course information of 108 - 2 | 1958 Colonization and Resistance(殖民與反抗:日據下的台灣)

1958 - 殖民與反抗:日據下的台灣 Colonization and Resistance

教育目標 Course Target

  這門課嘗試從文學和行動者的主體狀態去理解日據時期到光復初期被殖民者的掙扎與痛苦,進而探究殖民性的構成和理解。台灣在日本帝國主義下的殖民現代性在冷戰與內戰的體制的隔代殘留問題,直接間接影響當代台灣社會的政治經濟及文化領域。因而,通過深入理解與我們不同時代人在面對歷史局勢下的感受、疑惑和選擇,以及考察他們如何思考和設想可能的出路之後,這門課的目標也在促使我們重新認識帝國主義、台灣的社會性質。這樣,我們才可能從中汲取或借鑒知識分子的精神狀態和知識狀況,以調整當下我們自己的知識學習狀況,並直面和介入當代的社會現象和殖民/後殖民相關論述之批判與討論。This course attempts to understand the struggle and pain of the colonized people from the period of Japanese occupation to the early days of liberation from the subjective status of literature and actors, and then explores the formation and understanding of coloniality. Taiwan’s colonial modernity under Japanese imperialism is a generational legacy of the Cold War and Civil War institutions, which directly and indirectly affects the political, economic, and cultural fields of contemporary Taiwanese society. Therefore, by deeply understanding the feelings, doubts and choices of people of different generations from our own when facing historical situations, and examining how they think and envision possible solutions, the goal of this course is also to prompt us to re-understand imperialism, Taiwan social nature. In this way, we can learn or draw lessons from the mental state and knowledge status of intellectuals to adjust our own current knowledge learning status, and directly face and intervene in the criticism and discussion of contemporary social phenomena and colonial/postcolonial related discourses.

參考書目 Reference Books

第二週3/10 指定閱讀材料:《陳明忠回憶錄:無悔》(節選頁1-74),人間出版社。

第三週3/17 指定閱讀:葉榮鐘,《日據下台灣政治社會運動史》(第一章),晨星出版社。

第四週3/24 傅琪貽,2015,《日本統治時期台灣原住民抗日歷史研究》,團結出版社。(節選)

第五週3/31 溫書假

第六週4/7  指定閱讀材料:佐藤春夫,〈霧社〉、〈日月潭遊記〉。

第七週4/14 葉榮鐘,《台灣人物群像》(節選),時報出版,頁210-376。

第八週4/21 《阿罩霧風雲》或《不即不離》

第九週4/28 (期中考週)

第十週5/5 鍾肇政,葉石濤主編,《一杆稱仔,光復前臺灣文學全集1》,臺北:遠景出版社。(本書各篇賴和小說)

第十一週5/12  鍾肇政,葉石濤主編,《送報伕,光復前臺灣文學全集6》,臺北:遠景出版社。(選讀〈送報伕〉、〈頑童伐鬼記〉、〈無醫村〉與〈泥娃娃〉),台北:前衛出版社。

第十二週5/19 呂赫若,《呂赫若小說全集》(上下冊),印刻出版社。(節選〈牛車〉等部分代表作)

第十三週5/26 龍瑛宗,〈植有木瓜樹的小鎮〉,《龍瑛宗全集(小說集1)》,國家台灣文學館籌備處。

第十四週6/2 鍾肇政、葉石濤主編,1979,《閹雞:光復前臺灣文學全集8》,遠景出版社。選讀〈水月〉、〈泥沼中的金鯉魚〉、〈陳大人〉。

第十五週6/9 鍾肇政、葉石濤主編,1979,《閹雞:光復前臺灣文學全集8》,遠景出版社。選讀〈奔流〉。

第十六週6/16 選讀〈夾竹桃〉、〈原鄉人〉

第十七週6/23  陳映真,《忠孝公園》,台北:洪範。

第十八週6/30  計璧瑞,2014,《被殖民者的精神印記》(第2、3章),秀威資訊。

Imperialist Colonial Modernity
Week 2 3/10 Assigned reading material: "Memoirs of Chen Mingzhong: No Regrets" (page 1-74 excerpt), Renjian Publishing House.
Extended reading: Tadao Yanaihara, "Taiwan under Japanese Imperialism" (translated by Lin Mingde), Pamir Publishing. (Chapter 1~3)

History of political and social movements in Taiwan under Japanese occupation
Week 3 3/17 Assigned reading: Ye Rongzhong, "History of Political and Social Movements in Taiwan under Japanese Occupation" (Chapter 1), Morning Star Publishing House.

