course information of 108 - 2 | 1945 Visual Culture Studies(視覺文化研究)

1945 - 視覺文化研究 Visual Culture Studies

教育目標 Course Target

(此課程大綱為暫訂版本,以開學時第一堂課提供的版本為準) 「視覺」在當代文化中可謂最重要的感官範疇,媒體與資訊科技的高度發達,讓視覺文化達到歷史的顛峰,強烈衝撞人類視覺經驗的極限,深刻影響了現代生活。視覺文化研究自二十世紀八O年代起逐漸成為跨領域的熱門研究學科,無論是文化研究、藝術學、精神分析及各人文社會科學皆熱衷探索視覺的相關議題。本課程定位在引發文化觀察的興趣,以及啟迪人文科學觀看的方式與視野。除了帶領學生耕讀著名的視覺研究經典文獻之外,也設計與當代視覺文化相關的社會議題,於課堂一併討論,讓學生運用、檢討理論,以反思當代日常生活的視覺內容,並掌握視覺文化的全球化發展現況與趨勢,具體培養視覺文化的分析評述能力。 (This course syllabus is a tentative version, subject to the version provided in the first class at the beginning of the semester) "Vision" can be said to be the most important sensory category in contemporary culture. The highly developed media and information technology have brought visual culture to a historical peak, strongly colliding with the limits of human visual experience, and profoundly affecting modern life. Visual culture studies has gradually become a popular cross-field research discipline since the 1980s. Cultural studies, art studies, psychoanalysis, and various humanities and social sciences are all keen to explore visual-related issues. This course is positioned to arouse interest in cultural observation and enlighten the way and vision of humanities observation. In addition to leading students to read famous visual research classics, we also design social issues related to contemporary visual culture and discuss them in class, allowing students to apply and review theories to reflect on the visual content of contemporary daily life and master visual culture. The current status and trends of globalization development, and specifically cultivate the ability to analyze and comment on visual culture.

參考書目 Reference Books

1.John Berger, 1972, Ways of Seeing. London: Penguin Books. (中譯本:約翰‧伯格著,吳莉君譯,1995/2010,《觀看的方式》。臺北:麥田。
2.華特‧班雅明(Walter, Benjamin)著,許綺玲譯,1998,《迎向靈光消逝的年代》。臺北:臺灣攝影工作室。
3.Roland, Barthes, 1957, 著,許薔薔、許綺玲譯,1997,《神話學》。臺北:桂冠。
6.Susan ,Sontag(蘇珊‧桑塔格)著,2004,陳耀成譯。《旁觀他人之痛苦》。臺北市:麥田。
7.Nicholas, Mirzoeff,著,陳芸芸譯,2012,《視覺文化面觀》。臺北:韋伯文化。
9.Marita, Sturken and Lisa, Cartwright, 2001, Practices of Looking: An Introduction to Visual Culture. Oxford : Oxford University Press.(中譯本:陳品秀譯,2009,《觀看的實踐:給所有影像世代的視覺文化導論》。臺北︰臉譜)。

1. John Berger, 1972, Ways of Seeing. London: Penguin Books. (Chinese translation: written by John Berger, translated by Wu Lijun, 1995/2010, "Ways of Seeing". Taipei: Wheatfield.
2. "Toward the Era of the Fading Aura" by Walter Benjamin, translated by Xu Qiling, 1998. Taipei: Taiwan Photography Studio.
3.Roland, Barthes, 1957, translated by Xu Qiangqiang and Xu Qiling, 1997, "Mythology". Taipei: Laurel.
4. "Empire of Signs" by Roland Barthes, translated by Jiang Hao, 2014. Taipei: Wheatfield Publishing House.
5. "On Photography" by Susan Songda, translated by Huang Handi, 1997. Taipei: Tangshan Publishing House.
6. Susan Sontag (Susan Sontag), 2004, translated by Chen Yaocheng. "Watching the Pain of Others." Taipei City: Wheatfield.
7. Nicholas, Mirzoeff, translated by Chen Yunyun, 2012, "Aspects of Visual Culture". Taipei: Weber Culture.
8. Chief editor Chen Yongguo, 2009, "Visual Culture Research Reader". Beijing: Peking University Press.
9.Marita, Sturken and Lisa, Cartwright, 2001, Practices of Looking: An Introduction to Visual Culture. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 》. Taipei: Facebook).

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exam
40 申論題考試
期末口頭與書面報告 (將執行組內成員互評表)期末口頭與書面報告 (將執行組內成員互評表)
Oral and written reports at the end of the term (mutual evaluation form among team members will be implemented)
40 各組須於學期末繳交一份報告,字數至少5,000字,並且製作PPT,於期末上臺報告。報告主題需與視覺文化相關。第八週04/06先繳交報告計畫書,十七、十八週上臺報告,每組報告時間15分鐘,各組並需相互評論,不可缺席。紙本書面報告最晚於06/15(一)繳交,修訂版電子檔截止日期為06/17(三)下午五點。請上傳至東海新版教學平台,收件平台將準時關閉。 *各組成員需填寫組內互評表,06/15(一)23:00前上傳檔案至東海新版教學平台,教師將參考互評表來評定每個人的期末報告分數。沒繳者視為棄權。
Personal visual culture assignment
20 本學期兩次電影欣賞,請各自撰寫一份作業:1.〈虛擬偶像〉影評; 2.〈達文西密碼〉電影之符號學作業:請挑選任三個品牌商標或是任三項文化符號,考察其典故及其在現代的應用。每篇佔學期總分十分,共計二十分。請於05/11&06/08前於課堂上繳交作業紙本,每篇至少一千字,無須電子檔。

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/6,7,8[C221]
授課教師 Teacher:洪儀真
修課班級 Class:社會系1,2
選課備註 Memo:推廣部隨班附讀請獲得老師同意。
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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