course information of 108 - 2 | 1950 Seminar on Sociology Graduate Career(相思林職涯講座)

1950 - 相思林職涯講座 Seminar on Sociology Graduate Career

教育目標 Course Target

外界對社會系畢業生有刻版印象,如無所不能:因沒有專長,只能考公務員或拉保險;或只會批判社會、上街頭。 這些刻版印象都有道理,但只是社會系畢業生眾多樣貌中的少數幾種,而且這也是眾多學科都有的少數樣貌。造成誤解的原因,主要來自社會學(系)的三個特性: 1. 社會學領域的多樣性:社會學有不同的次領域,多數社會學者只專長少數次領域,故社會系學生的職涯規劃通常受到該系師資專長和課程特色的影響,而往如人力資源管理、健康照護服務、文創事業、社會企業、非營利事業、社會倡議或公教人員等特定方向尋找出路。 2. 核心訓練的基礎性:社會學的核心訓練著重觀察、分析、論述、溝通和批判思考的能力,這類基礎能力沒有明確對應的職場選項,但卻是提升其他專業能力的重要條件,且因升學主義和技職取向而缺乏訓練,因而有無所不能卻無所專精的矛盾印象。 3. 社會學知識的泛用性:社會學知識主要涉及人的社會性,這種知識是許多無特殊門檻且與人有關之行業和職業要求的基本素養。所以社會學是社會行政類公務員考試的必考科目;許多科技公司也開始招募社會學、人類學等人文社會科領域畢業生。 理解社會系畢業後可以做什麼,最好的方式就是看社會系學生畢業後做些什麼。 The outside world has a stereotyped impression of sociology graduates, such as being omnipotent: because they have no expertise, they can only take civil service exams or work for insurance companies; or they can only criticize society and go to the streets. These stereotypes are reasonable, but they are only a few of the many appearances of sociology graduates, and they are also a few appearances that are common in many disciplines. The reasons for the misunderstanding mainly come from the three characteristics of sociology (department): 1. Diversity in the field of sociology: Sociology has different sub-fields, and most sociologists only specialize in a few sub-fields. Therefore, the career planning of sociology students is usually affected by the faculty expertise and course characteristics of the department, such as human resources. Find a way out in specific directions such as resource management, health care services, cultural and creative undertakings, social enterprises, non-profit undertakings, social initiatives or public education personnel. 2. The basic nature of core training: The core training of sociology focuses on the abilities of observation, analysis, discussion, communication and critical thinking. These basic abilities have no clear corresponding workplace options, but they are an important condition for improving other professional abilities, and Due to the lack of training due to academic pursuits and technical vocational orientation, there is a contradictory impression that they can do everything but specialize in nothing. 3. Universality of sociological knowledge: Sociological knowledge mainly involves human sociality. This kind of knowledge is a basic quality required by many industries and occupations that have no special threshold and are related to people. Therefore, sociology is a required subject in the civil service examination for social administration; many technology companies have also begun to recruit graduates in sociology, anthropology and other humanities and social science fields. The best way to understand what you can do after graduating from the sociology department is to see what sociology students do after graduation.

參考書目 Reference Books

You Can Do Anything: The Surprising Power of a “Useless” Liberal Arts Education
作者: George Anders
譯者: 李宛蓉
The counterattack of the humanities: graduates from “useless” majors gain success in the workplace
You Can Do Anything: The Surprising Power of a “Useless” Liberal Arts Education
Author: George Anders
Translator: Li Wanrong
Publisher: Times Publishing
Publication date: 2019/03/12

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/11,12[SS108]
授課教師 Teacher:許甘霖
修課班級 Class:社會系1-4
選課備註 Memo:推廣部隨班附讀請獲得老師同意。
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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