course information of 108 - 2 | 1349 Application and Practice of Financial Technology: implementation(金融科技應用與實務實作)

1349 - 金融科技應用與實務實作 Application and Practice of Financial Technology: implementation

教育目標 Course Target

【課程目標】: 研習金融科技。將金融、資訊,運營、管理各種科學的綜合應用。 【課程說明】:數位科技的浪潮席捲全球,「金融科技」是近年來全球金融業最關注議題。當前全球金融業、科技業正在如火如荼競向發展金融科技的應用。 本課程將由老師介紹理論基礎,並自學期第三周起,進行金融科技專題分組,在老師整個學期指導下,進行專題方向擬定、金融服務商業模式設計,科技導入,效益評估,書面以及口頭報告。並視學生專案方向,邀請相關實務界企業領袖與菁英演講,與學生交流互動,加深學習效果。 藉此課程能讓學生具備金融領域(Financial Domain)知識、科技創新(Technology Innovation) 思維、商務發展(Business Models) 趨勢、與風險管理 (Risk Management)。能夠掌握當前國際金融科技最新之實務脈動,分析並預測未來可能發展。 [Course Objectives]: Study financial technology. Comprehensive application of various sciences in finance, information, operations, and management. [Course Description]: The wave of digital technology is sweeping the world, and "financial technology" has become the most concerned topic in the global financial industry in recent years. At present, the global financial industry and technology industry are in full swing to develop the application of financial technology. In this course, the teacher will introduce the theoretical basis, and starting from the third week of the semester, financial technology topics will be grouped. Under the guidance of the teacher throughout the semester, the topic direction will be formulated, financial services business model design, technology introduction, benefit evaluation, written and oral reports. . Depending on the direction of student projects, relevant business leaders and elites from the practical field will be invited to give speeches to communicate and interact with students to deepen the learning effect. This course enables students to acquire financial domain knowledge, technology innovation thinking, business development (Business Models) trends, and risk management (Risk Management). Ability to grasp the latest practical pulse of current international financial technology and analyze and predict possible future developments.

參考書目 Reference Books

1.金融科技基礎與應用, 作者:翁禮祺, 雙葉出版社, 2019

1. Basics and Applications of Financial Technology, author: Weng Liqi, Shuangye Publishing House, 2019
2. "White Paper on Financial Technology Development Strategy", Financial Supervision and Administration Commission, 2016.05,

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
course participation
Daily homework
Midterm written report
Final written report
Final group presentation

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選修-6022 Application and Practice of Financial Technology: implementation / 金融科技應用與實務實作 (財金系3,4,碩,授課教師:高惠娟/翁禮祺,四/10[M146])

Course Information


學分 Credit:0-1
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/10[M146]
授課教師 Teacher:高惠娟/翁禮祺
修課班級 Class:國貿系3,4
選課備註 Memo:本課程為深碗型課程,需同時修習1348「金融科技應用與實務」。財金系6022課程併班上課
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 24 人。

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