course information of 108 - 2 | 1947 Agro-biotechnology and Society(農業生物科技與社會)

1947 - 農業生物科技與社會 Agro-biotechnology and Society

教育目標 Course Target

大家都聽過「生物科技」這個名詞,但生物科技是什麼? 為什麼生物科技被認為是繼資訊科技(information technology)之後,另一項能對人類社會產生巨大影響的科技? 若是如此,我們要如何解讀這個新興科技? 如何理解生物科技對人類社會在醫藥、農業、環境、文化、道德、倫理等方面已經造成的深刻影響及轉變? 最重要的是,我們要如何管制這個爭議性極高的科技? 面對這個據稱能帶來人類希望與毀滅的科學技術,我們要如何抉擇? 在「農業生物科技與社會」這門課中,我們要試圖探討這些問題。同學們不用擔心深奧複雜的分子生物學與遺傳學知識,我們學習的重點在於掌握不同生物科技應用的方式及範疇,理解這些應用對人類社會與環境的可能影響;深入思考生物科技的利與弊,認識科技與社會之間相互糾纏的關係;並反省「誰在操控科技?誰能管制科技?」這些意義深遠的課題。Everyone has heard the term "biotechnology", but what is biotechnology? Why is biotechnology considered to be another technology that can have a huge impact on human society after information technology? If so, we must How to interpret this emerging technology? How to understand the profound impact and changes that biotechnology has had on human society in medicine, agriculture, environment, culture, morality, ethics, etc.? Most importantly, how do we control this highly controversial technology? Technology? Faced with this science and technology that is said to bring hope and destruction to mankind, how should we choose? In the course "Agricultural Biotechnology and Society", we will try to explore these issues. Students do not need to worry about the profound and complex knowledge of molecular biology and genetics. The focus of our learning is to master the methods and scope of different biotechnology applications, understand the possible impact of these applications on human society and the environment; and think deeply about the pros and cons of biotechnology. , understand the intertwined relationship between technology and society; and reflect on these far-reaching issues: "Who is controlling technology? Who can control technology?"

參考書目 Reference Books

僅供參考: 正式書單開學公布
* Martineau, Belinda著、楊玉齡譯,2002,《蕃茄一號: 全球第一個上市基改食品「莎弗蕃茄」的起與落》。台北: 遠流。(Martineau, Belinda, 2001, First Fruit: The Creation of the Flavr Savr™ Tomato and the Birth of Biotech Food. New York: McGraw-Hill.)
* Tagiaferro, Linda and Mark V. Bloom著,2001,《看基因在說話》。台北,凱信。(Tagiaferro, Linda and Mark V. Bloom, 1999, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Decoding Your Gene. New York: Alpha Books.)
* Smith, Jeffrey M.著、張木屯譯,2012,《欺騙的種子:揭開政府不想面對、企業不讓你知道的基因改造滅種黑幕》。台北市: 臉譜。(Smith, Jeffrey M, 2003, Seeds of Deception: Exposing Industry and Government Lies About the Safety of the Genetically Engineered Foods You’re Eating. Fairfield, IA : Yes Books.)

For reference only: Official textbook list announced for the start of school
* Martineau, Belinda, translated by Yang Yuling, 2002, "Tomato No. 1: The Rise and Fall of the World's First Marketed Genetically Modified Food "Safer Tomato". Taipei: Yuanliu. (Martineau, Belinda, 2001, First Fruit: The Creation of the Flavr Savr™ Tomato and the Birth of Biotech Food. New York: McGraw-Hill.)
*Tagiaferro, Linda and Mark V. Bloom, 2001, "Watching Genes Speak." Taipei, Kaixin. (Tagiaferro, Linda and Mark V. Bloom, 1999, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Decoding Your Gene. New York: Alpha Books.)
* Smith, Jeffrey M., translated by Zhang Mutun, 2012, "Seeds of Deception: Uncovering the shady story of genetically modified genocide that governments don't want to face and companies don't let you know." Taipei City: Facebook. (Smith, Jeffrey M, 2003, Seeds of Deception: Exposing Industry and Government Lies About the Safety of the Genetically Engineered Foods You’re Eating. Fairfield, IA: Yes Books.)

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Attendance, quizzes and class participation
小組導讀 小組導讀
Group reading
Final report (including oral report)

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/6,7,8[SS322]
授課教師 Teacher:陳正慧
修課班級 Class:社會系1-4
選課備註 Memo:推廣部隨班附讀請獲得老師同意。
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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