Aboriginal Anti-Japanese History
Week 4 3/24 Fu Qiyi, 2015, "Research on the Anti-Japanese History of Taiwan Aboriginal People During the Japanese Rule", United Press. (Excerpt)

Week 5 3/31 Study holiday

Literature and Aboriginal Anti-Japanese History
Week 6 4/7 Assigned reading materials: Haruo Sato, "Wuzhe", "Travel to Sun Moon Lake".
Extended reading: Hideki Ozaki, "The Wushe Incident and Literature", collected in "Research on Old Colonial Literature", Taipei: Renjian Publishing House.

Group portraits of Taiwanese people
Week 7 4/14 Ye Rongzhong, "Portraits of Taiwanese Figures" (excerpt), published by The Times, pp. 210-376.

Movie viewing and discussion
Week 8, 4/21 "The Wind and Clouds of Ashawu" or "Never Separate"

Selected readings from Taiwanese novels during the Japanese occupation
Week 9 4/28 (Midterm exam week)
Specified reading materials: Shi Shu (ed.), "Selected Novels from Taiwan During the Japanese Occupation Era", Taipei: Avant-Garde Publishing House. (page 13-80)

Selected Readings from Taiwanese Novels During the Japanese Occupation: Lai He
Week 10 5/5 Zhong Zhaozheng, editor-in-chief Ye Shitao, "One Shot to Call a Boy, Complete Works of Taiwanese Literature Before the Restoration 1", Taipei: Yuanjing Publishing House. (Various Laihe novels in this book)
(Submit movie experience)

Selected Readings from Taiwanese Novels During the Japanese Occupation: Yang Kui
Week 11, 5/12 Zhong Zhaozheng, editor-in-chief Ye Shitao, "Papers, Complete Works of Taiwanese Literature Before the Restoration 6", Taipei: Yuanjing Publishing House. (Selected readings include "Newspaper Deliverer 5", "The Naughty Boy Fights Ghosts", "The Village Without Medical Care" and "Clay Dolls"), Taipei: Avant-garde Publishing House.

Selected Readings from Taiwanese Novels During the Japanese Occupation: Lu Heruo
Week 12, 5/19 Lu Heruo, "The Complete Works of Lu Heruo's Novels" (volumes 1 and 2), Seal Publishing House. (Excerpts from some representative works such as "Ox Cart")
Lu Heruo's novel "First Grader", Renjian Publishing House.

Selected Readings from Taiwanese Novels During the Japanese Occupation: Long Yingzong
Week 13, 5/26 Long Yingzong, "A Town with Papaya Trees", "The Complete Works of Long Yingzong (Novel Collection 1)", National Taiwan Literature Museum Preparatory Office.

Selected Readings from Taiwanese Novels During the Japanese Occupation: Wu Zhuoliu
Week 14 6/2 Edited by Zhong Zhaozheng and Ye Shitao, 1979, "Capon: Complete Works of Taiwanese Literature Before the Restoration 8", Yuanjing Publishing House. Select readings from "Water Moon", "Golden Carp in the Mire", and "Master Chen".

Taiwanese Literature during the War Mobilization Period: Wang Changxiong
Week 15 6/9 Edited by Zhong Zhaozheng and Ye Shitao, 1979, "Capon: Complete Works of Taiwanese Literature Before the Restoration 8", Yuanjing Publishing House. Select reading "Running".

Selected Readings from Taiwanese Novels During the Japanese Occupation: Zhong Lihe
Week 16 6/16 Selected readings "Oleander" and "Oleander"

Former Taiwanese Japanese soldier
Week 17 6/23 Chen Yingzhen, "Zhongxiao Park", Taipei: Hong Fan.

Colonial Scars
Week 18 6/30 Ji Birui, 2014, "The Spiritual Imprint of the Colonized People" (Chapter 2, 3), Xiuwei Information.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
A movie review
30 一千字
Serve as introduction or response once
30 一千字
Final oral and written reports
40 三千字以內

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學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/6,7[C221]
授課教師 Teacher:鍾有良
修課班級 Class:社會系2-4
選課備註 Memo:推廣部隨班附讀請獲得老師同意。
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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