course information of 108 - 2 | 1964 Sociological imagination: Georg Simmel(齊美爾的社會學想像)

1964 - 齊美爾的社會學想像 Sociological imagination: Georg Simmel

教育目標 Course Target

課程內容依照文本分成二部分:文化與金錢。Simmel部分文本篇幅簡短意賅,但頗具啟示想像力的成分於中,因此,一方面藉著閱讀文本更貼近他的思想脈絡,另一方面則試圖與我們所處時代的空間與時間進行對照及相互辯證,以拓展思路及反身性思考。第二部分則為Simmel具有結構性著作:《貨幣哲學》的選讀,其中所選文本為金錢與性別相關內容,金錢作為最客觀且無個性的客觀媒介,連結了社會中人與人的關係,但我們曾幾何時真切地理解這由金錢編織的綿密人際網絡呢?The course content is divided into two parts according to the text: culture and money. Some of Simmel's texts are short and concise, but they contain quite inspiring and imaginative elements. Therefore, on the one hand, by reading the texts, I can get closer to his ideological context, and on the other hand, I try to compare and interact with the space and time of our era. Dialectics to expand ideas and reflexive thinking. The second part is a selection of Simmel's structural work: "Philosophy of Money", in which the selected texts are related to money and gender. As the most objective and impersonal objective medium, money connects the relationships between people in society. But when did we truly understand the intricate web of relationships woven by money?

參考書目 Reference Books

主要參考書籍/資料 (Textbooks and References) (教科書遵守智慧財產權觀念不得非法影印)
1. Georg Simmel著,劉小楓譯,2001,《金錢、性別、現代生活》。新北市:聯經出版。
2. Georg Simmel著,費勇等譯,2017,《時尚的哲學》。廣州:花城出版社。
3. Georg Simmel著,于沛沛、林毅、張琪譯,2007,《貨幣哲學》,北京:中國社會科學出版社。

Main reference books/materials (Textbooks and References) (Textbooks comply with the concept of intellectual property rights and may not be illegally copied)
1. "Money, Gender, Modern Life" by Georg Simmel, translated by Liu Xiaofeng, 2001. New Taipei City: Lianjing Publishing House.
2. "The Philosophy of Fashion", written by Georg Simmel, translated by Fei Yong et al., 2017. Guangzhou: Huacheng Publishing House.
3. Georg Simmel, translated by Yu Peipei, Lin Yi, and Zhang Qi, 2007, "Philosophy of Money", Beijing: China Social Sciences Press.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
期末報告 30%期末報告 30%
Final report 30%
29 期末需繳交一篇3000字關於本學期個人的學習心得與知識獲得,上傳至數位教學平台,切勿抄襲與遲交,規定時間內未繳交視同沒交,不予計分
每週指定文本之研讀整理 20%每週指定文本之研讀整理 20%
Study and organize the assigned texts each week 20%
20 可從所有週次課程中選擇10週有興趣的內容撰寫個人關於該週文本閱讀的500字研讀紀要及感想,需於次一週上課前上傳至數位教學平台
分組導讀 25%分組導讀 25%
Group reading 25%
25 將修課同學1至5人為一組,每組每週進行該週文本導讀及提問,簡報內容須於該週上課前一天上傳至數位教學平台
課堂參與 25%課堂參與 25%
Class participation 25%
25 課堂出席、參與以及學習表現的綜合評比。本課程將進行每週簽到,作為評分參考

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/6,7,8[SS322]
授課教師 Teacher:吳育珊
修課班級 Class:社會系2-4
選課備註 Memo:推廣部隨班附讀請獲得老師同意。
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