course information of 108 - 2 | 1823 Sports and Politics(運動與政治學)

1823 - 運動與政治學 Sports and Politics

教育目標 Course Target

本課程藉由生活化的運動,針對「政治學」相關議題進行初探,並提升學生對於政治學相關議題的興趣與認識。This course uses life-oriented sports to conduct a preliminary exploration of issues related to "political science" and enhance students' interest and understanding of issues related to political science.

參考書目 Reference Books

Joseph Maguire、Gramt Jarive、Louise Mansfield、Joe Bradley , 黃東治、邱金松/總校譯,2008,《運動世界的社會學》(Sport Worlds - A sociological perspective),台北:學富文化
Howard L. Nixon II,James H. Frey,王宗吉譯,2004,《運動社會學》,(A Sociology of Sport),台北:洪葉文化
Andrew Zimbalist & Stefan Szymanski ,2008,《瘋足球,迷棒球:職業運動經濟學》(National Pastime: How Americans Play Baseball and the Rest of the World Plays Soccer),台北:時報出版
陳金盈、徐耀輝、趙中麒、張孝銘、吳崇旗、劉照金等(譯)(2003)。《運動政治學—運動、政策與政治》。台北市:風雲論壇。(Barrie Houlihan,2001)
曼瑟爾•奧爾森,陳郁 等譯,2010,《集體行動的邏輯》,上海:上海人民出版社。
黃成志、蔡守浦(2002)。台灣日據前期棒球史中運動文化的塑造 一個體育社會學的觀察視角。大專體育,(61),122
翁嘉銘(1992)。棒球的美麗與哀愁 民心變遷下的台灣棒球史。中國論壇,32(12),27-31。

Joseph Maguire, Gramt Jarive, Louise Mansfield, Joe Bradley, translated by Huang Dongzhi and Qiu Jinsong/Chief Editor, 2008, "Sport Worlds - A sociological perspective", Taipei: Xuefu Culture
Howard L. Nixon II, James H. Frey, translated by Wang Zongji, 2004, "A Sociology of Sport", Taipei: Hongye Culture
Andrew Zimbalist & Stefan Szymanski, 2008, National Pastime: How Americans Play Baseball and the Rest of the World Plays Soccer, Taipei: Times Publishing
Chen Jinying, Xu Yaohui, Zhao Zhongqi, Zhang Xiaoming, Wu Chongqi, Liu Zhaojin, etc. (translated) (2003). "Movement Politics - Movements, Policy and Politics". Taipei City: Fengyun Forum. (Barrie Houlihan,2001)
Gerrard et al., 2010, "Understanding World Football in One Book", Taipei: Haodu Publishing House.
Mancur Olson, translated by Chen Yu et al., 2010, "The Logic of Collective Action", Shanghai: Shanghai People's Publishing House.
You, Liyuan (2008). Globalization of movement: the dialectical relationship between deterritorialization and reterritorialization. Unpublished master's thesis, National Sun Yat-sen University, Taipei.
Lin, Qiwen (1995). The connection between sports and political power - Interpretation of the development history of baseball in post-war Taiwan. Unpublished master's thesis, National Taiwan University, Taipei.
Lin Guan Nian (2010). One Hundred Years of Solitude-A political and economic analysis of the development of baseball in Taiwan. Unpublished master's thesis, Soochow University, Taipei.
Huang Chengzhi, Cai Shoupu (2002). The shaping of sports culture in Taiwan’s baseball history during the early days of Japanese colonial rule: an observation perspective from sports sociology. College Sports, (61), 122
Liang Shuling (1993). Social development, power, and the formation of sports culture—A social, historical, and cultural analysis of Taiwanese baseball (1895-1990). Unpublished master's thesis, National Chengchi University, Taipei.
Ong, Jiaming (1992). The Beauty and Sorrow of Baseball: The History of Taiwanese Baseball Under the Changing People's Heart. China Forum, 32(12), 27-31.
Zhong Junmin, Chen Zhiyu, 2006, "Sports" and "Globalization", College Sports, Issue 82, 135-140.
Zhong Junmin, 2006, Taiwan Baseball, National Identity and Japanese Colonialism (1895-1945), National Institute of Physical Education Series, Volume 17, Issue 4, 1-10.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exam
Final exam or final report
Class participation and attendance
20 缺席一次扣抵學期分數一分。依據系務會議決議,第一節課未出席者,強制退選。

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/9,10[SS102]
授課教師 Teacher:蔡育軒
修課班級 Class:政治系1-4
選課備註 Memo:
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 88 人。

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