course information of 108 - 2 | 2343 Art Economy(藝術經濟)

2343 - 藝術經濟 Art Economy

教育目標 Course Target

●本課程的教學目的,透過經濟學觀點說明藝術產業在社會甚至國家經濟發展中所扮演的重要性。又身為藝術家如何在經濟活動中維持創作的自主性。 ●以經濟學模型將藝術產業價值量化,證明藝術必將為文化與經濟的新動力。 ●實作課程,提供數個藝術品虛擬拍賣,推選一位拍賣官,同學根據拍賣藝術品進行研究調查,作為心得報告。期末拍賣官將進行拍賣會。藉此提高同學對於藝術品的價值判斷能力。 ●The teaching purpose of this course is to explain the importance of the art industry in social and even national economic development from an economic perspective. And how an artist can maintain his creative autonomy in economic activities. ●Use economic models to quantify the value of the art industry, proving that art will be a new driving force for culture and economy. ●A practical course, which provides several virtual auctions of artworks and selects an auctioneer. Students conduct research and surveys based on the auctioned artworks as a report. At the end of the period the auctioneer will conduct the auction. This will improve students' ability to judge the value of artworks.

參考書目 Reference Books

藝術.文化經濟學,詹姆斯.海布倫/ 查爾斯M.蓋瑞著 典藏藝術家庭股份有限公司
文化創意產業讀本:創意管理與文化經濟,Chris Bilton著 遠流出版社出版
"Introduction to Art Economics", written by Gu Zhaogui, published by Culture and Art Press in September 2004
"When Art Meets Economics", published by Collection Press.
Art. Cultural Economics, James. Hebron/by Charles M. Gary Collectible Arts Home, Inc.
Cultural and Creative Industries Reader: Creative Management and Cultural Economy, written by Chris Bilton, published by Yuanliu Publishing House

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
40 至少點名3次。
30 每堂課程的心得,包含感想、問題等。
40 提供數件藝術品、成立鑑價專家委員會、推選拍賣官。拍賣藝術品。

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/5,6[C101]
授課教師 Teacher:林文飛
修課班級 Class:創藝院2-4 (創藝院開)
選課備註 Memo:創新科技與藝術跨域學分學程A類。通識中心3457課程雙掛
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 31 人。

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