course information of 108 - 2 | 1335 Corporate Public Relations(企業公共關係)

1335 - 企業公共關係 Corporate Public Relations

教育目標 Course Target

公共關係原文是publish relations,為行銷課程4Ps中推廣元素中一環,簡稱P.R.,由於在政府及企業對公共關係的重視,也有將P.R.稱為4Ps中再加上一個P成為5Ps,可見受重視的程度,本課程以個案為主,配合理論為輔,教導學生如何以溝通的公關手段達成行銷目的方法,是一門輕鬆卻可學習到許多實務的課程。 本課程十一講次內容:有公共關係概念、媒體關係、企業財務關係及企業形象(CI)塑造、組織內部公共關係,加上社區及國會遊說(Lobbying)、企業贊助研究、事件行銷規劃、危機衝突管理及有關輔助性公共關係活動等,是一門以實例教學生動有趣。The original text of public relations is publish relations. It is one of the promotion elements in the 4Ps of marketing courses. It is referred to as P.R.. Due to the emphasis on public relations by governments and enterprises, P.R. is also called 4Ps and adding a P to it becomes 5Ps. It shows that it is valued. This course is based on case studies, supplemented by theory, and teaches students how to use communication and public relations methods to achieve marketing goals. It is a relaxed course that can learn a lot of practical things. The eleven lecture contents of this course include: public relations concepts, media relations, corporate financial relations and corporate image (CI) building, internal public relations of the organization, plus community and congressional lobbying (Lobbying), corporate sponsorship research, event marketing planning, Crisis conflict management and related auxiliary public relations activities are a lively and interesting course taught with examples.

課程概述 Course Description

企業公共關係原文是Corporate publish relations,為行銷課程4Ps中推廣元素中一環,簡稱P.R.,由於在政府及企業對公共關係的重視,也有將P.R.稱為4Ps中再加上一個P成為5Ps,可見受重視的程度,本課程以個案為主,配合理論為輔,教導學生如何以溝通的公關手段達成行銷目的方法,是一門輕鬆卻可學習到許多實務的課程。
The original text of corporate public relations is Corporate publish relations. It is one of the promotion elements in the 4Ps of marketing courses. It is referred to as P.R.. Due to the emphasis on public relations by the government and enterprises, P.R. is also called 4Ps with a P added to become 5Ps. It can be seen that it is influenced by In terms of emphasis, this course focuses on case studies, supplemented by theory, and teaches students how to use communication and public relations methods to achieve marketing goals. It is a relaxed course that can learn a lot of practical things.

參考書目 Reference Books

Teacher Wang Youmin’s lecture notes on public relations ppt.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
期中考 期末考 出席成績期中考 期末考 出席成績
Midterm exam Final exam Attendance score
100 出席及課堂討論20%

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/5,6,7[M143]
授課教師 Teacher:王友民
修課班級 Class:國貿系2-4
選課備註 Memo:欲加選者,第1週出席,優先選課。
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 69 人。

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