進路中對視覺藝術的脈絡書寫。因此,作為美術系的理論課程,課堂上也將呈現作品在解讀上的不同進路。透過其中多元的樣貌與脈落關係,進一步導引學習者從學術研究的視野中認識藝術不同時代的定義,並瞭解藝術創作在傳統典範與創新之間並非全然斷裂。 在理論實踐方面,透過觀察藝術作品和文本分析的方式來訓練自我思想的能力,以及對圖像與意涵之間關聯的敏感度,以此加深個人對視覺藝術存在價值之了解,以及個人創作內涵的層次性。After the development of art went through the turbulence of the Reformation, art orthodoxy has gradually emerged, laying the foundation for today's understanding of traditional art, and its time is roughly defined between the Baroque period. Therefore, the course will introduce the development of art during the Reformation, Dutch art in the Baroque period and the Catholic art world after the Reformation, the artistic form and professionalization of the French Academy in the seventeenth century, and finally, enter Europe before Impressionism. world and understand the art types in the cultural phenomena of that time. This builds the necessary foundation for students to understand the development of modern art. In this understanding of the development of art history that is not a single linear evolution, it can be seen that the generation of a work involves the evolution of ideological trends in different regions and the context of visual art in the historical approach. Therefore, as a theoretical course in the Art Department, different approaches to the interpretation of works will also be presented in class. Through its diverse appearance and context, it further guides learners to understand the definition of art in different eras from the perspective of academic research, and to understand that artistic creation is not completely broken between traditional models and innovation. In terms of theoretical practice, through observation of works of art and text analysis, we can train our ability to think and be sensitive to the relationship between images and meanings, thereby deepening our personal understanding of the value of visual art and personal creation. Hierarchy of connotation.

課程概述 Course Description

This course scope is divided into two parts. The first part is the history of classical Western art, focusing on chronological development, covering the range from prehistoric civilization to 19th century Impressionism. The second part focuses on modernism, with movements, factions and forms as the main categories.

參考書目 Reference Books

Nikolaus Pevsner著,陳平譯:《美術學院的歷史》,北京:商務印書館,2015。
Hugh Honour、John Fleming著,吳介禎等譯:《世界藝術史》,台北縣:木馬文化,2001(1982英)。
Giulio Carlo Argan, Maurizio Fagiolo著,曾堉,葉劉天增譯:《藝術史學的基礎》,台北:東大出版,1992。
W. Tatarkiewicz:《西洋六大美學理念史》,臺北:聯經,1989。
Rolf Toman主編,李為堯等譯:《華麗・古典:巴洛克藝術》,台北:閣林國際圖書,2013。
Rolf Toman主編:《絕世・宏偉:神聖藝術》,台北:閣林國際圖書,2014。
Cynthia Freeland著,劉依綺譯:《別鬧了,這是藝術嗎?》,台北縣,左岸,2002(2001),頁49-53。
Évelyne Bloch-Dano著,周伶芝譯:《花園的故事》,台北:時報出版,2016。
Verena von der Heyden-Rynsch著,張志成譯:《沙龍:失落的文化搖籃》,新北市:左岸,2006(1992原文)。
Benvenuto Cellini著,王憲生譯:《切里尼自傳》,台北市:信實文化行銷,2014。
E.H. Gombrich著,雨云譯:《藝術的故事》,台北:聯經,1997(1950原文)。
Arnold Hauser著,邱彰譯:《西洋社會藝術進化史》,台北:雄獅圖書,2001(1987修訂)。
Heinrich Wölfflin著,曾雅雲譯:《藝術史的原則》,台北:雄獅圖書,1987(1915原文)。
Richard Shone、John-Paul Stonard著,王聖智譯:《藝術史學的世界觀》,台北市:典藏藝術家庭,2017。
Written by Nikolaus Pevsner, translated by Chen Ping: "The History of the Academy of Fine Arts", Beijing: The Commercial Press, 2015.
Written by Hugh Honour and John Fleming, translated by Wu Jiezhen and others: "History of World Art", Taipei County: Trojan Culture, 2001 (1982 English).
Giulio Carlo Argan, Maurizio Fagiolo, translated by Zeng Yu and Ye Liutianzeng: "Basics of Art History", Taipei: Tokyo University Publishing, 1992.
W. Tatarkiewicz: "History of Six Major Western Aesthetic Concepts", Taipei: Lianjing, 1989.
Edited by Rolf Toman, translated by Li Weiyao and others: "Gorgeous Classical: Baroque Art", Taipei: Kelin International Books, 2013.
Rolf Toman, editor-in-chief: "Peerless and Magnificent: Sacred Art", Taipei: Kelin International Books, 2014.
Gao Qianhui, "Beyond Interpretation: Art Criticism Society and Modern and Contemporary Avant-Garde Art", Taipei: Collection Art Family, 2017, pp. 09-29.
Written by Cynthia Freeland, translated by Liu Yiqi: "Stop making trouble, is this art?" ", Taipei County, Left Bank, 2002 (2001), pp. 49-53.
Hua Yifen, "Rembrandt and the Bible: Dialogue between Art and Religion in the Dutch Golden Age", Taipei: Sanmin, 2008.
Written by Jin Xianggen, translated by Liu Sijia and Lin Yixuan: "Caravaggio's Aesthetics of Murder", New Taipei City: Cross-Border Culture, 2017.
Leonardo da Vinci's Collected Thoughts, translated by Peng Jiaqi, New Taipei City: Eight Banners Culture, 2016.
Written by Évelyne Bloch-Dano, translated by Zhou Lingzhi: "The Story of the Garden", Taipei: Times Publishing, 2016.
"Baudelaire on Cartoons" by Baudelaire, translated by Guo Hongan, New Taipei City: Eight Banners Culture, 2012, pp. 115-159.
Verena von der Heyden-Rynsch, translated by Zhang Zhicheng: "Salon: The Lost Cradle of Culture", New Taipei City: Left Bank, 2006 (1992 original text).
"Autobiography of Cellini" by Benvenuto Cellini, translated by Wang Xiansheng, Taipei: Reliance Culture Marketing, 2014.
E.H. Gombrich, translated by Yuyun: "The Story of Art", Taipei: Lianjing, 1997 (1950 original text).
Written by Arnold Hauser, translated by Qiu Zhang: "The Evolution of Art in Western Society", Taipei: Lion Books, 2001 (revised in 1987).
Written by Heinrich Wölfflin, translated by Zeng Yayun: "Principles of Art History", Taipei: Lion Books, 1987 (1915 original text).
Written by Richard Shone and John-Paul Stonard, translated by Wang Shengzhi: "The World View of Art History", Taipei City: Collection Art Family, 2017.
Yang Chi: "Three Hundred Years of Academic Art", Taipei: The Artist, 2018.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Midterm study report
interim report

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-2
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/8,9[M101]
授課教師 Teacher:羅頌恩
修課班級 Class:美術系1
選課備註 Memo:不開放推廣部附讀
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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