course information of 108 - 2 | 2342 Color Planning Implementation of Animation(動漫影像中的色彩計畫實作)

2342 - 動漫影像中的色彩計畫實作 Color Planning Implementation of Animation

教育目標 Course Target

課程目標 (Course Objectives) 色彩佔有重要視覺與知覺地位,其涵蓋範圍相當廣泛,另因其又為生活中之必要元素介面,在食、衣、住、行、育、樂中均占設計重要的影響要素,包括視覺藝術、視覺傳達,乃至動漫影像到建築物與空間設計…等,均與色彩息息相關。 由於色彩計畫是科學化、系統化與專業化的色彩應用模式,針對設計對象的實際需要和條件,作為整合色彩學說和理論、配色的原理和原則及實務,作整體性的規劃和階段作業流程。期望透過本課程對於色彩的視覺原理、色彩理論以及色彩意象之分析與美學探討,除了動漫影像的色彩計畫外,也將可應用於藝術創作與設計的基礎。 ■ 課程內涵 (Course Contents) 影像色彩計畫基礎理論與探討動漫影像色彩實務應用並進的學習方式Course Objectives Color occupies an important visual and perceptual position, and its coverage is quite wide. In addition, because it is an essential element interface in life, it plays an important role in design in food, clothing, housing, transportation, education, and entertainment, including visual arts. , visual communication, and even animation images to buildings and space design... are all closely related to color. Since color planning is a scientific, systematic and professional color application model, it is an integrated planning and phased operation based on the actual needs and conditions of the design object, integrating color theory and theory, principles and principles of color matching, and practice. process. It is hoped that through this course's analysis and aesthetic discussion of the visual principles, color theory and color imagery of color, in addition to the color planning of animation images, it will also be applied to the foundation of artistic creation and design. ■ Course Contents A learning method that advances the basic theory of image color planning and explores the practical application of animation image color

課程概述 Course Description

The course focuses on basic basic color theory courses, introducing visual principles and color theory, and then applying them to the appreciation and creation of art and design.

參考書目 Reference Books

賴瓊琦 著,色彩計畫 ,北星圖書公司
卡西亞 聖 克萊兒 著,色彩的履歷書 ,本事出版
戴孟宗 著,現代色彩學:色彩理論、感知與應用,2015,全華圖書
林昆範 《色彩原論》, 2007,全華圖書本事出版
鄭國裕、林磐聳 編著,色彩計畫 ,藝風堂出版
賴瓊琦 著《設計的色彩心理》:色彩的意象與色彩文化,1997視傳文化事業有限公司。
歐秀明 編著,《應用色彩學》,1994,雄師圖書股份有限公司。
中井義雄、川崎秀昭 著《現代色彩學》,林昆範、柯凱仁譯,1999,全華圖書。
山中俊夫 著《色彩學的基礎》,黃書倩譯,2003,六合出版社。
李銘龍 編著《應用色彩學》,1994,藝風堂出版社。
大智浩 著,設計的色彩計畫,大陸書店
S. Kobayashi, 1991, Color image scale, Kodansha international, Tokyo,New York,London
S. Kobayashi, 1987, A book of Color, Kodansha international, Tokyo,New York,London
S. Kobayashi[日]小林重順, 譯者:南開大學色彩與公共藝術研究中心, 色彩心理探析COLORIST出版社:人 民美術出版社,2009,ISBN:9787102036861

瑪莉塔.史特肯、莉莎.卡萊特(Marita Sturken、Lisa Cartwright) 陳品秀、吳莉君譯,觀看的實踐:給所有影像世代的視覺文化導論(Practices of Looking: An Introduction to Visual Culture)臉譜出版社

Donald A. Norman 著,卓耀宗 譯,《設計心理學》The Psychology of Everyday Things, 2000,台北,遠流
Shaping Space著, 《設計的原動力》台北:六合
John Berger(1998)。《影像的閱讀》(劉惠媛譯)。台北市:遠流。(原著出版年:1980年)。
Gunther Kress &Theo Van Leeuwen 著;桑尼 譯《解讀影像》視覺傳達設計的基本原理(Reading Images- The grammar of Visual Design)1996,亞太圖書
李長俊 譯(1985)。藝術與視覺心理學,版4。台北市:雄獅。Arnheim,R.(1976),Art and visual perception-a psychology of the creative eye.
Written by Lai Qiongqi, Color Project, North Star Book Company
Written by Cassia St. Clair, A Resume of Color, published by Benshi
Dai Mengzong, Modern Colorology: Color Theory, Perception and Application, 2015, Quanhua Books
Lin Kunfan, "The Theory of Color", 2007, published by Quanhua Books
Compiled by Zheng Guoyu and Lin Panshu, Color Project, published by Yifengtang
Lai Qiongqi's "Color Psychology of Design": Color Imagery and Color Culture, 1997 Visual Communication Culture Co., Ltd.
Ou Xiuming, editor, "Applied Color Science", 1994, Xiongshi Book Co., Ltd.
"Modern Color Science" by Yoshio Nakai and Hideaki Kawasaki, translated by Lin Kunfan and Ke Kairen, 1999, Quanhua Books.
"Basics of Color Science" by Toshio Yamanaka, translated by Huang Shuqian, 2003, Liuhe Publishing House.
Li Minglong edited "Applied Color Science", 1994, Yifengtang Press.
Written by Dazhihao, Design Color Plan, Mainland Bookstore
S. Kobayashi, 1991, Color image scale, Kodansha international, Tokyo, New York, London
S. Kobayashi, 1987, A book of Color, Kodansha international, Tokyo, New York, London
S. Kobayashi [Japanese] Kobayashi Shigejun, Translator: Color and Public Art Research Center of Nankai University, Analysis of Color Psychology COLORIST Publisher: People's Fine Arts Publishing House, 2009, ISBN: 9787102036861

Marita. Stecken, Lisa. Marita Sturken, Lisa Cartwright, translated by Chen Pinxiu and Wu Lijun, Practices of Looking: An Introduction to Visual Culture for all image generations, Facebook Press

Written by Donald A. Norman, translated by Zhuo Yaozong, "The Psychology of Everyday Things", 2000, Taipei, Yuanliu
Shaping Space, "The Motive Force of Design" Taipei: Liuhe
John Berger(1998). "Reading of Images" (translated by Liu Huiyuan). Taipei City: Yuanliu. (Original publication year: 1980).
Written by Gunther Kress & Theo Van Leeuwen; translated by Sonny "Reading Images- The grammar of Visual Design" (Reading Images- The grammar of Visual Design) 1996, Asia Pacific Books
Wang Xiuxiong (1991). Art Psychology: Creation. The Psychology of Vision and Form, revised. Taipei City: Taipei City Museum of Art. ISBN: 957-00-0331-6.
Translated by Li Changjun (1985). Art and Visual Psychology, ed. 4. Taipei City: Lion. Arnheim, R. (1976), Art and visual perception-a psychology of the creative eye.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Homework results
50 各項指定作業與期末發表成績
usual results
50 含平時課業準備、上課態度、專題討論、出席率及上課態度列入平時成績(無故缺課達3分之一以上者扣考)。

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/7,8[FA209]
授課教師 Teacher:張惠蘭/杜建衡
修課班級 Class:共選2-4,碩(創藝院開)
選課備註 Memo:創新科技與藝術跨域學分學程B類。1.建議有色彩、設計及動畫相關基礎。2.第一堂課必到,未到者直接退選。
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