course information of 108 - 2 | 1944 The Critique of Power(權力的批判)

1944 - 權力的批判 The Critique of Power

教育目標 Course Target

【本課程大綱為暫定版本,最終版本請以授課教師於課堂發放的紙本為準】   如何設想與批判現代社會的權力運作和支配統治?個體在社會中的生存狀態為何?為何「社會性」的層次會在過往理論思想中被忽略?此為現代社會學理論的核心議題與重要關懷。在本學期的課程中,我們將透過法蘭克福學派第三代學者霍耐特(Axel Honneth,1949-)的著作來管窺與思辨之。   本次課程的選讀著作為霍耐特的《權力的批判:批判社會理論反思的幾個階段》(Kritik der Macht: Reflexionsstufen einer kritischen Gesellschaftstheorie)(1985)。本書定調了他對批判理論過往學說的看法,也為他下一本代表作《為承認而鬥爭》奠基。全書共九章,前六章為霍耐特的博士論文,出版時新增後三章關於哈貝馬斯的討論。這本書旨在分析和反思早期批判理論的核心論題,並將福柯(Michel Foucault)的權力理論與哈貝馬斯(Jürgen Habermas)的溝通行動理論視為延續與修正的重要開展。書中分成兩部分:第一部分(第1-3章),處理法蘭克福學派初代學者們確立的研究主題,及其未盡疑難;第二部分,梳理福柯(第4-6章)與哈貝馬斯(第7-9章)的理論學說。我們擬用一學期來通讀此書,由於它預設了對多位社會理論學者之重要著作的了解,讀來並不輕鬆,請欲選修的同學們做好準備。[This course syllabus is a tentative version, please refer to the paper version issued by the instructor in class for the final version] How to conceive and criticize the operation of power and dominance in modern society? What is the living status of individuals in society? Why has the level of "sociality" been ignored in previous theoretical thinking? This is the core issue and important concern of modern sociological theory. In this semester's course, we will explore and speculate on it through the works of Axel Honneth (1949-), the third generation scholar of the Frankfurt School. The selected reading for this course is Honneth's "Kritik der Macht: Reflexionsstufen einer kritischen Gesellschaftstheorie" (1985). This book set the tone for his views on past critical theory doctrines and laid the foundation for his next masterpiece, The Struggle for Recognition. The book consists of nine chapters. The first six chapters are Honneth's doctoral thesis. When it was published, the last three chapters were added to discuss Habermas. This book aims to analyze and reflect on the core themes of early critical theory, and regards Michel Foucault's power theory and Jürgen Habermas's communicative action theory as important developments in continuation and revision. The book is divided into two parts: the first part (Chapters 1-3) deals with the research themes established by the first generation of Frankfurt School scholars and their unanswered questions; the second part combs through Foucault (Chapters 4-6) and Habe Maas's (Chapter 7-9) theoretical doctrine. We plan to read this book in one semester. Because it presupposes an understanding of the important works of many social theory scholars, it is not an easy read. Students who want to take electives should be prepared.

參考書目 Reference Books

Honneth, Axel(阿克塞爾.霍耐特)著,童建挺譯:《權力的批判:批判社會理論反思的幾個階段》。上海:上海人民出版社,2012。
Honneth, Axel, translated by Tong Jianting: "The Critique of Power: Several Stages of Reflection on Critical Social Theory". Shanghai: Shanghai People's Publishing House, 2012.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
研讀心得 (Issue memo)研讀心得 (Issue memo)
Study experience (Issue memo)
45 此為個人作業。請針對《權力的批判:批判社會理論反思的幾個階段》撰寫研讀心得。全書共九章,每三章為一個共同主題,故需要撰寫3篇。每篇研讀心得的字數約2000字。繳交時間為4/21、5/26、6/23,詳見課程大綱第3-4頁。請於預定日期的課堂上,繳交紙本給授課教師。撰寫內容務必包含以下兩部份,缺一不可: 1.文本主旨闡釋;2.讀後心得,或提問。
Final report
35 此為個人作業。由授課教師出題,同學回家作答。請於第18週的課堂上(6/30),繳交紙本報告給授課教師。
class participation
20 此為個人成績。依據出席狀況和參與討論予以評分。

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/2,3,4[SS212]
授課教師 Teacher:王美淳
修課班級 Class:社會系1-4
選課備註 Memo:推廣部隨班附讀請獲得老師同意。
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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